你可以在這裡的全海景雅座,品嚐他們馳名的翠塘西施蟹。 繼續閱讀
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17:00 - 22:00
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沙拉牛排 翠塘西施蟹
食評 (18)
今日係男朋友既生日,經過尋日既慶祝活動之後,大家都懷著一個開心既心情入嚟南丫島過一個平靜既正日生日,本身打算去大興食,見佢食評好好但可惜嚟到無開,聽街坊講佢地已經係半退休,唔接新客了!咁唯有是但搵間去試下啦!誤打誤撞之下,我地就嚟咗呢間南江!可能因為平日既關係,呢度都無乜人,有既都係老闆娘既朋友....我地今晚主打想食蟹,但又怕套餐既蟹太細隻,所以問咗老闆娘可唔可以加錢轉大隻蟹,最後加咗$150 將蟹加大,我地點咗椒鹽瀨尿蝦、避風塘炒蟹、辣酒煮花螺、豉汁蒸魚同埋燒乳鴿,D餸一碟一碟咁送嚟我地就開始累積不滿既情緒了!燒乳鴿 - 佢有兩個價錢,BB鴿 $45,大鴿 $60,我地之前去大圍都係食BB鴿,所以今次就叫咗大鴿嚟食,但點知嚟到個SIZE係等於大圍既BB鴿,皮唔夠脆,一般椒鹽瀨尿蝦 - 味道一般,有一兩隻肉梅,但尚可接受豉汁蒸魚 - 條魚蒸得好老,對於一間專門食海鮮既酒家嚟講真係唔可以接受辣酒煮花螺 - 無乜味,完全唔辣,太細碟,只得10粒好似手指頭咁大既花螺避風塘炒蟹 - 加咗 $150 都係比咗細 SIZE我,完全唔係之前佢拎出嚟嗰隻咁大,仲同我講話咩海鮮都會縮水,蒸魚都會縮咁話 真係咁都講得出!!!!!! 我都唔想再同佢講野,再講落去真係火都嚟!最後見佢碟碟都細碟,我地叫多咗碟椒鹽鮮魷食,呢味係哥哥仔推介既,成餐飯佢都招呼週到,所以信佢推介,佢果然無介紹錯,呢味餸真係成餐飯既精髓!GOOD!!! (不過可惜食到呢個時候已經成肚氣,唔記得咗影相)整體嚟講,呢度既食物真係唔值呢個價錢 (呢餐盛惠 $776),水準低於茶餐廳都不在話下,最唔鐘意就係做生意唔老實,加錢唔緊要,最緊要係要老老實實講好咗比咩人就比咩人,做生意真係唔係咁做呢!其實呢個價錢真係可以食到好多好野了....今次呢餐真係令我對南丫島海鮮大打折扣,短期內都真係怕怕呢! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2011-02-14
556 瀏覽
以後都唔會再去呢度飲茶...野食唔係特別好, 又唔係特別平, 服務又唔係好...有人叫我再去都要諗清楚...1. 食物求求其其 - d 野食唔新鮮又唔好味2. 衛生差 - 碗筷食具有好大陣漂白水味1. 態度差 - d 阿姐十問九唔應, 有時仲俾面色你睇5. 埋單計錯數, 爭d 俾佢收貴錢 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-11-26
560 瀏覽
We did our little walk on Lamma, but this time starting from the South and ending up at Yung Shue Wan. We settled for a few pre-dinner drinks at a nearby bar, then mulled on the options for seafood in this part of the island. After a quick glance on Openrice, we went for Lancombe only because it was 3rd down the rank of seafood restaurants, the 1st and 2nd being closed when we walked past to check. We were a bit hesitant about the super bright fluorescent lights which someone worried might have blinded us (are goggles served on the side?), but nobody got burnt at the end of the meal.The menu is extensive, and there are many choices for non-seafood dishes. But sticking to our plan we went to the front of the shop to check out the daily catch. Unfortunately, I didn't quite find what I was looking for - 3 crabs that were the the liveliest looking out of the lot, a dozen fish swimming around in a tank, 1 lobster, and the rest were VERY still prawns and pissing prawns, flaccid looking razor clams, and some scallops. Not a promising start, but we did the best we could. We ordered the salt and pepper squid, double-barrel portion, the pissing prawns stir fried with chilli and pepper, butterflied prawns steamed with garlic, razor clams stir fried in black bean sauce, a kale with ginger, a broccoli with garlic, and a Yeung Chow fried rice. I decided to add a curry stew of beef brisket so as to avoid ordering 7 dishes as per Chinese tradition, but sadly, that order never came. However the staff kindly made us another dish of kale in garlic sauce when one of our visiting guests remarked that he doesn't like ginger, so I guess that made up for it.The squid was the highlight of the meal - after I asked for more salt and pepper sprinkle. Chunky pieces deep fried to a yellow golden colour, it tasted great with the sweet and sour sauce. The only recommendation is that the cook should be more generous with the salt and pepper stuff which goes great with rice. The pissing prawns were tender but sadly lacked flavour, as again there was not enough salt/pepper/chilli, and also the wok was probably still warming up for the "heat" to bring the flavour out of the condiments and infuse the prawns through the shells. However it provided a lot of entertainment for myself watching my guests figuring out ingenious ways of cracking open that long spikey shell with a head that looks like a miniature alien. The steamed prawns were mushy in texture, though this time the garlic seems to be bountiful and marginally saved the dish from being deemed a total disaster. At $278 for 10 prawns, it was so not worth it. The razor clams were doused in black bean sauce which one of the guests got hooked on, but the flesh of the clams itself was limpy, chewy and unappetising. The kale and broccoli were fresh and cooked through just right to retain the verdant crunchiness. The fried rice was a scam - carcass-coloured char siu that reminded me of anatomy class back in med school, a few pieces of prawns here and there, and the rice lacked that dryness to the texture which all good fried rice should have. However, I was not one to complain and was a good sport in tucking in and making yummy noises and giving the thumbs up for the friendly (but forgetful) staff. One loved to chat in pretty good English, and the rest of them were amicable and cheerful when gently reminded to change our plates which were piled high with shells.Perhaps next time I'll go for the non-seafood options that looked appealing - braised or roasted pigeon, various kinds of tofu, curry beef brisket curry and a few others caught my eye. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-08-29
264 瀏覽
七月中旬‧晴朗在香港仔魚市場。「大佬,係米留了隻大蟹?」我間著三寸深的水在問。「呢隻!」外表兇悍的魚檔大佬,指著一隻至少二斤重的紅花蟹說。「嘩!好大!幾錢?」都好少可見到這樣的極品了。「邊個叫你來的?」兇悍魚檔大佬問。「xxx」我說。「唔使錢!」吓!就在這裡,多謝地方有勢力人士。一個人,一只蟹,入了南丫島。在大街上信步而行,來了這裡。也不知為何選這裡的,只是隨意選。問好了油料錢,就要了支藍妹等吃。紅花蟹是碩大無比,用的是店子最大的蒸魚碟子,拿出來時,絕對是一陣哄動。隔鄰的食客來影相,店員來問在那裡找的,絕對沒有誇張,我想也很少人會吃這樣豪華的午餐吧。蟹肉鮮甜無比,蟹鉗極大,用來吃蟹的鋼鉗也不管用,要勞煩廚房去將之敲碎。吃了整隻蟹,飽到不得了,什麼也不用再吃了。蒸蟹的油料錢是每斤三十元,不便宜。問過如用蛋白花雕蒸的,更是要收二百 ~ 我的樣子似是羊牯嗎?放下一百,去喝酒!更詳細的南丫島半天遊:http://gourmetkc.blogspot.com/2010/08/blog-post_28.html 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-05-05
224 瀏覽
公眾假期入到去,人山人海, 本想在書蟲吃午餐, 見到書蟲的套餐都是 $98, 但無奈太多人等位結果就選了這間, 好失敗3個人叫了二人套餐, 其實份量真是夠2人而已, 千祈唔好咁大食的, 否則唔夠, 2個人都勉強夠何況是3個人, 所以另加了一個瑤柱蛋白炒飯 $60 而二人套餐 $198 包 :但bb 鴿的皮唔脆, 一碟菜 , 一條魚是立魚 (可能蒸的時間長了少少, 因為有些魚皮已經蒸爛了)豉椒炒蜆.....好多是吉殼, 豉椒汁得個咸字無椒味我地是坐樓上望到碼頭的位, 景觀是不錯的, 相比起索罟灣那面, 很多食店都是加一茶芥全免的 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)