港鐵佐敦站 B1 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 23:30
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食評 (7)
近排發現某E字頭app訂位好多都有折,岩晒我呢d weekend 好late lunch /early dinner 既人,咁諗住試下呢間廟街既印度野,Google review 都唔錯,心諗應該可以一試。但成個體驗係一個字「伏」! 伏位絕對唔係野食,而係餐廳既營商手段!講下野食先, overall 野食都真係唔錯,特別係lamb curry , 羊腩好淋又唔會俾肥膏你,咖哩偏重蕃茄味,酸度適中,有order mild 但反而一d都唔辣;garlic naan煙軔得黎唔會太厚,底層有點兒香脆,蒜味唔太重但我幾鐘意。Pani puri有8粒,同之前食既相比呢間無咁辣,薄荷味mild d所以唔會太「冰感」、整體而言都係滿意既。Tandoori chicken: 鐵板上菜有「炸」一聲既效果,底層蔬菜都煎都好香,雞肉唔鞋 又唔會乾爭爭,又係有surprise 既烤雞。Palak Paneer: 芝士菠菜經常係我會order黎做curry alternative , 感覺上有蔬菜又可以食埋d naan, 呢間d芝士比較溶,無咁多cube俾你嚼,而且偏咸,不推薦。另外試左印度啤King fisher ,偏淡的lager 但可能都balance 番印度菜既重口,係幾好既配搭 /重點來了,雖然古語有云「行商必奸」,但使用過幾次E字頭app既經驗話我知,未必的 ,總有餐廳需要用唔同平台俾d discount 去吸引唔同客群。但天真既我今次錯了,呢間餐廳野食真心ok, 係環境比較雜(我下午3點行過黎都俾街上伯伯望)但身邊有壯男加上日光日白唔怕的,內部環境就係好舊式既印度紅同印度啡,無乜裝修,但起碼乾淨企理。app度寫係a la carte menu 野有5折,但埋單果陣佢竟然話佢俾我地睇既menu 已經5折左。 我地真係打左個突,咩叫5折左?咁叫佢俾original price menu我地睇 ,佢話無,話就算walk in 入黎都係睇呢份menú, 咁即係無論點都係得一份menu 一份價錢,從來無折,佢俾app既original price 資料根本係無根無據。同佢理論下佢係咁二平幾十蚊我地,但已經唔係價錢問題,而係佢成個經營手段太唔老實, 就算前面既野食有幾滿意都好,最後果下已經咩心情都無晒。btw順帶一提,佢餐牌上24號既煎雙蛋係$50, 如果呢個真係5折左既menu,即係原價係$100一份煎雙蛋:0)仲黎唔黎呢度食,請自行參詳If you want to try some average -good indian food, this may be a place for you. BUT, what we have experienced is we are entitled to have 50% off on the a la carte menu since we used the Exxxgo app, but what the dodgy owner / waiter told us was that the menu is already a discounted menu, and no matter you are a walk-in, or using any apps for any discount, they are using the SAME menu. This is a very dishonest way to run a business so no matter how good the food is, I will never come again. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2019-04-21
2185 瀏覽
冒著牙套染色的風險 跟朋友去試試 印度菜🤤🤤 吃印度菜 點可以少了咖哩🤣🤣 這間餐廳就在油麻地廟街 位置不難找 去到發現什麼人也沒有 只有我跟朋友一枱人 跟包了場沒有分別😂😂🤣首先大贊一定是蒜茸烤餅(GARLIC NANN)!!超級香的蒜香味!配合烤餅再點咖哩!一級贊!一定要趁熱吃,不然冷了,不好吃啦!印度黃飯!跟我之前吃過的黃飯很不同,印度黃飯偏硬身,米比較長身,口感很有趣,也很香椰香味😋😋串燒免治羊肉(SHEEK KEBAB)這樣羊肉串跟平時在內地吃的非常非常不一樣,由於是出自印度廚師之手,其實當中有他們的印度香料和料味,味道很是獨特😂白汁燴雞 (CHICKEN SHAHI KORMA) 一定是和飯一起吃啦!其實并不辣,但真是很香!非常香😂 當中的雞肉也是很滑的🤣🤣點了杏仁茶和印度咖啡😂朋友說咖啡意外不錯😂 環境和燈光非常印度感覺😂😂值得一試啦!😋 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2018-07-29
1199 瀏覽
Hadn’t been back for a while, but surprised to see new owners. The food is just as good, and the service has stepped up a notch. Definitely worth visiting!The dhal is amazing and the veg jal farazi is great too. The plain nam is one of the b st I’ve tasted in Hong Kong. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2018-04-02
925 瀏覽
Tasty dishes and friendly staff. I especially love the Kashmiri nan bread recommended by them. They provided us with super spicy sauces with secret recipes Will come back again. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2017-06-19
1148 瀏覽
Great food and service at a extremely good price. The food is genuine Indian and tastes fantastic. Ordered too much as usual and ate everything. We were given complimentory popadoms whilst we waited for our food. even tbe beer was low priced. if you're ever around Temple Street and fancy a good indian then you can't go wrong here. We had 3 curry dishes, Chicken Madras, Lamb Rogan Josh, Bhindi Masala, then rice and nann bread and everything was perfect. And to top it off service with a smile.I should also add that we had originally planned to go to The Nest on Jordan Road but the service there was rubbish and we gave up waiting after almost an hour. But hey! What a find this place was, just a few minutes walk, we found Bombay Indian on Openrice and the night was saved. We will definately be going to the Bombay Indian again for sure. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)