以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
Only came here because the locals wanted some Chinese food.I had no expectations for this place and did not know what to expect because I did not check any reviews before coming here.Anyway ordered quite a lot of stuff because there were many people but I am only bothering to write a few because the rest were just typical Chinese food such as chicken and steamed fish.The fish was nice but the oil ruined the natrual taste of the fish.The vegetables had a choice of sauce so I chose prawn paste and the waitress said nobody has Chinese lettuce (yau muck choi) with prawn paste!But if you have been to TAI O, they actually have a dish which is Chinese lettuce in Prawn paste sauce.I also thought it was a bit stupid because if there is a choice for the sauce then you should be able to choose it.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Oysters cooked in spring onions and garlic:I have always wanted to try this dish but the places I went did not offer it.The oysters tasted really nice and how I expected them to taste.They were big and plump and did not shrivel up in the cooking. Although these are not freshly shucked oysters they still had a fresh taste.The spring onions and ginger were deep fried giving the oyster plenty of flavour, and the oysters were coated in corn flour and fried so the edges of the oyster was and nice and crispy due to the flour yet the inside was still soft.The corn flour coating was really good because the thick sauce from the spring onion and ginger stuck to it giving the oyster a really good flavour.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Lobster with noodles in Cheese sauce:The lobster actually had meat, which was good unlike other restaurants that cut it irregularly that there is no meat.The dish was best eaten hot because after a while the cheese got sticky and tasted heavy.Overall I quite liked it because the cheese sauce was generous and not too much milk was used it in.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Chinese Tea:The tea was mega strong, as you can see the teapot was filled nearly to the top with tea leaves.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++THAILAND spelt THALAND!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
本人都算係好相遇既人黎..基本上平時食飯見到d員工既服務差都只會覺得情有可原..因為人人都有情緒..但係今次真係嬲到我爆其實之前都有黎開呢個名舫酒家..因為尚德呢邊真係唔多酒家..今次同媽咪去食飯..一開始張圓枱因為唔平衡..所以我地就叫左個伙記過黎(高高瘦瘦,帶眼鏡,下巴有粒痣既)點知佢一過到黎唔出聲無啦啦推張枱..搞到本身斟左個d茶灑哂落我地..佢竟然當無事?!道歉都無句..個時都已經有d嬲之後食緊飯個時打算叫汽水..但係唔知道價錢..所以又叫左個條高高瘦瘦,帶眼鏡,下巴有粒痣既伙記過黎..點知佢又係唔出聲..係到唔知搵d咩..原來係搵張牌出黎比我地指住比我地睇係12蚊3罐..個表情就好似同我地講 : 呢到咪有囉...問問問...你地盲左咩?!之後我就叫話2罐可樂..1罐zero..佢問我地係咪姐係黑色..咁我地話:係呀,1罐黑色,2罐紅色點知佢竟然胸部挻前,好似想兇我地咁佢話:而家得黑色呀,無得你選呀,要定唔要呀?!?!嘩..我見到呢個情況我就答應我自己唔會再黎呢間名舫酒家!!呢餐飯我真係食得好唔開心!!我未見過有人咁串!!仲要我係客喎!!食餐飯都要比d伙記兇!!就算d野食有幾好都無用,因為你d態度..唔會有第二次!!