大阪王將於日本已有38年歷史,每隻餃子都有蒜頭,薑,椰 菜和豬 肉等材料。餃子皮由水,鹽及日本麵粉製造。 繼續閱讀
10:30 - 22:00
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中華料理 元祖煎餃
食評 (80)
等級3 2012-06-23
709 瀏覽
A問我, 喂, 你乜鬼食物都影,無唔無聊D呀, 我話用來寫openrice 的,A沉默了, C就話,如果唔係靠我LEE D人去寫,你就唔會,諗唔到食咩時search openrice la 。A當堂再沉了一沉。。。。 hahahahahahhahahahahahhah 就是這樣, 再難一路打, 一路諗, 一路回顧回味.......我都要寫下去 !!! (要鬥一篇真係好辛苦丫, 我野字又唔叻,又成日打打下delete 左)好, 入番正題, 其實有好多食肆, 平平冇其, 行過你都唔會醒起入去食,在OR見到都不會特登按去看看worth 唔worth 去食, 好在唔知邊個發現LEE D GB渠道,另人可以嘗試下不同的食店.... 是次是大阪王將的餃子set lunch !! 有沙律、汽水或味噌湯、拉麵或飯、同主棻餃子6隻餃子貼在一起的餃子,半煎餃子, 皮薄而脆, 餡唔錯, 幾好, 其實單單吃這個都飽了一半, 平日的lunch time 好旺場wor, 幾乎沒有一個吉位, 但好快唔到5mins ,就有位了, heheheh 我們2口子叫了一拉面一王將炒飯,份量好似炒飯>拉面 DD兩樣都是招牌來的, 果然味道都好穩打穩紮, 唔錯唔錯, 炒飯一D都不油膩, 用料平均分布, 未見一 FUT是漏炒,拉麵上只有一塊叉燒, 不過味道都OK, 有足夠的芽菜, 拉麵是幼切的, 都唔係太差姐.... 我本人覺得都合格加上沙律和汽水, 好飽飽ah , $30元午餐, 水準合格, 還去邊度搵吧 ?! 由於店員都應接不下, 故你都係唔好要求有完美的service la , 登佢地辛苦 !!! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-05-25
253 瀏覽
一想起日式餃子,我必定第一時間想起大阪王將。這個狐狸烏冬套餐(HK$62)實在太美味了,每次都點這個,完全不想別的﹗留意烏冬上面那大大塊的腐皮,咬下去非常有嚼勁,而且甜甜的,非常美味﹗餃子皮薄餡靚,完全吃不到我最恐懼的肥豬肉,底部又煎得夠香脆,實在讚讚讚﹗大家有空也來試試啊﹗ 注意﹕這小店位於銅鑼灣city'super food court之中,不是獨立的店子啊﹗ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2012-05-05
144 瀏覽
今日同同事出去做完野。再去銅鑼灣3買午餐外賣,行過CITY SUPER。見到有間大阪王將。第一個ORDER就係天津飯。我鍾意佢個醬汁。其實係蛋包飯加左個汁。變左天津飯。味道都幾好,其次當然係主打既餃子。因為我同友人都好鍾意餃子。我地叫左個王將餃子餐。餃子係我至愛,所以真係唔使講野係咁食食食。。。餃子肉汁好JUICE。。真係好喜歡佢隻味。至於個飯。因為係食完之後先記得唔記得影相。。。哈哈哈哈-_-其實係CWB來講,60幾蚊真係唔算貴。。整體來講,喜歡餃子既朋友真係唔好錯過!!! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
After having tried some very nice gyoza prepared by my wife at home, she told me that it was from "Osaka Osho". I've starting paying more attention to different types of gyoza afterwards. After OTing in the office during the Easter holidays , we were walking around Time Square and the brightly-lit shop front caught our attention: Osaka Osho, like Yoshinoya, is a famous fast food chain in Japan. It apparently started in Kyoto since 1967 They serve a number of "Japanese/Chinese" fusion food, i.e. 中華風, like many cuisines in Yokohama. For example, rice dishes like "Tenshin Han" and "MaPo Tofu Han" as well as a number of Udon. However, they are really famous for their Gyoza. What's special about their gyoza is that they had onions, chives, ginger, lean and fat meat in each gyoza. The secret must lie in the ratio of each ingredient as well as how the gyoza skin was prepared. It is relatively standardized as I saw a huge pot of gyoza fillings which should have been delivered from a central factory. All the staff in each branch will "only" have to put the filling into the also prepared gyoza skin and then fry it. Certainly this is easier said than done. Just like different branches of KFC or McDonald's have surprisingly different tastes. We ordered one "Gyoza set" with "Crab Meat Tenshin Han" (The other two types were Pork Meat and Chicken Meat), one "Mapo Tofu" and one "Fried Chicken". Maybe it's just me, but I always find it quite annoying & confusing to order from food courts. Different food courts have widely different practices. Some require you to buy a ticket at a separate counter, some require you to order first, some require you pay first, some require you to pay the restaurant, some have an electronic numbering system, while others just rely on shouting...etc. What's worse is that none of those food court appear to inform you about their "rules" in advance; you'll only know that after you've finished queuing at the wrong line. Anyway, here, you place your order with the shop staff then pay at the counter. After that, please remember to hang around the shop as they don't have an electronic alert system. We got our food after a 7-8 minutes wait. First about the gyoza: The amount and portion of the fillings were practically the same in every gyoza. The meat were tender and quite juicy. The onions and smaller amount of chives and ginger adds complexity to the gyoza and gave the gyoza a freshness in taste which is lacking in many other types of gyozas. The skin of each gyoza was also of consistent quality. They did not stick together. It was chewy but neither too thick nor too thin. (The gyozas at "一平安 Ippeian" TST and "秀 拉麵 Hide-chan Ramen" were quite good too.)The gyoza sauce which came with it was also refreshingly good. Vinegar based soy sauce with some chopped ginger I believe.However, as you could see from the photo above, the gyozas were a bit too oily. I believe the temperature of the hotplate was not hot enough which resulted in the lack of crispiness and oiliness. This is something which they need to improve (and is relatively easy to do so). It's HK$28 for six gyozas so it's quite reasonable. The fried chicken was unfortunately quite bland. It wasn't marinated enough for my liking as I prefer strong flavours. The interesting thing was that it came with a packet of Japanese pepper, which I used. Again, perhaps because the oil wasn't hot enough, the skin was not as crispy as I'd like it to be. All in all, it's just OK. (If you like Japanese fired chicken, I can recommend "博多道場 Hataka Dojo", the CWB branch. ) Mapo Tofu is actually a very popular dish amongst Japanese people and it's a type of comfort food for many. It has evolved into quite a distinct flavour of its own and tastes a lot milder than it's Sichuan cousin. I've ordered the "spicy" Mapo Tofu (interestingly, the default Japanese mapo tofu is actually not spicy and is soy sauce based ). Looks like the difference between the spicy and not spicy Mapo Tofu was the addition of extra Japanese pepper and also some Sichuan pepper.This was quite good. It's authentic Japanese Mapo tofu. If you are ordering Japanese mapo tofu, you're not really looking for a spicy kick but the focus should be on the tofu, the freshness of the spring onions and the texture of the sauce. The quality of the tofu was good as it tasted very smooth and fresh. The chopped spring onions and the Sichuan pepper mixed well with the thick gravy sauce (which was somewhat similar to Cantonese style black bean sauce used in frying rice noodles). Very good with rice. It's actually the first time I've seen this - I always thought it's the name of a character in "Dragon Ball Z" only! Contrary to what most Japanese people's believe, "Tenshin Han" was actually not from Tenshin city in China. It a dish invented in Japan, probably from Yokohama. One version was that a Chinese settler in Yokohama used rice from Tenshin, and adopted a typical Chinese style of pouring a thick gravy and the food directly on top of the bowl of rice. The name "Tenshin Han" was an abbreviation.(Ironically, according to a good Singaporean friend of mine, the "Singapore fried noodle" in Hong Kong is actually called "Hong Kong fried noodle" in Singapore! )The gravy was again a "Chinese style" gravy. It's basically a scrambled egg with chopped spring onions, mixed vegetables and either crab meat, pork or chicken. The egg was similar to a "Fu Yung" egg. I find the egg very very soft and had quite a good egg taste. It mixed very well with the Japanese rice, which was quite chewy. There were shreds of real crab meat in the egg as well, not a lot but a decent amount. The Tenshin Han was a pleasant surprise. Conclusion:The quality of the gyoza itself was consistently good. However, you'll have to depend on the particular chef in the branch. Frozen Osaka Osho gyozas are available and the quality is just as good. It was a bit oily on this occasion but was acceptable. The friend chicken was nothing special.The Mapo tofu was quite good. The tofu was very smooth and mixed well with the sauce. It is an authentic Japanese style so it's not spicy. The Tenshin Han was a very pleasant surprise. It's a bit similar to an "Egg Fu Yung" but it's an authentic Japanese dish. Worth a try.All in all, pretty good value and quality for a Japanese fast food chain. Worth a try.總評:餃子"涵"靚有肉汁。薑,韭菜有提味之用。但偏油。炸雞一般。唔夠味。麻婆豆腐是正宗日式的。豆腐香滑。不好辣亦可試。天津飯反而有驚喜。值得一試。整體來說,以日式快餐的標準來衡量,算不錯。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2011-11-04
93 瀏覽
為了明日參加朋友的婚禮,我和母親去了SOGO和時代廣場買裇衫,接著便來這裏吃飯。本來想找台灣菜的,但不見有便選擇這間大阪王將,買55元的烏冬餐。食完之後,覺得烏冬有烏冬的感覺,至少每條烏東麵的口感不錯,令我回憶起以前於炮台山光顧的某店。但就是覺得整餐感覺平凡,麵不覺得特別好,湯就仍然是味精,餃子也中規中矩。整體來說不算抵食的一餐。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)