11:00 - 21:00
11:00 - 21:00
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每日最煩惱嘅問題就係lunch食乜嘢🤣🤣今日嚟到中環街市見到呢一㗎 Pizza Hut嘅車仔🚗🚗即刻解決左我今日嘅煩惱佢一個set lunch都係$50左右包一個細Pizza🍕🍕一款小食同埋嘢飲中環嚟講相當抵食💖💖咁我就叫咗個夏威夷風光Pizza搭一個脆雞棒,飲七喜🥰🥰 pizza係即叫即整㗎,所以每次都要等大概15至20分鐘左右新鮮整起嘅Pizza相當香脆,而且又用料豐富用來做lunch真係好滿足😍😍脆雞棒都夠晒香口😋😋但只係略嫌有啲熱氣唔會日日食😂
I have a love hate relationshop with Pizza Hut. Most places are really bad but when we do takeaway, it's actually better. It's also the best takeaway choice for get togethers with a large group as their sets are a fairly good deal.Enter the Pizza Hut at Central Market. Located in the food court area, their shop is a cute truck. You can eat at the food court area or in their little secluded dining area next to the truck.Menu is in English and Chinese. We saw they had one person sets that included a small pizza or pasta, side and a soft drink. They even had half a roast chicken! All under $100. There is no 10% service charge. You order at the cashier and they will provide you with a buzzer for pick up. You can also order by scanning the QR code in the seating area. We didn't know about that otherwise we would have done that. We discovered that the QR code ordering system offers wings! Different flavours of wings and they come in sets. If we had known, we would have ordered wings instead of pizza.We both ordered two pizza sets for one. Hawaiian Paradise ($58) and Supreme Mini Pizza ($69). For sides, we chose Crispy Fried Shrimp and Crispy Chicken Strips.They were served in small cardboard boxes with the pizza and sides separated. The pizzas were thick crust and very good. A good amount of toppings. The crust was chewy yet crisp. The sides were ok. The shrimp wasn't too good. A bit too soft and soggy. The chicken strips were a bit dry.It was ok. Will definitely try to order wings next time.
個意粉認真普通,好多胡椒粉味,青豆超級多加$5叫左個蒜蓉包,味道係唔錯,份量都多,蒜蓉味亦好足牛油亦都冇比少最唔滿意係個手機落單系統,明明話叫單號碼個陣會show 手機號碼,最後係顯示佢自己既系統號碼,搞到等左5個字都唔知原來自己個餐已經準備好
Pizza Hut 有新搞作🤩🤩最近喺中環街市開設咗首間全新餐車主題概念店,仲設有一架以貨車改造成的美國餐車🚚~玩味十足!!餐廳採用半開放式廚房設計,等食客可以欣賞現場薄餅製作🧑🏻🍳!一於嚟打卡先📸📸🍕香甜青提芝士必勝批 $208✨呢個係中環概念店推出的全新限定口味~~包括有青提、肉丸、 車厘茄、忌廉芝士、紅洋蔥、迷迭香同意式乾番茄香草醬,十分豐富😋😋青提味道清甜🍇,可以中和返pizza的油膩感!仲有大大粒肉丸🐷同忌廉芝士🧀,整體配搭得幾夾👍🏻👍🏻🍗酸甜甜(8隻) $78✨雞翼隻隻外型飽滿,肉質嫩滑~~外皮沾滿醬汁,酸酸甜甜好開胃!另外仲有原味、美式BBQueen、微辣世界、辛甜是咪打同勁多嗲等多款口味,下次要試埋😍😍🍝一人樂享餐 $58✨午市時段設有「一人享樂」優惠套餐,有超過9款主食、4款小食同6款飲品/湯可以揀~~我今次就揀咗焗肉醬意粉同脆薯格!兩款都係佢地的招牌產品,味道唔錯呢❤️❤️