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食評 (6)
等級6 2014-01-04
405 瀏覽
那天星期日,我做義工去銅鑼灣保良局探訪可愛的小朋友! 探訪後,已經下午 4:00 有多!  起初,我打算過走到 Muji Cafe!可是其口味卻不及 <旋風拉麵輕食> 的美食吸引!下午茶餐:$29 ~ $39 (另設加一服務費)白蒜豬骨湯配豬軟骨湯麵套餐 (送水耕菜沙律) $35白蒜豬骨湯配豬軟骨湯麵-等了 5 分鐘,拉麵送上! 尚未起筷,已有一股香濃蒜味撲鼻!真是垂涎三尺!  豬骨湯底質感不算很濃稠,清甜而鮮又夠熱!而且,鹹度剛好不會重口味!卻比上次味噌鮮茄牛肝菌湯底遜色一點!  幼身拉麵的硬度幾彈牙! 合我心意!溫泉蛋中間呈軟心!火喉控制恰到好處!豬軟骨入味多肉汁!食起來頗有嚼感!水耕菜沙律 選用香港種植的水耕菜,不經農葯及免卻泥土污染等因素,新鮮衛生又健康!加上以香港本地運送,亦可減少因長途運送而增加之食物里程,絕對保護環境! 終於一嚐水耕菜沙律,令我食指大動!  沙律菜富有光澤!充滿水份!食落零舍爽脆!  混合了沙律醬提味,簡單而美味! 咖啡 +$8我先問女店員是哪種咖啡?我最怕是稀薄而苦的即磨咖啡!她回答以一粒裝沖出來的咖啡!  大致上我也明白她形容哪一種。用上透明玻璃杯盛載,能突出層次感!  表面有著厚厚的奶泡!適當的溫度讓香濃咖啡味發揮得淋漓盡致!咖啡香味豐盈,輕嚐一口,咖啡味道濃郁,質感細膩又順喉!出乎意料之外的討好! 店方提供白糖、咖啡糖、代糖,為不同食客所需,認真周到! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-08-31
211 瀏覽
I don't normally walk this stretch of Wan Chai, but happened to pass by so tried this place.The decor of this restaurant was quite bright and colourful with spoons as part of its decoration.Before coming in, I asked what type of Ramen they served and said it was made in house.There is a machine which makes the noodles.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Interesting items on the menurawn toast:Kimchi and seafood jelly:The noodles portions according to weight:Slimmer's choiceIn the end, I chose slimmer's choice which includes what you see on the picture.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Soba with mushrooms and truffle:The soba was too creamy and milky that it got a bit sickly and the trufle essence that they used was a bit too artificial because when it came, there was a rainbow sheen glistening on the mushrooms.I have never seen rainbow sheens on organic oils or natural oils, it only happens in petrol.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Toasted French baguette slices:The first one is strawberry and egg mayonnaise, the second one was curry potato and the third was liver pate. The baguettes were too soft and flopped when I held them, so I needed chopsticks to prevent the toppings from falling off. The strawberry and egg mayonnaise were my favourite but extremely fattening because it was basically Kewpie mayonnaise mixed with strawberry. The curry potato was delicious but the curry tasted unatrual.The liver pate one had quite a lot of solidified lard on it.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Salad:The vegetables here are grown using the Hydroponics method where no soil is needed.The salad was crisp and sweet.★☆★☆★☆ ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★For $69 it was a very good deal, but in terms of weight management I felt that the sauces they used were too fattening. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2013-08-20
121 瀏覽
應該是開業後兩天去試食的,約一個月前吧!剛到下午茶時間,本想一試;但待應熱情地推介午餐,又有點肚餓,所以最終都要了午餐。一碗四十多元的拉麵。他們標榜自己製麵,麵質的確不錯;彈牙、軟硬適中,同個湯好夾。但整碗麵只有一片叉燒……而且可能因為新開張,待應有點過份熱情呢! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2013-08-18
107 瀏覽
Saw this new ramen from openrice and wish to get a try as previous reviews mentioned the noodles are more towards firm consistency which is my favourite.Went this evening at 1830 and the shop is easily located due to the large orange sign. There were not much customers and we got seated right away. The service is good and attentive. The seats are comfortable and well spaced. And the menu offers quite a range of selections of tapas, salads besides ramen.As previous review stated, the ramen is firm and stay firm even after minutes of soaking in the soup, which is really good! We tried the mushroom tomato soup which is clear and fresh tasting and the pork soup which is thick and milky, just the right taste. A regular ramen of your choice plus a standard size tapas cost only $89, which is really an attractive offer! The set offers a choice of seafood (the prawn is big and fresh and well roasted while the abalone is fresh and tasty though small) The chicken wings and tomato cheese springrolls are delicious, too. We ordered 1 more spinach salad which has tasty ham on top of fresh spinach with light dressing, really good in taste! And the dumplings (kaza style is tasty pork while shrimp ones are really light taste with emphasis put on the fresh shrimp inside, a renovative try!)Overall, a really nice ramen place with a good balance of service, environment and food selection. Will definitely return to try the rest of the menu! Highly recommended! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-08-15
87 瀏覽
聽同事說, 在灣仔及銅鑼灣之間又開了新的拉麵店。 趁著颱風走後, 停了下雨的日子, 又剛巧在這附近辦完事, 便順道到此一試。找不出有關此店的食評, 便硬著頭皮入內嘗新。店子很小, 還算雅致, 坐位亦挻舒服的。店員遞上餐牌, 一看之下, 嘩! 下午茶餐只須$35?@_@ 當然即點一客啦! 套餐包括一碗拉麵, 可選一款肉類 (小人以為是拉麵以外的小吃!) 及一客沙律。沙律先到, 看餐紙上說的是甚麼水耕菜; 菜是很新鮮的, 但老實地吃不出有何特別之處, 只知道份量超小……拉麵是怎麼個"旋風"法? 原來話說此店來自群馬懸, 在日本也有分店的, 其所有麵條都是用一部旋風機製作出來的, 以保証其品質及產量。Anyway, 小人點了一碗香蒜豬骨湯底拉麵, 麵到後的指定動作: 先呷口湯, 蒜頭或豬骨的味道都欠奉, 只送上"咸"字一個, 整為重口味 >_<;麵質偏硬, 木耳和栗米粒亦爽, 都算OK, 惟荀絲太腍、蔥也欠香味, 整體一般而已……反而店方送的溏心蛋則是流心及滑溜的, 蛋香十足, 是全碗麵的亮點!從來吃照燒雞都是偏甜的, 但這個小人以為是小食的照燒雞扒已放入湯裡, 仍是很咸, 乾身, 幸好只有三小"舊" x_x#最後, 小人是吃不完的, 因為餸已吃掉, 而麵太多了! 順帶一提, 杯子設計頗特別, 不是崩了的呢!論價錢及份量, 此店可謂遠勝其他拉麵店; 但若論食物質數, 則尚有很大的進步空間。如果只計較價格的話, 那麼盛行的高質數拉麵店又怎會不斷開張、拓展呢? 若以目前的水準, 應該不會再光顧了。後話: 小人吃後極為口渴, 連續喝了很多水以中和拉麵的餘味…… 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)