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焦糖咖啡 (Caramel Macchiato) 紅木花茶 特色公司三文治 (Club Supremo) 藍莓芝士蛋糕 (Blueberry Cheese Cake) 雞肉磨菇批 (Chicken and Mushroom Pie)
食評 (114)
等級3 2012-11-22
656 瀏覽
In a bit of a hurry, so decided to grab a bite at Starbucks. Went for the cranberry turkey ciabatta {sandwich} - which, although rather quaint, ended up being surprisingly satiating. The turkey was actually rather tasteless, but the sauce used to flavour hit covered up this fairly well. The cranberry sauce and cheese accented this flavour well and the lettuce within added more nutrition together with a refreshing crispness. This was a very well-floured bread! And after the meal, I still had quite a lot of flour on my hands. But it did help accent the taste of the bun -- which was surprisingly tasty on its own. The tea was a 'venti' {large} Earl Grey. One thing I do appreciate about Starbucks is that they provide condiments off to the side and let the customers serve themselves. It is a much better arrangement than at their competitors where this is not provided (or at least not consistently provided). I prefer honey as a sweetener and this is seldom offered in other cafes. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2012-11-13
209 瀏覽
經過starbucks,見到新推出既聖誕新產品幾吸引,就忍唔住買咗了。Rum & Raisin Bread Pudding熱辣辣既麵包布丁淋上冰冰既雲尼拿汁,冷熱交融,絕配!雖然呢個麵包布丁名不副實,冇rum酒味,提子乾少,但勝在好夠蛋味,又滑溜冇氣泡,吃罷很滿足啊。薑餅人三個字:無薑味。紅莓肉桂卷無肉桂味,紅莓好少。拖肥果仁鮮奶咖啡很甜。嗜甜如我...OK,接受得了。薑汁鮮奶咖啡比較喜歡agnes b. cafe既ginger latte。因為agnes b.嗰隻飲到底有好多薑絲, 而Starbucks則偏甜。小發現:Cinnamon rolls呢包野來歷不明(我見識少,不知出處),只見它放在收銀位角落,俾"Cinnamon"既字樣吸引到便傻傻地付出$25買下了。本來冇咩期望,點知...一食就有驚喜!好好味啊!好有肉桂味,好香,甜甜軟軟,很對我的胃口~對我而言starbucks出既肉桂卷係無味架,其實試過好多Bakery/Coffee shop既肉桂卷都無乜肉桂味,得面個層糖漿死甜)不過貴,25蚊得3小粒(竟然同個包裝一樣得3粒,沒有騙人的包裝,但騙了我的心靈)。但真係十分喜歡。之後想再買返(又話貴又要買),但發覺唔係間間分店有,例如屯門分店我就無見過。下次都係黎返呢度買吧。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
I actually don't really LOVE cream. I just... eat the sponge when I have crunch cake However. If you are intended to try this autumn special Salted Caramel Mocha, I would say as soon as you take your first sip, the fluffy froth on top plus the cool, slightly-melting whipped cream on top, and the rich chocolatey caramel mocha with a kick of sea salt, it is just absolutely indulgent. How about without the cream?It could be that this time there is less caramel on top. Or it's just not as satisfying when u have tried the devil version. Trust me the calories are no longer a big deal. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-08-26
47 瀏覽
對於Starbucks Coffee 這間連鎖式咖啡店,我想也是年青人唯之熟識...但對於我倒也奇怪很多時也是過門而不入,今日眼睛郤被漂亮之餐廳告示板上忌廉抹茶$39.而吸引上、腳步遲遲未能舉足,既然如此,就偷來一刻鐘、講自己鬆弛一下據我個人經驗,一杯從未在店子飲上的飲品、要上(小甜)絕不會是錯誤的選擇,最終也正實我的說法無錯入口甜度來得剛好,滑而細之沙冰结合在抹茶身上、加上棉棉的忌廉,味道鮮明而清新、挺喜歡只是這間分店位子有限、一個人買後要找上位子真是有點兒難度。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-07-03
66 瀏覽
今期星冰樂新口味 , 無 cream , 無咖啡 , 合我心意 ^^上次試左抹茶紅豆 , 今次到日式焙茶 + 伯爵茶啫喱印花咭痴滿左送 topping o個格好耐 , 不過直未用 ,飲抺茶紅豆o個次 , 我問店員有咩 topping 可以揀 , 佢數完比我聽之後 , 我話想曲奇碎 , 店員好友善咁同我講 ...建議我留返下次飲其他味道先用 , 因為抺茶紅豆本身己經夠甜再加曲奇碎會太甜 , 同埋會飲唔到曲奇o既味道於是我今次買 hoijcha + tea jelly , 一心諗住茶味應該較淡味所以我就用左張貼紙咭 , 加左曲奇碎 ...丫呀 .... 係我 d 曲奇碎定係本身杯野都好甜 ??雖然焙茶味好香 , tea jelly 都係甘甘地無甜味但成杯野就好似飲緊多甜o既日式凍奶茶咁 ....而曲奇 ... 加左只係有食到有粒粒粉狀o既野 , 係無曲奇味o家 ><" 連朱古力味都無 ... ## 今次o既不愉快經歷 , 唔知係咪因為我 d 曲奇累事 =(不過我應該唔會試多一次喇 , 始終我最愛都係綠茶味 ^^ 繼續閱讀
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