港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 N2 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
店名以「竹性直,直以立身」為意念,店內裝修亦以竹綠色為主調,並邀請本地畫家Carol Mui手繪壁畫,適合打卡。餐廳供應多款fusion菜式,菜名搞鬼玩味,食材配搭有驚喜。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 八達通 AE Apple Pay Google Pay
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (223)
等級2 2023-06-12
313 瀏覽
We went to celebrate our wedding anniversary and was able to get a booking here via openrice for 8pm. We arrived a little early but was able to get a table immediately without having to wait. We noticed the decor is bright, spacious, comfortable and welcoming.The menu is interesting and easy to navigate, helping to make a choice between small groups to sharing with larger parties. We ordered The Snacks platter, Char-Grilled Octopus Leg salad, Grilled Spanish suckling pig and Cheese Bolognese fries. We ordered a couple of cocktails and they arrived first. The First night and 一夜七次郎 (roughly translated meaning “7 times a night). They both looked pretty but the former although refreshing maybe needed something a little stronger mixed with it. The latter we should have ordered with less sugar for next time. The staff are very friendly and helpful and introduced the dishes brought to the table which is a nice touch! The food arrived in order with starters and snacks first followed by the main. The Octopus was tasty, not too chewy and clearly chat-grilled, portion is good for 2 people or sharing. The snack platter had some changes that we were not aware beforehand. It should have been deep fried Camembert (changed to deep fried squid), onion rings, cuttlefish wontons (changed to fried seaweed shrimp roll) and taro corn meatballs. Maybe they need to include in bracket “subject to change due to unavailability, and to check with server”. This would avoid any unnecessary dispute. The Cheese and Bolognese fries changed to wedges (we were informed in advance), it was meaty and cheesy but the wedges were obviously made from fresh potatoes and those need extra time and should be fried twice with the right temperature to avoid it being soggy or undercooked. The highlight was the suckling pig, it was really perfectly cooked, crispy skin and the meat was tender and perfectly seasoned! We can definitely recommend it. We were full and was not able to try any of the desserts, but they do look interesting and special so we should leave some room next time! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2023-05-12
426 瀏覽
今日午餐時間比較充裕,便與同事由中環坐車到尖沙咀嚐嚐呢間她介紹多次嘅此餐廳,踏入餐廳環境已有園林大自然感覺,非常舒服而最意想不到每個百多元嘅午餐竟然可以如此用心製作,無論從餐具擺設,以至每款食物之擺位,外觀不單好看,而且每款食物質素真的一絲不苟,各樣食物都是即叫即整,由頭盤小食,湯起均感覺新鮮熱辣辣好好味,而主菜更讓我們覺得物超所值,我們3個人叫了3款不同主菜分享,最後甜品與特飲亦是為整餐劃滿完美句號 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2023-05-08
343 瀏覽
來到尖沙咀和朋友相聚,這是一間用「竹葉」做主題的餐廳,但是沒有很老土的中國特色感覺,反而是新派裝修,滲透復古味道。餐廳特別安排我們坐在邊位,讓我們可以促膝詳談。點餐後上菜速度很快,前菜是軟殼蟹牛油果沙律,原本想像是很膩很滯的味道,結果喜出望外,兩者配搭是清新的感覺,非常好味。特別推介豬仔骨,非常入味,配菜亦特別。另外意粉份量亦足夠,你會感覺到餐廳的用心,上碟的裝飾是經過心思考設計。我們一定會再來這間餐廳嘗試他的晚餐,餐廳經常推出新菜式,有興趣的朋友可以follow他們的IG! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2023-05-05
322 瀏覽
想同朋友食個好味的生日飯揀左間尖沙咀既多國菜, 環境幾好, 好似有罝身於森林之中竹青的拼盤正常都係熱氣野, 我最鐘意食肠金文畢芝士, 好濃郁的芝士, 芝士控一定好大愛。黑松露雲吞, 我覺得黑松露味可以多dd, 洋葱圈, 香芋粟米肉丸就正常水準。會比3個醬你配, 茄汁, 蛋黃醬, 另外一個醬味道類似泰式辣醬咁, 但無辣味, 都好好味架八糧卷係我朋友叫既, 唔知咩黎就叫黎睇下試下, 入面係雞肉, 蔬菜, 有d 醬油, 都幾好味既, 味道啱啱好, 但又未去到好好味既皇牌蟶子珍珠帶子意麵比較偏濃口味既, 好濃既蕃茄味, 因為醬汁帶有蝦味, 又有帶子, 蟶子, 所以好有鮮味皇牌腐乳卡邦尼佢既腐乳味唔太出, 原本以為腐乳味咁重口味, 應該會好濃味, 但竟然比我想像中淡味皇牌西京燒比目魚比目魚好好味, 好滑, 配魚蓉薯蓉好夾, 多數女士都鍾意食魚, 因為卡路里比較低, 真心推介燒西班牙脆皮乳香乳豬見佢有廚師推介, 但我又覺得一般, 乳豬皮唔太脆, 所以有d 失望, 味道其實還可以飲品真係比餐牌個名吸引左, 好得意, 好好飲添掂過碌蔗, 應該就好明顯係蔗汁, 佢隻杯係幾似碌蔗養生.養身 唔養心, 佢係水果汁, 幾好飲, 應該好多糖份🤣菠多野薑啤威威Bowl冬瓜coffee - 好失望, 網上見佢杯上會有個波波, 影相應該會幾得意, 但係黎到係無既, 服務員話而家無左個波波.. 但味道係幾好飲既, 唔苦既齋啡再黎緊係要叫甜品蕃薯糖水 - 佢竟然係固體既, 味道有d 似tiramisu(睇佢英文都係tiramisu 黎)推介👍黑芝麻巴斯克一開始以為係氣炸芝士蛋糕咁樣, 黎到又唔係, 佢賣相因為黑芝麻所以黑麻麻, 但係又幾好味, 唔會太膩 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Book 咗間想食好耐嘅fusion菜,之前已經上網search過呢間嘢,就係覺得特別先想黎試下,估唔到入到黎真係比到個視覺衝擊我,估唔到間餐廳裝修咁靚咁特別,仿佛置身世外桃源。講翻呢度啲嘢食,叫咗個泰用心軟殼蟹沙律,有炸到酥酥脆脆但依然食到個蟹嘅鮮甜,好香口。唔會話好劑,又配咗d新鮮芒果啦,可能係當季水果,好香甜。加咗一d牛油果蓉,好莫名其妙地夾,中有啲芒果味的啫喱,同埋泰式嘅青檸忌廉,成個搭配好似9588咁,但出奇地夾,出奇地好味,建議大家試下呢個餸。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)