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老公同事送一底美心年糕俾佢,我唔知老公喺邊間攞,就寫喺呢喥啦(上次食評係2021年9月19日刊登嘅呢篇:https://www.openrice.com/zh/hongkong/review/blue-%E6%9C%89%E5%B9%B8%E8%A9%A6%E5%88%B0-%E4%B9%85%E5%88%A5%E9%87%8D%E9%80%A2-e4167148).拎到返嚟睇,包裝上話如果未食,可以唔使雪住,打開咗包裝後至要雪,咁OK嘅.到噚日(25-1-2023 Wed)年初四上晝,我就拎出嚟食,我剪開佢內袋嘅真空包裝,好難開,要剪到好貼個兜至開到.而一打開即刻有香味,但唔油,切嘅時候好軟熟好易切,又同榮華嘅年糕同一時間放入鑊蒸軟嚟食.佢嘅顏色比榮華深,食落,佢嘅味道香濃啲,唔彈牙,感覺較膩.老公話呢個食兩件已經要停手,佢會揀榮華嘅多啲.我睇吓榮華同佢嘅成份表,最大分別係美心有椰漿,唔通就係香味嘅來源?之後我都將佢放入雪櫃,晏晝我拎出嚟切,睇吓會唔會變硬,又冇喎.
During Chinese New Year, I found a survey questionnaire in my box of Chinese New Year radish cake. I filled it in and received a voucher to receive a free box of eggrolls at a designated Maxim Bakery.Though there was one right next door to my home, it wasn't one of the places listed where I could get one. It also wasn't listed in any of the regular places I usually go to. Maxim! Why do you make it so hard to my free item after I nicely filled in your questionnaire?Well, I finally found one location that I happened to be in one evening. And that was Tsuen Wan. It wasn't even the MTR location but some mall nearby. But I had to go get it before the offer expired!What I got was a box of six petite size eggrolls in a cardboard box.Nutritional information was written in English and Chinese on the back.Opening the box, I found a foil sealed package.And inside was six eggrolls in fairly good condition. None of them were broken. Pretty good packing!The egg rolls were thin and crispy but a bit dry in taste. I guess I was hoping they would be more buttery. They were ok but not that great. I know I wouldn't purchase them again.
最近睇電視見美心又推出迪士尼系列, 今日路經順道望下, 原來係一個個膠公仔, 內里放住唔同既口味. 一共有三款, 係3眼仔, 巴斯, 胡迪等等, 三個公仔造型都非常得意, 一個要35蚊.要左隻3眼仔, 內里係朱古力慕絲, 返到屋企睇下原來入面得好少, 35蚊主要都係買個公仔, 哈哈!不過朱古力慕絲都幾滑, 唔算太甜, 易入口. 但朱古力味唔算太濃, 如果濃多少少會更好.
聖誕節買個 Victoria 蛋糕慶祝,兩層朱古力海綿蛋糕,上面有三粒士多啤利,另加幾粒紅莓和櫻桃,尚算新鮮。中間夾著忌廉,口感不夠滑,有點漏。海綿蛋糕的質感有彈性,但是不夠柔軟。其實已很久沒有買美心的蛋糕吃,總覺得水準不夠,用料又不足,今次又一次失望了。