港鐵黃大仙站 A 出口, 步行約10分鐘
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
我到 竹園村臨記車仔面,叫豬脛飯套餐,菜心,橙汁。費用$58,之前食餸好多人價錢合理,但今日發現餸太少,問職員太少,佢話公司改左份量,減少左價錢不變,我日後不會叫,因為員工對答不禮貌
Cart noodles is a pretty popular item in Hong Kong. I guess it's due to the power of completely creating your own bowl of noodles is why it's so popular. 臨記車仔麵 (English name: Good Take Cart Noodles) seems to have created a more mainstream fast food concept. The menu is in English and Chinese. There is no 10% service charge and you order and pay at the cashier, where you pick up your meal at another counter just like places like Cafe de Coral.But for some reason, people here don't order the cart noodle option. They all seem to order the predetermined fish ball noodles with fish cake, vegetables and fried fish skin vermicelli for $17. Yes, it's due to the fact this costs $17, the residents here would rather order this as it's super cheap! Portion size is pretty big. Bigger than I am used to so thus couldn't really finish all the noodles. However, it tasted pretty bad. The fish balls were so soft and spongy. The soup just tasted like MSG and nothing else. The fish cakes were ok and the skin was crispy enough. I guess for $17, you really shouldn't complain as it is cheap. But it's not like I would really want to come back any time soon.
早排7月中行黃大仙時,突然醒起竹園有間車仔麵仲有蕃茄湯選擇,就突登由黃大仙步行上竹園。經過20幾分鐘終於行到上去,見到個門口放咗好多盅頭飯同粥既poster,個陣仲以為佢咗多元化做咁多樣野,排隊排到我時我望望個menu 搵極都搵唔到我最想食既 車! 仔!麵! 所以我就失望而回走去竹園街市搵食
竹園街市出面 臨記 茶餐廳格局鋪頭名車仔麵 但係冇賣車仔麵嘅……自助式冇待應 先買票後自取食物碗筷好幾張枱都未執嘢 枱面醬料剩少少 有啲亂亂咁……牛丸/魚旦粉 $17可選 河粉 米粉 米線 但冇麵 冇麵 冇麵魚旦2粒 魚片2片 魚皮2片 炸魚角1件 多料嘅 魚旦靚 彈口唔係死實媲美九龍城德X魚蛋粉$37 還要好(個人感覺 不喜勿插🙏)湯底唔渴喉兩住米粉分量少 要飽肚可能要食2碗跟油菜 $10 只有菜心 冇得揀 老菜1堆用碗上 幾條菜未剪斷 亂放咁 唔食也攞有盅頭飯 $18 都好大盅 都多料 可試