汀九帝景酒店對下 繼續閱讀
18:30 - 23:30
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招牌黃土雞 鴛鴦戲水
食評 (10)
等級2 2017-08-18
6817 瀏覽
徐蒝出名喜歡花心思做特別嘅菜式,生日正日當天訂了枱一嘗心願食佢親手煮的菜,期待着與別不同獨一無二嘅菜式。我由去到直至到走呢四個小時都係食得好開心。菜單:鴛鴦戲水荒島夏夢我首先食咗南瓜蓉布甸加三文魚子,然後有機茄子,跟著自家製粉皮包琵琶蝦,最後食埋個荒島-鬼爪螺。第一次食鬼爪螺,幾得意紅艶雲吞用有機番茄做濃湯,加隻足料海蝦雲吞。個濃湯好好味,等我自己又試下做呢個湯煮烏冬陽光刺客泥黃魚刺身加上紅肉火龍果點黃辣椒醬,清新特別跟紅頂白燒豬加上自家製果醬,燒豬醃得好入味,不過燒豬皮有D韌,係葡式燒豬嘅皮威力煎鮑醬汁煎南非鮑,濃汁嘅味道夾到鮑魚嘅味道之餘唔會搶咗D鮑魚味黃土雞因為係用碳爐焗,雞皮同雞肉都有香香嘅煙燻味,雞髀肉超滑,起埋肉嘅雞胸加埋薑蓉一流龍皇出浴用冰水浸住嘅冰鎮龍蝦,上桌後再加一壺浸咗龍眼肉嘅清酒倒入龍蝦碗內,靜候幾分鐘,清甜原味龍蝦好清新之餘亦令味蕾refresh一下,同食法國菜一樣食食下中間比客sorbet你同工異曲。龍眼吸收咗D清酒都好好味呀,但係會唔會醉㗎中美皇后用螺頭煲的湯加上大大片魚肚和片片鮮甜嘅海螺,個湯好膠,相信對皮膚好好呢海水燉蟹雪場蟹加上滑到不得了嘅豆腐,真係好想encore。有部份蟹已經拆肉放入蟹蓋,而豆腐係用淨化咗嘅海水不加石膏粉製成的。個湯汁加咗黃土雞嘅雞油,整體真係一百分好味甜品即打大蕉雪糕配梳乎厘大蕉有小小酸味,做成雪糕配香噴噴嘅梳乎厘,完美的終結 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2016-12-30
5411 瀏覽
My wife and I had a gorgeous meal here, lovingly prepared by Chef Margaret and her team. Each dish has been thoughtfully put together. Listening to the music while enjoying the meal took us away from the daily hustle that is HK. The Surf 'n' Splash menu filled us up to the brim. We are very happy we spent our Friday evening here. Give them a go! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Loved the experience. It's more than a modern interpretation of Chinese cuisine but a sophisticated and intelligent approach. Taste is incredible. Truly the Chef cooks with heart. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2015-12-24
7076 瀏覽
Navigating through a quaint seaside village and finding this gem tucked away on a private beach was like a treasure hunt, and it set an exciting and adventurous tone for the rest of the evening. The culinary voyage began with several light hors d'oeuvres.  The highlight for me was the scallop paired with roselle which was an ingenious combo.  Then came the 5 main courses of abalone, chicken, lobster, crab and fish.  Each dish had its unique character and poetic names such as 秋野田, 一夜油情.  Abalone and fish were probably my favourites - abalone served in a glass jar bathing in its essence, and 䱽魚, a meaty fish, cooked in this special spicy sauce.  I guess my only complaint was the portions were way too generous and by the time we had the crab, which was also incredibly fresh and tasty, we were completely stuffed.  There was just no room for the soufflé which looked amazing as well.All in all, it was an exhilirating dining experience filled with twists and turns.  Every dish was an art piece, both aesthetically and gastronomically, crafted by a true chef, artist and poet.  The top notch service, stunning location and ambiance rounded it off as an excellent choice for a special occasion.  Thank you Yin Yang! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
饞嘴的兒子愛蹦蹦跳跳,不要被拘束,但在寸金尺土的香港,實難找到可讓他隨意舒展,又不會太滋擾其他人的食肆。‘鴛鴦戲水‘是汀九村旁的海邊白屋,它前身是設於灣仔船街的‘鴛鴦飯店‘,再前身是上環普慶坊的小小私房菜,再再前身是元朗圍村內的農家菜,很有歷史。以上都是從朋友得來的解釋,他是老主顧呢... 他說我兒子會喜歡。從港島往汀九,像郊遊,一家人甚少‘的起心肝’去新界開餐,大家都很期待。 穿過汀九村,海灘展現眼前,兒子急不及待玩玩沙,再來回走幾圈,然後直衝往小白屋。屋外有超大的平台,面向無敵海景,向下跳就是大海,感覺很正!我們事先已要求在平台用餐,好給兒子足夠空間,而且可更接近海洋。 餐廳內有其他客人,但我們也要求到室內參觀。裡面有高雅簡潔的open kitchen和很有型的chef table,其他的木枱櫈則很‘香港’,有feel! 上網看菜單時,除了被食物賣相吸引外,菜名也歎為觀止,流水行雲、活尤墨、鏡花水月、一夜油情、野生捕穫、水上花園、 漁舟晚唱… 應景又有詩情畫意,想不到外表西化的女主廚和其有型靚仔的partner大廚,竟可創出如此精彩的菜名。味道也會如菜名般有質素嗎? 上菜了,頭盤是‘冬岸花園’,結合有機菜和海鮮,配合幾種自家製醬汁,有辣有唔辣,但賣相靚到唔捨得食,兒子說像幅畫。終歸要吃… 味道用一個字形容晒:鮮! 接下來喝魚湯。湯甜兼啖啖肉,附上炸到脆,骨頭也可吃的全條魚骨,色香味好到冇朋友! 其後的招牌黃土雞及燒豬又是一絕,朋友說一定要食,果然非浪得虛名,主厨說豬的大小和飼養的農場也經過精抽細選,不是隨便在街市買回的呢。兒子罕有地坐定定,亦不吱吱喳喳,不停吃著吃著,連最後的水蟹粥也不放過。 餐後問各人意見,外婆說不喜歡starter,因為凍;外公說有點淡;太太豎起拇指;兒子說好味;舅父說汀九是遠了點,但香港少有這樣的私房菜;我認為朋友無介紹錯。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)