星期五、六及公眾假期前夕: 12:00-午夜
星期日:12:00 - 00:30
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Without knowing i've tried their branch diner in Quarry Bay, my husband brought me here for a birthday celebration because of coworker's high recommendation. Compare with both two locations, I would rather go for the cheaper one in Quarry Bay even though they locate in an industrial building. It's simply because they serve similar taste of food but the price is less expensive there. Besides, this place has less varieties, n don't serve crispy pig knuckle like what they other place does.To start with, we ordered two mains (dry-aged rib eye $348 and Lobster escabeche with paella $328) , one side dish (caesar salad & Serrano ham +$38 discount price) n two soups upgrade (wild mushroom soup +$28 discount, lobster soup +$38). The soups come with breads n two kinds of spreads (seaweed sea salt butter + avocado spread). They sound good, but actually taste not much special. The angus beef wasn't impressive at all, but the bean strings on the side was suprsingly crispy. The lobster rice was ok, but didn't expect to crack the lobster shell in a half-fine diner by myself. I've a feeling we wouldn't come back here again, so we ended this meal with two more desserts (pineapple white wine sorbert with strawberry gazpacho +$28, Chocoalte sacher +$38). Overall presentation was nice, food taste above average, but not eye open yet. The interior decor was ok but I feel so blackout here.
Side Dish: Mussel and Caesar SaladPortion of Mussel is a bit small salty but overall is not too bad.Standard dish for salad and No surprise.Main courseOrderdd cod fish and Baby chickenCod fish taste is good. Is just the taste of the green is a bit weird.Meat for Baby chicken is not as tender as expected but in general is acceptable.The overall presentation on the dish is good and would come back and try again.DessertBaked chocolate cake is overdone.
22.11.2013再見Quarry Bay系列(10)記得早前曾想和傻拍檔到這餐廳吃午餐, 但當時餐廳已full booking, 我們唯有選擇到街尾的燒一宵吃午餐.今天, 竟然不用book位, 又不用等位, 就可walk in 入來, 真的十分幸運哩. 這裡環境比較暗黑, 燈光都只靠射燈, 桌子和餐紙都是黑色的, 難道黑沈沈比較浪漫一點?餐廳供應的午餐包括餐湯, 沙律, 主菜, 是日甜品及餐飲, 價錢由$88至$188不等. 於是我們就點了兩個不同的主菜, 一起分享吃.這天的餐湯為蕃茄湯. 湯的質地頗稀, 幸好味道甚有強烈蕃茄鮮味, 甜酸並重, 叫人開胃. 沙律則是與湯並排在長碟上, 有什麼呢? 原來就只有少許沙律菜和一片火腿而已. 沙律菜是爽脆的, 火腿也咸香十足, 伴著沙律菜吃就最好.羅馬式辣蕃茄汁天使麵配辣肉腸及瑪士卡彭芝士($88), 放在大大隻的碟子上, 顯得這些擺放散亂的天使麵, 份量不多, 但不要緊, 那獨特的辣蕃茄汁, 掛滿每條麵條. 其幼身的麵條, 幫助吸收醬汁那股既辣且酸的味道, 確實惹味又醒胃. 而穿插在天使麵內的辣肉腸, 份量不多, 只是, 辣肉腸內濃郁的辣汁, 就在咀嚼肉腸時, 滲出來, 導致原本普通的辣肉腸, 讓人留下深刻印象. 至於, 置於一旁的瑪士卡彭芝士及沙律菜, 就可發揮了中和辣味的作用. 那抹冰凍的瑪士卡彭芝士, 幼膩順滑, 含有微微酸味, 配合著新鮮的沙律菜同吃, 為這碟本應辣辣的天使麵, 減輕了辣度了.焗法式半生三文魚柳伴薑牛油汁($98), 以薯容墊底, 賣相討好. 主角是厚切的三文魚柳, 廚師把它焗到半生熟之後, 得出的結果是皮脆肉嫩, 三文魚油亦鎖住在魚肉內, 吃著豐腴而富有彈性! 看不到薑牛油汁有什麼作用, 然而, 墊底的薯容卻贏得我們的歡心. 厚厚的薯容層是軟綿綿的輕柔, 也香滑無比, 很讚. 這碟三文魚也用了少許沙律菜, 黃椒和青瓜作點綴, 也好, 可以消減吃完薯容的飽滯哩.餐飲的咖啡, 選用了Movenpick咖啡豆, 是香醇與幼滑的結合. 加入鮮奶後, 令咖啡增添奶香味之餘, 亦加強細緻質感. 而當咖啡喝罷, 口腔中仍殘留挺濃的餘韻呢. 不錯. 是日甜品是Tiramisu, 形狀是小小的正方體, 味道卻令人有驚喜. 質地濕潤軟綿的, 不但帶有濃濃可可味, 更略有絲絲酒香, 讓人回味無窮.在享受著Tiramisu的時候, 突然令我想起, 半年前在Pregio by Barista Caffe, 和他吃午餐的情景. 那次由於不夠時間, 沒法吃那裡的Tiramisu......時光荏苒, 對於以往美好的歲月, 難忘的片段, 除了可以說句'我會掛念你'之外, 還可以說些什麼呢?
今早睇完美國隊長2,之後一於去北角 Age Bar & Restaurant試試啲美國Dry-Aged 牛扒。同太座 Order 咗兩客Char-Grilled US Prime (Dry Aged) Beef Rib Eye Steak。因為是Set Lunch,所以有沙律、湯、主菜、甜品和飮品。先來一客火箭菜火腿沙律,味道一般,份量太少。湯-----南瓜湯,好味。主菜---Dry Aged Beef,好失望,只食到炭燒的味道,沒有牛肉味,沒有肉汁!甜品---熱情果Cheese Cake,OK!
個日係同女友週年紀念日,所以做左啲research,係or見到呢間環境吾錯而賣相又好靚,所以早一日book係甜品上寫字。点左两個dinner set,頭盤賣相真係好靚,右邊係半熟三文魚,但一啲都吾乾,仲有啲魚子。成個配搭好正!之後加左錢轉左龍蝦湯,但濃得制,濃到可以做汁,但啲龍蝦好爽吾似係雪藏。仲有上碟時湯係另外上,所以溫度岩岩好。送上黎啲包係微暖,食上岩岩好軟,再架埋啲芝士好香。👍主菜叫左prime aged牛扒同42度野生三文魚配焗𧐢飯。淨係影左牛扒😚😚等吾切要食啦。個牛扒好細心切左一片片,個賣相真係好特別,啲薯角好正熱辣辣架。野生三文魚配焗𧐢飯好特別,啲三文魚仲滑,夾埋一粒粒酸酸地吾知咩黎,但食上黎一好清新。👏👏👏👏重頭戲當然係預先加字嘅心太軟啦,点埋枝蠟燭好有feel!! 因為掛住影相搞到個雪糕都融埋 最後飲埋杯movenpick嘅coffee 好完滿嘅happy anniversary!!!