港鐵銅鑼灣站 F1 出口, 步行約6分鐘 繼續閱讀
10:00 - 22:00
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All day full breakfast Creamy white wine mussels French galettes Rib eye burger Roasted duck leg confit Terrine burger
食評 (46)
尋日同朋友係呢間餐廳食tea。我地其中有人叫左凍檸茶,點知黎到之後杯茶飲落怪怪地,有少少似咳藥水,總之同平時飲開的紅茶味很不同。於是我地好聲好氣咁問個侍應點解個味道咁不同。佢就冷冷咁回答話係花茶。好啦咁我朋友再追問係咩花茶。佢就一句duud埋黎話”唔知係咩花茶喎” 。我地已經慶慶地,要求佢換過另一杯飲品,佢地亦都換左。諗住搞點可以舒舒服服食埋個tea啦。點知隔左一陣,另一個女侍應問個男侍應發生咩事,個男答左之後,個女侍應竟然話” 試味呀?” 咁!!! 最嬲既係佢地企正係我地張台隔離講!!!! 臨走前我地仲聽到佢地話我地叫d食物都係難食的。以後不會再去食,亦都覺得餐廳有必要檢討:(1)首先menu內沒有講明個檸茶係花茶味;我諗正常食客叫杯檸茶都會覺得係正常紅茶味。而果隻花茶味絕對唔係大部份人會接受到。起碼我地有三個人飲左,三個都覺得奇怪。(2)態度非常之惡劣。其實如果佢用正常態度解釋點解杯茶味道不同,我們的感受已經會好好多。(3) 呢樣係最嬲! 就係班侍應係用字正腔圓的廣東話企正係我地隔離談論我地!! 係咪覺得我地唔識聽?果句 “試味呀” 係非常之侮辱人。連少少意見都接受唔到點做飲食?無人會expect係agnes b享受5星級服務,但都無人會想咁想俾人insult ! 班侍應係完全沒有職業操守,兼對客人連一點基本尊重都無。 Yesterday we visited this restaurant and one of us ordered iced lemon tea. But the tea tasted VERY DIFFERENT from normal lemon tea; in fact it almost tasted like cough syrup. Okay so we asked the waiter NICELY why did the tea tasted so different and he replied in a very indifferent tone that the tea was herbal tea. Okay then we asked still very nicely what kind of herbal tea it was, he almost snapped at us saying “all kinds of herbal tea”!! We got upset and asked whether they could change it to another drink. Another waitress came and arranged for us. But after a short while, we saw and heard the guy waiter tell another waitress what happened at our table and the waitress said “試味呀? (they think its for tasting?)” !!!!! and they had the convo RIGHT BESIDE US!!! And before we left the restaurant (which was almost an hour later), they were still talking about us and said the food we ordered tasted really bad. EXTREMELY BAD experience as(1) It wasn’t specified in the menu that the tea was herbal tea. Any reasonable customer would expect it taste like normal red tea/ Ceylon tea right(2) Completely senseless servers with bad attitude; they should at least respond in a better manner and try explain a bit they hv uses herbal tea instead of normal red tea(3) They had the convo about us right beside our table and commented on our food non-stop! Did they think we cannot understand Cantonese?!! Completely absurd and senseless. We were not expecting 5-star services in average –priced chain restaurant but we were not expected to be insulted neither!! We really doubt how agnes b could maintain their brand reputation with such service attitude. The servers were not respecting their job and their customers at all !! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2017-01-17
994 瀏覽
已不是第一次食,不過每次都冇影相。今次好想跟大家分享,特別推介這裡的白酒煮南青口配薯條及蘋果派。本人不太喜歡大隻的青口,反而比較喜歡細粒飽滿的南青口,加入白酒烹調,美味無窮!不過其實最好味的可說是它的配角……薯條,炸得脆脆,大小合適,味道恰到好處,配茄汁或法國人最愛的美奶滋都好好味!另一推介有蘋果派, 配自家製caramal雪糕,薄片蘋果烤焗後加上冰凍的ice cream,味道不太甜,冷與凍的結合另人回味! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2016-12-28
706 瀏覽
平日的早上經常都是趕急及忙碌的,連坐下飲一杯咖啡的時間也可能沒有。今日難得休假,立即放慢腳步,悠閒的周圍散步之際來到了這一間咖啡室。早上十時左右,店內未見有客人,外賣等候的倒有幾個,我們選了靠窗的位置坐下。陽光異常猛烈,一點也不像是12中旬。早餐Menu不多選擇,不過質素很好,我叫了Egg Benedict,切落去既時候真係會爆蛋汁!另外個all day breakfast 唔算係好有驚喜,不過哩度既面包十分好食,脆卜卜,下次可以試下佢個三文冶。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2016-12-24
707 瀏覽
喺 Facebook 見到agnes b. 餐廳出咗芝士火鍋, 即刻要約埋個芝士控食個 Pre Christmas Dinner 先 ^^Cheese fondue有淡淡酒香, 同d 配料幾夾, 唔錯~ 另外朋友叫咗個洋蔥湯, 又香又好飲 . 我地仲叫咗個牛扒漢堡, 入面除左有塊牛扒之外仲有個大啡菇, 好味道 ! 另外值得一讚既係餐廳員工好細心咁問我地係咪share 食, 上檯時已幫我地切開咗兩份 ^^最後梗係點都要食個甜品先叫完滿架嘛, 實在太飽既關係, 兩個人share 一件  Christmas cake – “Wish upon a Star”, 好好食 !! 推介推介 !! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2016-12-23
555 瀏覽
聖誕又到喇!點可以唔去食下芝士火鍋呢😝前幾日終於同朋友去試左Agnes b.新推出既開心果芝士火鍋!好特別!😍火鍋加入左開心果,食落仲有陣陣既酒味~好香之後我地仲叫多左個白酒忌廉煮青口,忌廉味好香濃!正!最後到甜品~蛋糕!無論外型同味道都拎滿分👍🏻👍🏻 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)