12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 23:30
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 23:00
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La pain grille - Agnes B . Let me ask you a question . What is your first thought when you think about agnes b ? Generally , the first thing come up to your mind , maybe bags , clothes etc . Right ? Agnes b , the french designer , is known for her self named brand , build a versatile expansion , from clothings , fleuriste (flowers) , beauty to delices ( pastries and chocolate ), Cafe LPG , and la pain grille( restaurant ) , or even film creation - the agnes b theater . After a long run, you can definitely see how Agnes b stands it ground with a bright career .In fact , what 's the point of saying the background is just a brief introduction to pay homage to this honorable designer . La Pain Grille is not a bad choice for fine dinning and there are 3 branches in total , one in IFC , a comparative small one in Festival Walk and one in Causeway Bay Cubus . I have tried these 3 and I think the IFC is the best to present authentic French cuisine which pay meticulous attention on details with a very outstanding romantic interior design . BreadbasketFor today , Ms rabbit go to cubus for a hit , yet overall the dishes are still up to standard . Their menu is very simple compare to IFC one , there are only two sets selections , the 4 courses or the 5 one . No any a la carte are provided. Hence we pick both for sharing . Breadbasket is above average . They provide walnut bun, wheat baguette and the plain one . Serve with two kinds of butter , seaweed and the sea salted one . Butter is spreadable , the seaweed one is aromatic and extremely favorable. Bread with crispy layer and a soft content.Welcome snacks - Cranberry Jelly and Crab meat QuicheWelcome snack is simple and light . Today's come up with cranberry jelly and crab meat quiche . A blob of jelly and quiche are delicately placed on a small mental spoon . Cranberry jelly is fruity and a bit sour , successfully whet your appetite , somehow I can't sense any cranberry hint . Quiche got the same problem , quiche texture is flaky enough , taste buttery , whilst I can't feel any crab meat mouthfuls . A bit strange.St Jacques grillees et epinardsGrilled scallop and spinach in dive pesto and aged balsamic cream . The presentation is decent and delightful . Baby spinach is thin and fresh . Crunchy green mixs complement well with a light basil vinegar sauce , this no doubt can whet the appetite. Grilled scallop are quite mouthwatering , but not in a big size . Create a springy texture under a just- right grill timing . The texture is very likable with simple salt sprinkles .Tartare De BoeufThis look unexpectedly colorful and magnificent as I do not expect beef tartar can have such extensive combination . I am not a steak lover , but I like raw beef indeed. Tartar is one of my favorite . Classic tasmanian natural onglet beef is fresh enough , with a favorable marination and 3 kinds of condiment ( avocado , mushroom , chili pepper ) , the whole thing is extremely plentiful and the condiments complex the flavor and tartar outstandingly, it escalates the overall mouthfuls . This is highly recommended .Bisque de homardHere comes the soup . I usually just have a few scoop since I am not really interested in drinking soup . This lobster bisque serve in a very hot condition , is stomach warming . The broth is in a moderately thick spoonful and rich in flavors . Lobster hint is equally dense . A small grilled scallop is inside the soup , a bit insipid and ordinary .It would be better just if they add more seafood into the broth so that the mouthfuls can be more fruitful .Patte de crab grilleThis is the seafood selection Alaskan Crab Legs are fresh with soft meat, itself is juicy but not soggy , somehow I can't understand why Agnes B said it is grilled one in the menu . The crab leg is cold , exactly like the one you have it in the buffet . A caring performance since the chef will slice out the meat first , hence dinners can enjoy it easily . Creamy potato puree is smooth and entirely blend with butter . Wish I could have more . Green salad and roasted garlic butter sauce garnish on sides .Joue de boeuf WagyuSlow cooked Wagyu beef check is the high light of the meal . The beef check stew to a perfection , the meat is extremely tender and tastes incredibly good . The beef check possess a distinctive layers while leaving a rich flavor lingering on the palate. This is worth trying . Side dish is braised coco white beans and caramelized shallots . Shallots are like spring onion , very aromatic and tasty , white beans are soft . The sides overall are quite delicate as you can see they put effort on small details . The whole thing is subtle .Carre d' agneau rotiRoasted Welsh Lamb rack are very different compare to normal one . This lamb rack is unique with no any marination or seasonings on top , the taste is simple and light , greatly succulent and juicy meaty , but somehow the lamb hint is not that sharp . Side dish like Braised Brussels Sprouts and spinach are authentic with a slightly bitter note , yet it is original and unique too . Sweet onion sauce underneath is dense and strong . Condiments like spinach paste and the carrot paste complex the flavor and match excellently marvelous with the lamb .Fondant ChaudWarm chocolate fondant can be one of the signature of Agnes B . The presentation is very adorable as they make the fondant inside a star shape pottery container with their agnes b logo . Look really great so do the tastes are equally delectable . What makes a chocolate fondant can be that tempting ? In Agnes B , the chef even added lots of nuts and caramel to complex the flavors and enrich your mouthfuls . Every spoonful is extremely rich in chocolate flavor , extra dense and nutty . The chocolatary content ooze out immediately which is stomach warming , nicely contrast against the smooth vanilla ice cream . This delicacy is greatly arousing , the whole thing melt swiftly that certainly can moves you and satisfy your max. Best pick for chocolate lovers.Guteaux aux pistacheAnother dessert that is equally delicious . The outlook is eye- catching as the pistachio cake is cover by raspberry powder , chocolate pattern garnish on side, urge a more delicate presentation . The cake is simple with a light pistachio hint , sponge cake and mousse to form the layers . Vanilla ice cream is aromatic . Since both dessert are in a generous potion . I do think they should give out a bigger scoop of ice cream to balance the proportion . The cake is just irregularly big , meanwhile the ice cream is like really exquisite one. You see the point !?Something deserve mention is their cutlery .Their table ware are particular special with their own design . Some table ware looks really extraordinary with their own using style , you gonna discover by yourself .Lastly , a cup of earl grey and cookies are provide to end up our meal on a pleasant note . Cookies are extremely buttery and crunchy with oats , I appreciate such delightful snacks . Somehow , I prefer petit four .Service is about average , staffs are over attentive that I think we are more like having fast food . They seems erratic , really rush to collect your dishes even though you haven't finished it ! This happened at times that I was disappointed and I think is very interrupting . The ambience overall is very cozy and quiet , the place is not big at all , comparatively small . Dim lightening and less dinners (usually ) , le pain grille is a good place for long chat or gatherings .
對於情人節,除了浪漫之外,也是男士們四出張羅禮物及花心思book 位吃飯的日子,各位準備好未呢?在我來説,感覺是最重要的一環,也是我們男生們取分的重點!謝謝 agnès b 的公關小姐們,早前與她們品嚐了該餐廳今年的情人節晚餐, 餐單的選擇都是一剛一柔,感覺蠻合情侶們共同分享,配搭亦見心思。「amusé bouché」餐前一小口小吃,每晚都不同,「芝士泡芙」及「牛油果蟹肉」:頭盤是我自己最喜愛的項目,海鮮與肉二選一,「煙比目魚慕絲配煙鰻魚、煙三文魚及煙鱒魚」「煙雞肉慕絲配煙鴨胸、煙鵝肉及煙鵪鶉脾」擺盤一定是最亮眼的一環,很春天花花的感覺,排成花團的海鮮與煙家禽 (是一碟裡頭集齊雞鴨鵝鵪鶉!),再配上透明心型啫喱,女士們看到應會很心花怒放!男士們可能會較愛煙家禽,煙小鵪鶉脾剛熟,火喉控制剛好,肉質仍嫩,煙薰味道輕而香,另配大量新鮮沙律菜及拿破倫脆片,我自己就吃得很爽!湯是一濃一清的選擇,「松露磨菇湯配松露水晶」「燒車厘茄湯配羅勒水晶」我挑了松露湯味濃,菇蓉下得足,灑上松露油及用松露碎啫喱做成的「松露水晶」,甚有自家心思,愛松露的朋友要挑這項啊。海鮮二選一,似情侶裝的影子,「香煎龍蝦及帶子配慢煮鮑魚、蘆筍及大蔥薯蓉」「香煎小龍蝦及帶子配慢煮鮑魚、白蘆荀及甜豆薯蓉」「agnès b.」的海鮮一向做得不錯,而法國菜亦一向以海鮮聞名,新鮮小龍蝦肉質爽彈,排成原隻上甚有霸氣,小鮑魚有預期的鮮味,在質感配襯上它的煙煙韌韌亦與龍蝦及帶子帶來對比。主菜環節是慢煮系列,一牛一豬,「煎焗頂級牛柳及紅酒汁慢煮和牛面頰配蘑菇意大利飯及黑松露醬」「煎焗法國布列塔尼豬柳及蘋果汽酒汁,慢煮豬面頰配蘑菇意大利飯及黑松露醬」不得不讚,牛面頰是炆得十分鬆化入味,輕輕一切軟熟的肉質纖維就完全分離了,這就是慢煮的威力。若愛有咬口的,旁邊的小牛扒應該可滿足到你,適合心多多的朋友。作為情人節晚餐,甜品總是少不了吧,也是女生們最期待的環節?!「開心果榛子巧克力蛋糕」用了「agnès b」招牌咖啡熊仔立體造型,超可愛,蛋糕內吃到粒粒開心果仁碎配合香甜朱古力蛋糕,女生們該會歡喜。另一款「香檳花果茶巧克力蛋糕」,心型賣相蓋著薄薄的香檳糖面,內裡茶香慕絲帶淡淡幽香,幼滑而不過甜。此餐單由二月七日開始供應至十四日,兩人只收$1,680 +10%,以及可免費獲贈限量版設計精緻禮物盒。有得食有得拎,而且價錢是蠻化算呢!
一年一度兩口子最重視的節日莫過於214~ 感謝公關安排,是晚來到CUBUS 內的agnès b. le pain grillé 試吃情人節五道菜晚餐,享愛法式浪漫滋味~ 套餐包括四個項目:the smoke fish & poultrythe soupthe seafoodthe meatthe dessertamuse bouche (餐前小點):芝士泡芙及菠蘿啫喱。前者要趁熱吃為佳,味道似我平日喜歡吃的麻糬波波,但質感輕盈。菠蘿啫喱像水晶球一樣,微酸的菠蘿汁在口腔中彈破,清新開胃。頭盤:煙雞肉慕絲配煙鴨胸、煙鵝肉及煙鵪鶉脾擺盤超讚!那小小的透明心心啫喱一看就知道是情人節獨有吧~ 一碟裡頭有齊雞鴨鵝鵪鶉,陣容認真豐富;先吃煙鵪鶉脾,生熟程度控制剛好,肉質仍粉嫩;煙雞肉慕絲則相對較輕怡,是新鮮沙律菜的好拍檔;煙鴨胸及煙鵝肉同樣有淡淡煙薰味道,吃落更有層次感。另外不得不提少有在頭盤出現的拿破倫脆脆,放在底部加上幼滑牛油果蓉,實在滿足!湯:松露磨菇湯配松露水晶磨菇類是我一向的「飛佛」,看賣相已知道濃度如何;這湯沒有令我失望,菇味濃郁中散發出陣陣松露幽香,「松露水晶」以松露碎做成啫喱,點綴了整個湯,變得不再單調。海鮮:香煎小龍蝦及帶子配慢煮鮑魚、白蘆荀及甜豆薯蓉最期待的環節之一,就是這裡的海鮮,法國海鮮一向有名,這個三重奏用上新鮮小龍蝦,爽口彈牙,鮮味十足;金黃色巨形帶子極吸引,內裡肉質尤其嫩滑;此外想不連到鮑魚質感也是軟腍不過火,白蘆荀及甜豆薯蓉作配菜很清新健康。肉類:煎焗法國布列塔尼豬柳及蘋果汽酒汁,慢煮豬面頰配蘑菇意大利飯及黑松露醬。從豬/牛兩者中我選了前者,從公關小姐得知豬肉來自法國布列尼,此區出品之豬隻油脂分佈平均,肉質特別鬆軟;但我對右邊的豬面頰印象更深;牛面頰之前吃過不少,原來豬面頰經慢煮後也非常腍滑入味,配以特色蘋果汽酒汁令人吃得滿意。中間的蘑菇意大利飯\份量剛好,香氣甚濃,米粒也有點咬口,轉眼間已掃清光了~雖已吃的很飽,但仍很期待甜品出場! 兩款情人節限定甜品造型極趣緻,女生必定一見傾心~開心果榛子巧克力蛋糕:agnès b 招牌熊仔比一般蛋糕來得可愛,相信拍照會成為指定動作呢。我們也異口同聲說:實在不忍一刀切下去~中間吃到粒粒開心果仁碎,味道夠濃,配合榛子巧克力蛋糕,這個組合絕對是個perfect match。香檳花果茶巧克力蛋糕:賣相雖沒有熊仔般吸引,造型比較低調,但有的卻是內涵;外面蓋著一層薄薄的幻彩香檳色,清雅脫俗。吃一口後淡淡的荔枝茶香味隨之而來,感覺清新。茶香慕絲加朱古力蛋糕整體入口幼滑也不過甜。
長期做空中飛人,為公司仆心仆命,終於有點小回報。看見自己也累積了一點里數,好奇可以兌換什麼,發現原來除了機票,關於餐飲美食的兌換選擇也非常多,當中看中了Cubus 的agnes b. LE PAIN GRILLE二人下午茶餐,因為它星期一至日都可以使用,比較有彈性。說起agnès b,這是1795年於巴黎成立的一個名牌,創辦人叫Agnès Troublé,名字非常特別,那時她才34歲。此品牌除了推出為人熟知的男女童裝服飾、手袋飾物、鐘錶及運動服外,其實還有化妝品(agnès b BEAUTÉ)、花店(agnès b fleuriste!!)、戲院(agnès b CINEMA!)、畫廊(GALERIE DU JOUR agnès b.)、展覽廳(agnès b′s LIBRAIRIE GALERIE)、旅遊概念店(agnès b la maison sur l′eau),還有少不了的餐飲業,當中有法國餐廳agnès b le pain grillé及售賣朱古力甜點的agnès b DÉLICES。曾經去過歌賦街的Café LPG,感覺不怎麼樣,倒是裝修很吸引人,那猶如拼布的地板,非常色彩繽紛,甫進入店內,頓時心情開朗起來。今次去銅鑼灣Cubus店的LE PAIN GRILLE,它於法文有多士、吐司之意,可見麵包在法國人的飲食中是一個很重要的元素。餐廳整體裝潢簡潔優雅,正中是大理石材,兩旁是原木地板,牆上用上深色玻璃,配以一幅幅蕨類植物的綠色牆璧,很有大自然的感覺。餐廳入口處旁外邊其實有個漂亮的小花園,那個地方的用途應該是吸煙間,有點可惜。如果地方大一點,放幾張檯櫈,那應該會是另一種浪漫。噢,當然不是在這種寒冷的天氣下。High tea set 價值$318,當中包括兩杯$48或以下的餐飲。大部分餐茶都可以添飲,咖啡則只有regular coffee可以。我發現全店客人幾乎都清一色叫了這個三層架的high tea set,那個畫面實在挺有趣。餐廳的餐具也很過癮,叉子短短的像貓手,貓痴如我對它真是愛不釋手。三層的鹹甜點,非常壯觀,極盡視覺效果。頂層有比較簡單的焗鬆餅,這個最好先吃,不然冷掉了便會變硬,破壞了應有的口感。鬆餅有淡淡的牛油香,端來的時候已經不算很熱,但口感仍然鬆脆。提子乾份量很少,很對我的胃,配果醬一流。我習慣先鹹後甜,所以先吃底層。中間黑漆漆的是黑炭多士,上面有很濃厚的芝士,入面火腿片薄至近乎透明,無炭倒是躇不出來。欖形的是蘑菇撻,蘑菇用白酒煮過,雖然菇味濃郁,撻底亦鬆化,但味道太鹹,有點受不了。再來有鵝肝啫喱凍配麺包和無花果,因為戒鵝肝的關係,這個要skip一下。煙三文魚乳酪配i鹹餅味道普通,那個鹹餅的口感說不上來,但我不太喜歡。好笑的是,我本來以為那是扎肉片,因為外形和顏色也實在太似了。大蝦配青瓜同樣被騙倒,因為我以為那是蜜瓜。配青瓜有點怪,因為青瓜不夠冰、不夠爽脆、不夠新鮮,無法中和蝦的鹹味。本來對中層的甜點滿懷期待,結果正中的芒果布甸只是一味的酸,布甸奶味很重,中間混有芒果肉及蘋果碎粒。馬卡龍則是太甜,雖然有亮麗的粉色,但欠缺外脆內裡輕柔鬆軟的口感。貝殼形的Madeleine蛋糕有很特別的earl grey味,可惜沒有牛油香,加上過於乾硬,久缺蓬鬆軟綿的口感。檸檬撻小小的很可愛,但我卻嚐不出檸檬的味道,反而覺得有點像薯蓉。我比較欣賞最後的藍苺撻,它加入了杏仁片和開心果碎,入面有奶黃餡,味道很清新。餐茶方面,點了Agnes b. special,這個是綠茶,帶有濃濃的莓味,飄出來的是甜甜的香氣。另一杯點了Casablanca,這個是摩洛哥薄荷加上佛手柑,薄荷味香氣迫人,呷一口,令我頓時覺得很放鬆。很慶幸這只是一頓免費餐,如果要我掏荷包,我想我會有別的選擇。
上星期同朋友慶祝生日,選了 Cubus 的 Agnes b。這所餐廳還在地舖的時候去過一、兩次,印象還算不錯,但搬了上樓之後反而未有去過。今次再去已經是事隔起碼一、兩年了。 餐廳環境可以,舖面比以前地舖時細,新裝修,桌與桌之間的距離也寬敞。餐牌上的午餐套餐維持是中上價檔次,價錢在二百五十元至三百元之間。我就選了二百六十八元的牛扒。套餐是 3 courses,頭盤可以選湯或沙拉,我見沙拉個名看似很高檔 - 煙三文魚和三文魚子沙拉,所以便選了沙拉。沙拉的份量很 “袖珍”,三文魚子亦只得四、五粒,而最失敗的是有一些已經是扁了。完全沒有賣相和口感可言。而且亦嫌煙三文魚太碎,遠不及一整片的來得大方及有口感。牛扒肉質 ok ,很“林” 和有肉味。但個人不太喜歡這種煮法,因為是用重牛油去煎,感覺非常油膩。牛扒並非很大,大約六至八安左右,但因感覺油膩,再多也吃不下了。最後上咖啡,很失望,咖啡帶有苦澀味和微酸。肯定是煮定等客而 over 左的結果。一間中上價餐廳 serve 這樣質素的咖啡,不可接受。埋單三百多元一位,以午餐而言,絕對不算便宜,但最重要的是,食物質素的確有很大的改善空間。