港鐵銅鑼灣站 A 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 22:00
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食評 (3)
等級2 2017-06-24
652 瀏覽
繼東京新加坡多倫多首爾上海之後 今個月終於黎到香港🎉 係幾個星期前 男朋友已經上網make左reserve💓 其實呢 我地係三月果陣去日本 係表參道行街 唔覺意路過見到 係無reserve之下已經去過一次😆 講返香港先 好多人好迫 每人都有一杯免費飲品🍹 如果有買到product就會有蛋糕🍰 有個photobooth俾你影張相📸 同樣地都係send返個copy去你email度📩 當然唔少得係無限既cosmetic俾你試用💄-earl grey with lavender tea預早斟定左既 啲茶小小熱 其實呢我都幾鍾意伯爵茶 可能係紅茶配搭左佛手柑既香味☕️ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2017-06-23
369 瀏覽
The pop-up store is a dream long for most ladies. The store is nicely and appealingly decorated which catches attention. Advance booking is a must in order to go in, walk-ins are no more accepted due to the overwhelming responses.It's not too crowded while the numbers of admission are being controlled.The latte is free of charge with advance booking, the aroma is not too strong and the acidity is weak while the milk is quite rich. Easy to drink.The most impressive is the rose cake. Undoubtedly it  matches the theme colour of the cafe, more importantly, the taste is good. The rose is fresh while the cream is light and you could taste layer by layer while the cake is melt in your mouth.Only a pity that customers could not enjoy the cake inside the café as the tables and seats are for photo shooting only. No one is gonna sit there for long. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2017-06-19
285 瀏覽
Chanel品牌的Coco Cafe繼登陸東京、新加坡、上海等城市後,終於在這個6月份要來香港開店了!雖然只是以pop-up形式短短開業2星期,已經夠令身邊一眾女生相當期待!香港Chanel Coco Cafe位於銅鑼灣耀華街(即the Coffee Academics的鋪位)。入場全免,兼每位可自選一杯免費飲品(果汁、咖啡或茶)和小禮物包,場內亦有供應數款小食。唯一條件,是要預先在Chanel Coco Cafe的網頁上預訂入場時間。這日我選了瓶荔枝果汁,味道清甜。果汁靈感是來自Chanel Chance系列香水。Coco Cafe內大家可以玩自家製latte art,photo booth,當然亦有Chanel化妝品試用。如果即場購買彩妝的話,還會獲贈一件蛋糕。難怪就算雨下不停,cafe內外都人潮不絕呢~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)