港鐵銅鑼灣站 A 出口, 步行約6分鐘 繼續閱讀
以融合藝術及提供可持續性餐飲為理念,從旗下的有機農場、本地及世界各地採購新鮮和可持續的食材,創作充滿新意的高質西式美饌,如招牌之一的即席藝術甜品畫。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:00
Visa Master 現金 銀聯
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
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食評 (103)
等級5 2024-10-30
867 瀏覽
到訪這餐廳的時間其實已經是兩個月前,即是八月份,當時是為我的閨蜜慶祝的生日晚餐。「CulinArt 1862」這間餐廳是在網上搜尋得知的,早在四月份 (即我的生日月份) 的時候閨蜜已經想與我到訪,只是當時有幾個選擇,最終並沒有選中「CulinArt 1862」而已,這次我和閨蜜都想法一致,決定來這間餐廳晚餐。我們訂檯6:45pm約7:00pm到達 (因找了一陣子餐廳位置),餐廳入口原來正正在銅鑼灣煤氣公司旗艦店毗鄰,要通過一條樓梯到2樓才是餐廳的主要用餐位置。後來上網找資料才知道「CulinArt 1862」是Towngas 和主廚Stanley Wong 合作的現代西餐廳。餐廳2樓全層地方闊大,分左右兩邊,左邊主要是廚房和部份用餐地點;餐椅以寶藍色為主,感覺高雅,適合一大班人聚會,可能也可包場。右邊是一個比較闊大的用餐部份,燈光柔和,餐椅選用了卡其色,間隔部份採用了玻璃襯木條,大方得體;部份餐桌更採用了原實木,連吊燈也很具藝術成份,感覺相當舒服。靠窗一面面向木球會和皇冠假日酒店,我們一早就預訂了窗邊的位置。晚餐有很多選擇,我八月份用餐,現時餐廳已更換了新餐單,餐廳網頁有最新餐單。主廚嚐味餐單($988 另加$688侍酒師美酒配對),晚市套餐 (從兩道菜到四道菜都有: 兩道菜 每位$398 | 三道菜 每位$468 | 四道菜 每位$588) ,以及豐盛分享套餐 ($1,588/2位用,需於48小時前預訂) 。餐酒我們選了意大利的Chianti Colli Senesi D.O.C.G.2022我們分別選擇了三道菜和四道菜的晚餐:~ 十穀酸種麵包配紫菜牛油紫菜牛油配酸種麵包夠特色,每人半個已經足夠,不需要再加錢多享用一個 (加一個$42)。~ 頭盤~ 八爪魚薄片個人對八爪魚有編好,經常點選,這一盤八爪魚薄片,配合切碎的蕃茄粒、柚子和鮮果粒,味道相當清新。~ 煎北海道帶子(+ $48)大大粒的北海道帶子冇得輸,輕輕煎過,沾上杏仁白蒜冷湯及野蒜油,一口吃下相當滿足。~ 醃吞拿魚刺身(+ $28)椰子青檸汁增加了吞拿魚刺身的鮮味,閨蜜讚口不絕。~ Main 主菜~ 香煎智利鱸魚(+ $48)皮脆肉滑是必然的,味道不過不失。~ 波士頓龍蝦扁意粉(+ $118)選擇這一道龍蝦扁意粉是因為我重視這一餐是為閨蜜慶祝的生日晚餐;龍蝦去殼煎香,雖好像有點過火,亦感到彈牙好味;意粉帶着龍蝦汁放進口中,有嚼勁和嚐到龍蝦的鮮味。~ Dessert 甜品~ 即席藝術甜品畫 “Jackson Pollock” (兩位起享用) (+ $58) 每位為了配合美麗的藝術甜品畫,還點選了法國釀製的甜酒 Vilmart & Cie Ratafia Harvest 與閨蜜一起品嚐。這一款甜酒是餐廳的經理介紹的,入口果香味,好香甜,配甜品一絕。其實如果不是為了增加氣氛,個人不建議加每位$58的藝術甜品畫。說實話,這一個藝術甜品畫特別之處是餐廳職員用了不同顏色的糖漿和不同顏色的糖粉,在你面前親手製作,蜜運中的情侶或小朋友見到是會較為高興的。雖然即席藝術甜品或是這間餐廳的招牌之一,不過我和閨蜜的個人觀感是完成的作品,令人有一種眼花撩亂的感覺;留意沒有黃色的芒果糖漿,因為閨蜜不吃黃色的食物,因此沒有黃色的糖漿;若再加上黃色的糖漿,更加增加這一幅甜品畫的撩亂感覺 (純粹個人觀點😅)。其次甜品畫內的甜品並不是太突出,口感很甜,反而選擇晚餐內包含的甜品會比較好。- 似米通感覺的一份甜品;- 這一粒沾滿白砂糖的紅莓最甜,自己最不喜歡;- 一件迷你士多啤梨撻;- 這一件是迷你泡芙;- 上面鋪上甜奶油的蛋糕仔;- 這一件甜品我已忘記了味道,但看樣子是不吸引我呢;- 整幅甜品畫內最特別的算是這一片樣子看似是一片巴馬火腿的柔軟黑白朱古力了。這間餐廳的食物也算不錯,而且餐廳職員禮貌非常好,座位亦非常舒適,餐廳的牆上也掛上了一些藝術畫。發現這間餐廳地點適中,除了適合和朋友聚會之外,也適合一家大細前來用餐。而且餐廳賣點是採用本地及世界各地的新鮮可持續的食材製作食物,也值得支持一下。我訂位後無意中在餐廳網頁內發現可以用七五折的價錢購買這間餐廳的現金券 (這是餐廳不定期的優惠),因此我預先購買了兩張$1000的現金券(實付$1500),相當化算。如果朋友們有意在這間餐廳用餐,不妨到餐廳的網頁去看一下有沒有其他的優惠;餐廳的餐單會定期更換,而且有很多選擇,菜式亦相當吸引;因餐廳不是也會發電郵給我,告訴我餐廳推出的優惠,如下午茶或早鳥優惠等等。感覺這家餐廳的出品很有heart,有機會我會再來的。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Start of birthday celebration and my social media account popped up that his restaurant has a buy1-get-1 free promotion if you are seated from 6pm-730pm from Monday to Wednesday. However, I just checked the offer ends 30/9 so I am not sure if the offer will extend or not and is applicable to the 3-course set dinner.When you arrive despite there is a reception at downstairs, actually you can directly walk up that flight to eneter the restaurant.The seaweed butter was really rich and if there wasn't an extra charge, I may have wanted 1 more.Both starters were cooked just right as both of them can be a bit tough if overcooked. The scallop was definitely my favorite as its middle was almost translucent.The swordfish was tender(I guess from its fat contnet) the herbs elevated the fishes flavor further.The prawn head burst with roe and the pasta was coated with the sauce. However, it was a bit softer than al dente but otherwise great taste.We definitely ordered he dessert presentation and the server helped us decorated the dish where they say this presentation was inspired by the artist Jackson Poloock.The dried ice with meringue was a nice finishing touch. I would say acceptable value for full price but definitely a bargain during the promotion period. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-08-02
4661 瀏覽
平時唔多去四手,有興趣嘅都通常預早好多book,反而有朋友send 左呢個menu俾我問有冇興趣,CulinArt 1862一次都無去過,見地點價錢都覺得幾好就試下。雖然係town gas嘅餐廳,但廚都有番咁上下,Chef Emmanuel Souliere係巴黎人嘅行政總廚,又係金沙同Sands同好多唔同嘅Hilton酒店都做過,佢今次聯合左Chef Shine Chiu,CulinArt 1862嘅總廚一齊落場,做咗一個唔錯嘅四手晚宴。$1,288 一位有六個course嘅Menu都算幾精美,想飲酒就加$888 有Wine Pairing,看你是否喜歡飲酒,如果係,價錢都唔算天價,而質素都幾好。Amuse Bouche有三個Sweet Potato & Lavender 係甜蕃薯及薰衣草,係Alaskan Crab Croquette 阿拉斯加蟹肉餅,Foie Gras Mousse都幾好,入口係勁濃嘅Foie Gras 香。吃左幾款嘅麵包加自家製嘅辣醬同橄欖油,so far幾好。Purple Artichate Bargont係法式烤雅枝竹「巴里古」,未試過咁食雅枝竹,再加個湯,印象都幾深刻難忘。旁邊送上嘅黑松露撻絕對非常精彩,未試過成個口腔都充滿着新鮮而強烈嘅黑松露香。Lobster Consomms係法式龍蝦清湯,用上番茄果凍同Kristal 魚子醬,高貴到不行,魚子醬嘅味同清新嘅龍蝦湯形成強烈嘅對比,件龍蝦都掌握得好好,呢個係黑松露撻後另一深刻嘅菜式。Grilled Turbat,多寶魚以外再有新鮮大蜆加上Ratatouille 意大利雲呑,以Tortellini Basil 醬汁來煮,再加上佢個醬汁用上好多嘅魚骨煲咗嘅湯來煮個雲呑,都幾特別,節瓜花用上好似天婦羅咁嘅方式嚟炸,炸得好好,個魚又係煮到最優質狀態,雪白嘅魚肉咬入去口感一流,怪不得係Chef Emmanuel Souliere嘅得意菜式。Australian Dagyn Ribeye 呢個澳洲和牛肉眼排,加上黑蒜汁有另一番風味,配菜係馬鈴薯千層方塊,最難忘反而係佢用上方塊嘅形式去做個馬鈴薯,好有口感同風味,Chef Shine Chiu相反風格比較內斂低調,走傳統路線。甜品係杏仁玫瑰雪糕配薰衣草,雪糕非常精彩,旁邊加上紅桑子同開心果,好refreshing,解了和牛嘅油膩,食完呢個就覺得Chef Emmanuel 今晚表現滿分。PetieFours 基本上起法國菜住傳統嘅甜品,Canele係我favorite ,其他朱古力類甜品都係正常發揮。可惜前嗰排飲酒太多,要detox下,聽朋友講係第二枱食有飲Brut Rosé NV,Maso Cantanghel - Sauvignon Blanc,仲有Le Potazzine Brunello di Montalcino 2017,Marco Capra Moscato D'asti 'Bricco Delle Merende' 2023,Montonale 'Orestilla' Lugana 2018,朋友話幾隻酒都pair得唔錯,價錢都唔算太貴,如果仲有機會都可以試吓pair吓。不過聽講呢次四手都幾受歡迎,期待下次再有機會可以試吓另一個Menu 。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-11-15
0 瀏覽
Located within the flagship Towngas store in Causeway Bay, CulinArt 1862 is a fine dining restaurant that showcases a collaborative effort between Towngas and Chef Stanley Wong. The space offers a contemporary and inviting atmosphere, making it an ideal destination for anyone seeking a sophisticated and enjoyable dining experience. The restaurant brings the concept of "farm-to-table" to life, ensuring that each dish is crafted with fresh, high-quality ingredients that are thoughtfully prepared. Delicious Beginnings – Bread and Butter 🍞  To start, the 10 Grain Sourdough Bread paired with Seaweed Butter was a delightful introduction to the meal. The bread was soft, with a subtle yet satisfying texture, and the seaweed butter was absolutely divine. Its rich umami flavor made each bite an enjoyable teaser, leaving me eager to dive into the upcoming courses.A Comforting Starter – Duck Consommé, Tortellini, and Winter Melon🍲The Duck Consommé starter was a warm, comforting delight, beautifully balanced with the tender tortellini and refreshing winter melon. The consommé was rich yet light, a perfect beginning to a meal that showcased the chef's ability to marry traditional techniques with modern flavors.Grilled Swordfish Fillet – A Light and Flavorful Main 🐟  For the main course, the Grilled Swordfish Fillet with Green Beans and Chimichurri was a standout. The swordfish was cooked to perfection, flaky and juicy, while the chimichurri added a fresh, zesty kick that enhanced the natural flavors of the fish. The green beans provided a crunchy contrast, completing the dish with an additional layer of texture.The Crowd-Pleaser – Mac n’ Cheese with Truffle 🧀  The Mac n’ Cheese with Truffle was an indulgent side that is definitely worth ordering to share. The truffle infused into the creamy cheese sauce gave the dish a luxurious flavor, while the macaroni was perfectly cooked, making it the ideal comfort food.One of the highlights of the meal was the concept of “farm-to-table” that resonated in each dish. You could truly taste the freshness of the ingredients, and the careful consideration given to every element on the plate. This focus on quality and sustainability was evident, making the dining experience feel wholesome and satisfying. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
🔸 10 Grain Sourdough Bread, Caramelised butter呢個穀物sourdough真係超級出色🥰 尤其欣賞佢個黑蒜牛油‼️搽落sourdough度食真係好香 完全食到唔停口 🥹🥹🔸Octopus Carpaccio | Watermelon & Pomelo Relish薄切八爪魚配上鮮西瓜粒同埋西柚粒係絕佳嘅開胃前菜🤭 而且賣相都非常吸引同埋好有色彩好似一幅畫咁樣🤩🔸Beef Consomme I Bone Marrow Dumpling呢個法式清湯賣相雖然好清澈 但係佢嘅肉味好濃郁🫣 個湯浸住一粒粉團丸子 聲稱係牛骨髓嘅餡 但係唔係好食得出牛骨髓嘅味道🤔🔸Boston Lobster Linguine I Lobster Bisque Home-Grown Cherry Tomato成餐最滿意係呢個龍蝦意粉😍 個海鮮汁充滿住龍蝦嘅鮮味 而且有半隻龍蝦 肉質都好鮮嫩好彈牙 意粉來講係好有咬口嘅質地 加上個咁出色嘅海鮮汁真係要清晒成個碟😋🔸Wagyu Hanger Steak | Mojo Verde | New Potatoes和牛柳超大件而且肉質好厚實但係完全唔韌 今次點左5成熟 入邊都仲保留住原本嘅紅色 但係係冇血水流出嚟嘅 食落牛味非常濃郁 點埋個Mojo sauce 成件事好match🤭 薯仔亦都煎得好香🔸Dessert Presentation一開頭係係網上見到呢個 dessert presentation而被吸引過黎食🥳 服務員會喺你旁邊即席表演畫呢幅甜品畫 用唔同色彩嘅食用顏料去做背景以襯托唔同嘅甜品 仲要配搭埋乾冰冒煙嘅而且甜品種類好豐富,件件都非常出色 識到最後真係食到好飽 真係視覺同埋味覺嘅享受 😊😊 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)