港鐵金鐘站 A 出口, 步行約10分鐘 繼續閱讀
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18:00 - 00:00
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食評 (30)
等級3 2024-01-29
58 瀏覽
踏入這家餐廳,空氣中撲鼻的是串連起熱情南歐的香氣,令人期待啊!頭盤就有個免費的bread basket,四款麵包帶來嘅口感各有千秋,尤其啲grissini嘅鬆脆,搭配簡單的橄欖油同黑醋,悠閒的開始咗我嘅美食之旅🍞。意粉時間到!Spaghetti Alle Vongole e Zucchine,口感做得彈牙,意式al dante正!可惜用咗蜆仔代替慣有的大蜆,略嫌寒酸,唔夠我鍾意嘅豪邁。換上海鮮湯,Zuppetta Di Pesce嘅湯底有啲淡,但酒香撲鼻,蝦同魚嘅嚡身質感,還過得去。再嚟個Costolette D'Agello Scottadito,羊排嘅味道對於愛吃羊的朋友來說可能唔夠羶,但羊排質感參差,肉愛好者需要啲運氣。甜品安排,Gelato嘅榛子味係冰淇淋界嘅明星,而Cocco E Ananas嘅組合,簡直係夏天大熱天心頭好🌞。然而,真正攞面嘅係Tiramisu,口感細滑至極,每一啖都有淡淡嘅咖啡酒香呢🍰。下次,我一定要試過餐廳嘅pizza同埋更多款式嘅pasta,到時再同大家報告嘅! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2016-01-10
6745 瀏覽
Came here for dinner tonight looking for a casual "authentic" meal with high quality ingredients.  Looks like we came to the wrong place.  Pizza was decent, but everything else was shockingly poor quality especially the culatello, which was a dry shrivelled up piece of thing.  Perhaps they save the better stuff for the regulars. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-03-01
8312 瀏覽
不知道大家有沒有這樣的經歷, 每個時期都總會有一種食物是超想吃的, 就像大肚一樣, 突然想吃到不行, 跟著便會瘋狂的周圍找有供應這款食物的餐廳或甚至是自煮來滿足一下. 宅女時不時都會有這種感覺, 例如這期突然超想吃的是三文魚 (但只限西式做法的), 除了去急凍食品公司買了大量煙三文魚來吃之外, 也會留意有沒有哪間餐廳有提供三文魚任食的自助餐, 當然, 價錢亦不能太貴了. 剛好早陣子朋友提議想試試位於灣仔這家GIANDO, 說周末有個BRUNCH水準不錯, 價錢合理更可以吃三文魚吃到飽, 宅女當然舉腳贊成, 托朋友馬上訂位去.這家位於灣仔海旁的GIANDO主打較精緻的意大利菜, 但每逢周末就會有半自助BRUNCH供應. 地點不屬鬧市區, 宅女選了由金鐘地鐵站一直向著海旁方向走去, 經過了政府總部及立法會大樓, 再轉右邊一直走多一條街就看到了. 雖然路程大約需要十多分鐘, 不過這天走著沿途人不多, 吹著點點風走起來也蠻舒服的. 餐廳就在分域碼頭海軍商場內的1樓, 來到地面巳有個大大的餐廳招牌, 應該不會找錯. 走進去後乘電梯到一樓便會到達佔地全層的餐廳.由於朋友早巳訂了位, 侍應便帶領著我們走到餐廳盡頭的一張四人方枱坐下. 桌子旁邊一大片落地玻璃面對著維港那邊, 不過位置有點偏, 其實是比較能看到添馬艦跟新落成的摩天輪, 但前方一大片填海工程的地盤, 大大減低了整個景觀的吸引度, 然而陽光映照進來仍能帶給餐廳不少朝氣, 不用太多燈光環境巳令人看得十分舒適. 而餐廳地方大小適中, 一邊放置了數張分別能坐上十多人的超大圓桌, 另一邊就有二人及四人方枱各數張. 自助餐區則選擇放在最近門口的位置.我們甫座下便跟侍應說是吃BRUNCH, 侍應隨即便送上一份BRUNCH MENU. 打開看看, 原來這裡的BRUNCH每位HK$308, 就可以到自助餐區任食頭盤或自選一份前菜, 再加上自選主菜及甜品各一份, 還有餐茶. 那如果計這種高級一點的餐廳, 以這個價格吃到BRUNCH又不貴呢. 不過如果自問肚皮不大, 只想主攻任食頭盤的話, 就可以選擇HK$258這一款. 因為我們幾個人都想試試他們的主菜, 所以全部都要了HK$308那款, 周末嘛, 就吃得豐富一點.每枱都會捧上一份用了個紙袋盛著的麵包, 內裡有切了小粒的focaccia亦有脆餅, 拿上手不太熱, 入口不算鬆軟, 沒什麼驚喜, 還是留肚吃前菜好了.頭盤是可以選擇到門口的自助餐區任吃, 或是從三款指定前菜中選一. 指定前菜其實都有水煮蛋配巴馬火腿或意式什菜湯等. 不過宅女想主攻三文魚, 當然是選任吃的了.主菜一會才點吧, 急不及待先出去看看任吃的前菜款式.其實這裡的前菜款式不算多, 沙律醃菜類大約只有十數款, 款式都是較合西方人口味, 可能這裡光顧的多以外籍人仕為主吧, 但款式都算是大路, 尤其有好幾款番吃度都幾高的. 另外還有5-6款火腿. 而另一邊就擺放了7-8種不同款式的芝士. 其實看樣子, 單是芝士成本巳不低, 其實吃幾轉芝士跟火腿, 再加個主菜甜品巳回本.前菜中先有幾款蔬菜, 有香草橄欖油浸茄子, 橄欖油伴雅支竹, 青椒及香草醃三文魚. 這些款式都屬比賽傳統的意式前菜, 當中較少見的有雅支竹, 宅女超喜歡吃, 奈何不是很多餐廳有提供甚至是任吃, 因為都算是高檔蔬菜類, 現在可以無限的吃實在太奢侈了! 而香草醃三文魚是前菜中較搶手的, 不過眼看駐守的廚師RE-FILL速度都幾高, 每次出去拿時都能看到還有大半碟.再來還有幾款橄欖, 蘑菇, 醃什菜, 醃小洋蔥, 半乾蕃茄, 小蕃茄釀吞拿魚, 蛋沙律等等. 這些款式在平日的自助餐廳內都較少見, 但每款都頗有特色, 而且亦有幾款是宅女比較喜愛的, 例如有小洋蔥跟釀蕃茄, 其他都以菜蔬比例較多, 吃起來不會太容易滯膩.而肉食方面就有5-6款火腿及肉腸, 當中不能少的有巴馬火腿, 沙樂美腸及幾款凍肉片. 最受歡迎的當然是巴馬火腿, 但亦不用怕拿不到, 皆因旁邊有位廚師一直不停的RE-FILL, 看到只剩小半碟份量時便會馬上即切火腿把滿滿的一盤換上. 而火腿旁亦有一大盤哈密瓜, 如果喜愛巴馬火腿的朋友, 單是進攻這部份吃回2-3盤巳絕對回本了.自助餐區一邊是擺放前菜跟凍肉, 另一邊水吧位置則放了超多款式的芝士! 平時吃自助餐其實都有芝士區, 但香港人較少會在自助餐時欣賞芝士, 所以一般款式跟份量都較少. 不過這裡可能為了滿足不少外藉人仕, 起碼有多達7款芝士, 而且最利害的是每款芝士都是把一大塊超巨型的芝士擺放出來, 超豪邁的感覺!! 款式亦都頗吸引, 除了有水牛芝士之外, 還有車打芝士及宅女喜愛的藍芝士等. 喜愛芝士的話, 單是看到這個了陣容必定會非常興奮.因為還有主菜, 所以任食前菜也不能吃太多, 宅女最終進攻了3次為著三文魚而來, 第一時間當然先吃這個香草醃三文魚, 魚片厚度適中, 入口夠嫩滑, 吃起來十分油潤, 單是這個三文魚宅女應該吃了超過40片, 非常滿足! 另外也試了巴馬火腿配哈密瓜, 火腿質地十分柔軟薄身, 入口肉夠嫩夠香, 而哈密瓜未算是非常甜那種, 但帶點淋身, 配著火腿來吃甜味不會搶去火腿的鏡, 味道剛剛好. 其他凍肉水準亦不俗, 但要數最好吃的還是他們做的蕃茄釀吞拿魚蓉, 小小的一顆吃下去帶點酸甜感覺, 非常開胃, 不知不覺就吃了十多顆. 如果吃得有點多了, 宅女最喜歡就是拿些小洋蔥來間一間場, 味道帶酸又爽口, 正好能中和一下飽滯感, 又可以繼續來多幾ROUND.另外宅女也每款試了一些芝士, 配著合桃和杏蒲肉吃, 不過自問不是芝士專家, 所以不便評芝士質素, 但宅女吃得較多的是藍芝士, 這裡的就相當不錯.來到主菜部份, 這裡比較有趣的是有分三個部份, 菜色分為輕盈, 普通跟主菜三類, 可以從中選一款. 如果自問胃口不大, 吃了任食前菜都沒太多空位再放主菜, 就可以選輕盈類, 主要都是一些蔬菜及不會太油膩的菜色例如沙律或什菜配BURRATA等等.不過如果像宅女總要點澱粉質下肚的話, 就可以從普通類的七款意粉中挑選. 當中亦有RISOTTO及波士頓龍蝦配手製鈕紋粉 (這款需另加HK$138)不過如果想真正來點肉食, 就可以選主菜類的香草雞, 羊肉或牛扒等等.宅女還是需要澱粉質, 就點了Gnocchi al gorgonzola意粉當中自問較喜歡吃Gnocchi, 但這種意大利麵小團子在香港的一般西餐廳不太普遍, 只有少數意式餐廳有提供過. 看到這裡都有一款, 當然不作它選, 馬上點來試試. 上來的份量不算很多, 但吃前菜吃到半飽的情況下, 這個份量就算是剛剛好了. 簡單的只用了意大利Gorgonzola芝士來做成醬汁伴著小團子, 上方還加了少許火箭菜. 入口醬汁十分creamy亦夠濃稠, 滿滿的包著每顆小團子, 吃起來軟棉棉中帶點咬口, 當中帶著香濃的芝士味, 十分不錯. 宅女個人本身喜歡偏硬身一點的gnocchi, 如果可以再硬一點便更完美, 但現在這個程度算是較易受大眾接受. 整體來說水準不俗.Burrata come in Puglia朋友喜愛BURRATA, 看到這裡都有當然要點來試試. 上來一大個Burrata早巳切開了, 內裡的忌廉mozzarella芝士早巳四散, 旁邊伴著的是幾款意大利什菜, 看起來十分豐厚, 雖然是個素菜, 不過一點都不單調呢~ 試了少許, 芝士入口都幾CREAMY亦富奶香, 伴著蔬菜吃果然真的沒那麼膩, 反而帶出點點清新的食感. 雖然沒有在OPERA HOUSE吃過那個彈性那麼高, 不過這裡的出品巳屬不錯的水準.Strozzapreti All'astice E Pomodoro Fresco (需另加HK$138)朋友想吃龍蝦, 便豪氣的加錢要來這個手製意粉配波士頓龍蝦. 上來的份量比宅女的Gnocchi更多, 半隻波士頓龍蝦連殼的切件跟意粉伴在一起, 醬汁則配了車厘茄醬, 而意粉則是店方自家製的粗身通心意粉. 試了少許意粉, 入口都幾有彈性, 而且因為通心的關係更掛醬汁, 吃起來每一口都充滿著蕃茄的濃香, 亦帶著點點龍蝦鮮味. 果然真的是一分錢一分貨.吃完主菜其實巳有8-9成飽了, 最後還包每人一份甜品和餐茶, 絕對是個完滿的結尾.甜品選擇都幾多, 有自製雪糕, 雪芭, 朱古力慕絲, 乳酪, PANNA COTTA等等8款可以每位選一款. 本來宅女是想選最愛的朱古力慕絲, 可惜此刻巳飽到9成, 實在吃不下太濃味的甜品, 唯有點了個雪芭清一清味蕾吧. 口味有血橙, 士多啤梨跟西柚. 個人不太喜歡橙味甜品, 便選了後者兩款各來一球. 想不到這裡的雪芭味道都幾突出, 甜度剛好, 帶點微酸的食味正好可以緩和一下飽到頂點的感覺. 而朋友則另加HK$18選了TIRAMISU, 這裡的都是自家製, 不過這裡的忌廉份量不算多, 宅女還是喜歡CREAMY一點的. 最後來杯英式BREAKFAST TEA, 消一消滯, 完美的結束了這一個BRUNCH.如果不另加錢要主菜或甜品, 加一後埋單每人三百多, 吃個BRUNCH來說不算貴了.喜歡酒的朋友更可以加HK$138就可以在2小時內任飲FIOL PROSECCO或PERONI啤酒.整體來說這裡的食物款式雖然不多, 而且較偏外藉人仕口味, 不過每款都幾有特別, 較少能在坊間自助餐吃到, 而且水準亦屬中上水平, 正所謂貴精不貴多, 反正不是大胃王, 脾胃有限, 寧願吃點水準好些的, 滿足度當然比較高.BRUNCH的時間由中午12時一直吃到下午3時, 如果周末有時間, 來這裡吃個BRUNCH, 再慢慢行去海濱長廊走一走, 吹吹風, 都是個非常寫意的活動呢!! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Making reservations by phone while in town just a few days prior was not a difficult task. Finding this place took a little perserverance however.I am quite aware of the public relations disaster/fiasco that occured sometime late last year, an incident between restaurants and some bloggers. There may have been some miscommunication from the restaurant's part, but from a paying customer's standpoint, the restaurant and chef owner did not seem to handle things appropriately and set the wrong tone. Despite that, the bloggers still thought that the food was great, just that the service had issues.In spite of that I was really curious and decided to try this place out myself, along with a large party that included family members and dear friends. We had the largest table that night, hitting the 11 to 12 person mark.In short, the food was definitely above average, and while this was no 8 1/2 3 Michelin star, it was still very pleasing depending on what was ordered. The breadsticks in a pouch was very nicely presented. Waitstaff should have picked up and given us olive oil and balsamic vinegar sooner (mis step #1). We ordered two bottles of mineral water, and asked the waitstaff specifically to use it. However it was either miscommuncation or misunderstanding, that waitstaff started to pour regular tap for our guests, until we corrected them (politely without being rude), and we started getting a sense of coldness from the staff.Some of us ordered a mixture of meat and seafood entrees, and then pastas and pizzas. We even had a whole bottle of Barrolo 2009 wine that everyone enjoyed.The Magherita pizza was pretty good, although not a fan of the crust since it was too much like a cracker texture.I had the sea urchin pasta with bottarga (gonads and eggs) which was definitely on the mark...perfect al dente. So kudos to the chef for this one.The burrata appetizer dish was nice for Hong Kong, although it is hard to top the likes of Delifina (San Francisco) or A16 (San Francisco).We asked waitstaff for parmesean/grated cheese for the table, and instead of bringing us chunks to shave, they brought over pre-grated powdered kind. We wanted some chili flakes for the table, and they put down two small servings, which was not enough for those who wanted to add more to their pizza (and the way they were placed down was rather atrocious).At one point the chef owner came over to the table next to us, much smaller in size, and chatted with one of the customers who I assumed was a regular. The chef himself even shaved cheese and cured meats tableside for that table. I was at least expecting the chef to come over to check up on us, and my friends and I would have gladly told him we really enjoyed the food, and that a few of us came overseas just to try his restaurant. Pretty sure the chef and I exchanged some eye contact but he chose to walk back into the kitchen.I think this is the first western restaurant (at least in a long long time for me) where quite a few of us thought there was an air of snobbery from the staff, as well as an air of coldness from the chef owner, who is setting an improper tone for his staff. I really wish for this restaurant to be successful, they have a solid base for food, but the management really has to step up and train their staff better. I am not asking for preferential treatment, but really please do not make it so blatantly obvious and within plain sight that regular customers (presumably local Italianos) get better treatment. Some of us are well traveled and understand the importance of service especially in these surroundings, and that can definitely make or break the experience.Conclusion: the food is actually good here, but there needs to be a change for the better in the service. The rating would be between OK and a yellow dude in tears, but since I could only choose one, I'll slot the "OK" based on future potential and this one experience. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2015-01-11
5814 瀏覽
We ordered palma ham on melon, minestone soup, pasta & seabass. Food is so salty, even variety of bread (free of charge) is salty too. Put so much cream in pasta, no taste except salty. No one could finish the dish. My husband found granules of salt on seabass skin. We ordered gelato ice cream, so bad that no taste of milk, not creamy, just sweet.One thing is environment not bad.I have never been to such low quality Italian restaurant. I don't know how much we paid but surely this restaurant ruined my birthday. I will never come back again and never recommend to anyone. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)