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食評 (7)
等級3 2022-04-19
796 瀏覽
What a lovely foe summer getaway plus a cup of matcha in your hand .. It’s located in the hit spot in town - the upper house, I won’t spend more time to explain how relaxed it is.. just see the pictures 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2022-04-13
348 瀏覽
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️📍Matchali (Quarry Bay)🍴為食妹長期都好羨慕鰂魚涌附近返工嘅朋友仔可以去糖廠街市集啲咖啡車試哂咁多間人氣咖啡店嘅岀品🤤,咁啱平日放假終於有機會去吓😆~ Blue latte ($50)🍴呢杯好靚淺藍色嘅其實係蝶豆花latte,蝶豆花本身係無味,得好靚嘅藍色,只係打卡用,其實都係普通糖漿加牛奶嘅飲品,幸好都無好死甜😌~ Earl grey cannele ($48)🍴呢個cannele好有驚喜😍,本身店員直接喺雪櫃拎出嚟連埋真空膠袋畀為食妹以為會好伏,放上手原來都幾大粒,咬落外脆內軟,超香濃嘅伯爵茶味,內裡好鬆軟濕潤,唔會好甜,超好食喎👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻—————————⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💲💲 繼續閱讀
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抹茶控請舉手🙆🏻‍♀️想不到Matchali在The Upper House裏開新店啦!提供各款抹茶特飲和甜品🍵,更可以到室外花園位置打卡呢。-Starburst $60為兩週年特飲,用上抹茶、芒果🥭、雜苺與蝶豆花製成,果香味較濃郁,酸酸甜甜的,還有乳酪的口感呢。-Iced Dirty Matcha Latte $60也是用手工抹茶沖製而成🍵倒抹茶的那刻好治癒🤤由於落了2 shots espresso,抹茶味道稍稍沒有那麼濃。-Canele $48這裡的可麗露真的超高質,外面熱呼呼的,切開裡面是超濃郁的抹茶流心😍相比之下,甜品比較出色。-Matcha Cheesecake $55cheesecake的中間呈現半熟狀態,也是嚐到好濃郁的抹茶味啊🥰 繼續閱讀
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📍金鐘upper house隱蔽cafe‼️• 嘆抹茶飲品甜品😋 -- Matchali🍵😍·#pigfoodiexhk_金鐘#pigfoodiexhk_cafe========================上星期同@feedmelikemichelin一齊嚟咗金鐘upper house嘆下咖啡同食甜品~呢到環境較隱閉,人流少啲,想靜靜哋同朋友嚟飲嘢都唔錯~🙈------------------------------⭐️Starburst $60 (4.3/5)呢杯係用咗抹茶、芒果、覆盆子、碟豆花沖調而成,顏色好靚😻飲落有芒果同覆盆子嘅香甜,之後就會有抹茶嘅回甘~•⭐️Dirty Matcha $60 (3/5)呢杯咖啡味好濃,幾smooth👍但係抹茶味就唔係好飲到...🙈·⭐️Matcha Canele $48 (4/5)抹茶流心回甘味濃~外皮帶微脆😆👍🏻·⭐️Yuzu Matcha Cheesecake $55 (3.8/5)Cheesecake口感好軟滑~食落柚子味突出啲😋如果抹茶味再濃啲就好啦👍🏻------------------------------賣相:4/5味道:4/4性價比:3.8/5回頭度:3.5/5------------------------------店舖資料名稱:Matchali地址:香港金鐘道88號太古廣場奕居前往方法:金鐘站F出口 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2022-01-25
233 瀏覽
Back at my favourite matcha place to try their newest Dirty Matcha $55 -- which features their signature matcha latte with a shot of cafe kitsune espresso! Personally think the coffee and matcha pair really well, if you have a sweet tooth then would also recommend adding a bit of sugar to the drink too.  We also got a Matcha Latte $50 too. Also really impressed by their dessert selection, especially the Yuzu Matcha Cheesecake $55 by La Vina. It was super creamy and full of matcha flavour, but didn't feel too heavy because of the yuzu! Would highly recommend. Sadly, they ran out of the banana bread when I went, it looked really good so I'd go back for it next time. We got a Cookie DPT Red Velvet Matcha Ganache Cookie $45 to share instead.  繼續閱讀
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