秉承拿坡里的傳統,重現意大利薄餅誕生地的滋味,所有薄餅均採用特製STEFANO FERRARA烤爐炮製,於90秒內以極高溫烤焗而成,口感外脆內軟,帶微微炭烤味道。
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
Greeting by a big smile from the staff, it was sweet to start off tonight's dinner. Thoughtful staff was so nice to spend some time introducing the background of this restaurant and their signature. We have no doubt to ask for their sopressata piccante with an appetiser of polpette al sugo. Polpette al sugo was an Italian meatball dish. It was served with marinara and some fresh basil and parmesan. Meatballs were at a medium size. Meaty and little bit bouncy. Herby and slight peppery. Tomato sauce was with a hint of heat. Not bad. Sopressata piccante was a Italian pizza topped with salami , garlic, oregano and cheese. We asked tor extra mozzarella which was suggested by the staff. Smart to ask pairing with mozzarella as the whole pizza was on a stronger flavour which the mild flavour from mozzarella balanced out. Right amount of salami for some savoury and meatiness. Love the soft chewy crust with a slight charred. It was droolingly delicious.We rounded the meal with a cup of double shot espresso and an almond chocolate tart. The chocolate tart was more on a cake base while rich and soft. Love to have some crunch. Perfect to eat with a cup of espresso. Coffee and chocolate is such a perfect combo.It was my pleasure to spend my evening here. Rounding up my tough work day with all the goodness. I definitely will come back soon for more pizzas!
本身今日想去 little Napoli 但係去到已經截左龍所以就轉戰隔離街既Motorino呢間既pizza雖然無上榜50 top pizza,但都係正宗拿玻里火爐pizza,批邊帶碳香而且有韌性,餅地係行薄皮濕潤軟身路線Mimosa本身對呢個好大期望因為未試過有粟米既披薩😂 nduja辣辣地對我呢個唔食辣既人黎講已經太辣😂smoked scamorza係煙薰味既cheese都幾特別,但係可能因為我唔太食得辣所以覺得麻麻地Soppressata Piccante呢款冇咁辣,番茄味酸甜新鮮,芝士都比上一款濃,辣肉腸就正常,兩個pizza我鍾意呢個多d😍Shrimp Scampi成餐飯最出色嘅竟然係呢個蝦!個汁酸酸地加埋好重蒜味,個蝦幾彈牙,我地最後用埋d汁黎點pizza,呢個推薦!整體黎講都唔錯,但係冇想像中驚喜,如果鍾意薄皮濕潤餅底既話可能會幾岩,我自己就鍾意厚少少同有韌性既果款餅底多d😚Overall: 7/10
The pizza was fine🥱...but the starter was a bit expensive with this quality🫤...the still water, incredible 'amazing' price without notifying us before we ordered😡Oh my goodness, the most unbelievable experience: me and my friend arrived at 1800, we were told that we would have 1 hour 30 minutes for our meal but yet at 1900 we were asked to leave within 15 minutes😡, by that time, no one was waiting for the table and there were few empty tables!!😒Oh well, fine, so we decided to go to Starbucks for coffee and dessert 😌
🇭🇰Motorino🇭🇰香港真的有很多好吃的拿破侖pizza!這家看中了他們創新的味道。他們也特別用了stefano pizza爐,絕對正宗!🍕Margherita最簡單又美味,非常classic 的味道。甜甜酸酸的番茄醬配上拉絲有嚼勁的mozzarella cheese~餅皮非常香,越嚼越香🍕MIMOSA除了classic 配搭外,都想試一下這些我沒看過的配搭。有Corn, nduja, smoked scamorza, parmesan, ham, pecorino, basil. 好久沒吃過有粟米的披薩哈哈哈哈,那個smoked scamorza 是一種cheese,鮮奶香味還有煙薰風味,很特別。nduja 辣辣的,很開胃對我們2個女生每人一個披薩哈哈哈哈哈 食完,😌我們不是普通女生 . 餐廳氛圍很好,有人生日大家一起唱生日歌!
📍灣仔慶生意式薄餅店 — 𝙈𝙤𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙤 🇮🇹🍕🥳𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙙𝙞𝙙 𝙄 𝙚𝙖𝙩 ??? (´ε` )🦐Shrimp Scampi $168呢個小食係成餐飯最出色嘅✨個汁好香garlic味,仲有配埋麵包比你點個汁食,真係好夾好好食!我同朋友都忍唔住留返啲汁黎點pizza批邊🤩啲蝦都好彈牙好好食~值得一試❣️🧆Polpette Al Sugo $138意式肉丸表面鋪滿大量番茄醬,醬汁酸酸地幾開胃🍅肉丸味道唔錯,肉味幾出,有肉汁👍🏼但係份量較少,性價比就唔算太高~😿🍕Margherita $188呢間餐廳主打傳統Napoleon pizza,所以中間嘅餅底係偏薄、偏濕潤同埋軟身,而批邊就帶有碳香~可能我個人鍾意脆身冇咁淋嘅餅底,所以就覺得個pizza過濕,醬料好多,食嘅時候有少少狼狽🙈🤣但係個味道係好食嘅😋不過個pizza底就燶咗少少,如果冇咁燶會好食啲!🍮Tiramisu (附送)最有驚喜係附送嘅tiramisu!😆依家喺openrice訂座嘅話晚餐就會送tiramisu🤎而且有朋友生日嘅話仲可以畫碟🥰呢度嘅碟係寫義大利文嘅生日快樂✨🎊而且店員仲會好熱情咁拎起鈴鐺唱生日歌🔔超適合幫朋友慶祝生日!另外tiramisu嘅味道都好好,酒味同咖啡味都幾出,食落好順滑~😋✰⋆�。:゚・*☽:゚・⋆�。✰⋆�。:゚・*☽:゚・⋆�。✰⋆�。:゚・*☽ overall呢間餐廳嘅定價都比較高,大部分pizza都係$200 up🥹🙌🏼味道方面還算可以👌🏼不過無可否認呢間餐廳確實係同朋友慶祝生日嘅好地方🤣❤️🔥店員全部都好nice好熱情,而且餐廳裝修都好精緻好特別😻氣氛夠熱鬧,主打一個氛圍感🤣如果想朋友有個難忘嘅生日就帶佢黎呢度啦!賣相:🌟🌟🌟🌟味道:🌟🌟🌟🌟性價比:🌟🌟🌟推薦度:🌟🌟🌟🌟📍 𝙈𝙤𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙤 @motorinohk 🔖地址:灣仔船街15號地舖⏰營業時間:星期一至日 12:00-22:00