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食評 (11)
等級3 2013-03-15
163 瀏覽
好朋友生日~想吃西餐~ lunch~ 一想便想起這條旺中帶靜的船街(可惜的是門外正大興土木)實不相瞞~本來是想吃隔離舖, 但佢裝修~便走進這間"夜鶯" (好美的名子呢)坐下來有種很舒服既感覺~陽光充沛清涼既星期六下午配合店內既輕音樂可暫時遮掩門外既工程及皇東既繁忙!lunch menu 上只有4款, 其中1款賣晒 ! 正好~就order了3款~~先上餐湯 ~ 好香粟米味 ~ 不過質地好稀好多粒粒碎粟米主菜到 ~~ 雞肉意粉 ~ 好香olive oil味, 但雞肉略鞋香菇意大利飯 ~ 軟硬適中, 芝士味濃煎鴨胸 ~ 香軟滑嫩配合旁邊的薯仔一流 其實已經好滿足~~主動問店員有沒有甜品, 經介紹點了2款 (唔記得咩英文名)放下便飄出~~是我最討厭的肉桂味啊! 朋友一口咬下 ~ 嘩一聲 ~ 快試快試 ~ "好好味呀!!" 其實又不是毒藥, 一試之下果然呀! 又香又脆又軟又甜 ~~~~ Hahahahaha! 另一款焗面包布甸之類又係出色非常又不油不膩配士多啤利汁, 整個下午也開心起來; 最後來個咖啡~非常圓滿啊 !!!其實該店lunch係 12:00 - 3:00pm! 但我們2:00才到 ~ 結果差不多3:30離開~但店員也沒有不滿~還是不錯的招呼呢~~~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Situated right next to Limehouse, Nightingale exuded the same vibes as its sister next door. I wouldn't be surprised if they were owned by the same owner but, it is just my guess. Loved the environment at both restos. There's still some construction going on right outside the resto so that killed the view a bit. Environment:This is a petit but airy resto, with a very high ceiling where our party of 5 sat. The tables were quite high though. I liked the dark wood decor which was quite calming, and the full-length shelf featured many interesting trinkets. Added a nice, personal touch to the resto, making it really homely. Service:Good service. Efficient and attentive. They work really hard to make the guests feel at home, you can tell. The lunch menu is changed weekly. Food:$110 - $130 for (1) soup and rolls + (2) entree + (3) drink Mixed vegetable soup and rollsThe soup was watery and quite acidic (from the tomato). Plenty of veg (onion, courgettes, carrot) to fill one up. However, apart from the fact that it was nice and hot, this simple soup did not impress. It reminded me of the thin tinned soup people used to have at wars. Good thing it wasn't over seasoned. The rolls were a bitter disappointment - store bought, hard, tasteless and cold. Definitely not fresh, almost stale. Need to up the bread a bit - first impressions really count. Grilled chicken with salad in lemon and mint dressingI expected something like roasted chicken - dry, grilled, caramelized surface, a crisp, thin skin, tender meat in the center. A large chunk of breast or thigh would've been nice. Sadly we got pan fried chicken strips. There was waaay too much skin, which was very thick, fat, and soggy. Quite unpleasant. Chicken strips translates into cheap chicken. The bed of salad looked quite fresh though. Pan-fried garoupa fillet with ginger and soy reduction, served with couscous and beansThe sheer size of this dish was almost frightening. I've never seen such a thick, generous serving of fish fillet before. A's fillet was even thicker than mine @@. We suspected that it wouldn't be cooked through in the middle and we were right. We had to send the fish back to the kitchen for more time on the heat because the mid-section was too thick and quite raw. They should have butterflied the fillet before searing....to achieve even cooking. The fish itself was pleasantly moist and the meat flaked easily. But I couldn't finish it. The ginger and soy reduction was deliciously thick, intense but not overpowering. It was quite sweet. It went very well with both the fish and the couscous. Garouper is not a very strong-flavored fish unlike salmon and tuna, so the thick and intense glaze was necessary to flavour the fish. I stripped the skin off - soggy. What I found tastiest though, was the bed of couscous and beans underneath. It was like comfort food, extremely moreish, and nicely seasoned. No excess butter at all. The bean sauce was thick and tasty. There were bits of bacon incorporated into the sauce, delicious. You can't see clearly from the photo but it was truly delicious. I finished every last scrap. Shrimp (singular), mushroom and tom yum risottoNotice how lonely the lone shrimp is perched on top of the risotto. True to its description, it was like eating pearl rice cooked in tom yum soup. It wasn't really risotto sadly, the grains being all too soft and I didn't find it to be the right consistency. It's also a brave twist on a classic dish. Kudos for trying it out but I prefer the classic risotto! Iced chocolateRecommended by my fellow diners. It was pretty alright. Sweet, not icy, not grainy, a little thicker than milk, sprinkled with a bit of chocolate dust. Normally I'd just get a hot lemon tea with honey but, I don't regret ordering the iced chocolate! Conclusion The food is not exceptional. Lunch sets are not exactly cheap. Nightingale is not a WOW resto but I quite like the ambiance. Good for catching up over a relaxing lunch in a stress-free atmosphere with old friends, at a convenient location. Looking forward to starter upgrades and more sophisticated entrees. Throw in a simple dessert too - that'd be the perfect ending to an enjoyable meal. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-10-21
57 瀏覽
今天再一次來到Nightingale,不過不再是一個人,而是帶了5位同事一行人來。已經是第二次來,我們採取了另外一條路線兜少了路,感覺更近了。而且在中午前也打來向店家先下了order, 以免短短一小時的午餐有甚麼差錯,那就不夠完美了!今次的麵包比上次要鬆軟一點個人以為此湯比上次的要進步一點,一來酸味沒那麼霸道,二來豆子煮得夠淋身,好飲!不過兩次都是"紅湯", 不知道他們有沒有煮忌廉湯,南瓜湯,洋蔥湯的呢?丫!就個不就是傳說中的法式臘鴨脾,噢不是,是法國的油封鴨嗎?哈~又一次覺得, 法國人和中國人在"吃"這事上, 老是有不謀而合的地方呢~記得有一次看Jamie Oliver的煮食show,他正正就是介紹這個油封鴨的做法。那大量的鴨油看得我直瞪眼,也對這個"稍微煎一下就會可以嚐到的脆味"抱有了無限暇思。簡單來說,這個油封鴨的做法是把鴨腿洗淨, 用鹽,香草稍醃一下 然後放入燉鍋裡, 倒入大量鴨油實行低溫慢煮.煮好後晾在一邊, 被鴨油封著的鴨腿聽說可以保存好多個月的~是一道非常花工夫的料理.回到nightingale 的duck confit, 果然是皮脆肉嫩, 只是有點咸。不過以這個價錢吃多那麼花功夫的食物, 很不錯呢~這個牛很好吃!!!厚薄剛剛好!吃牛扒也很麻煩, 太薄了沒口感,太厚了又太考煎功。我個人很喜歡這款厚度。份量不少,肉質有嚼勁也多汁,如果表面可以再焦一點點就更有豪邁之感了!淺嚐了一口,沒想像中的滯膩,菇味卻差了一點點~飯粒也算是有嚼勁, 很不錯~唯一不足的地方,是我們今次order 了6杯凍朱古力。總覺得不夠上次喝的時候濃。是因為一次沖太多杯嗎?唉,長處要好好維持才對啊! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-10-13
29 瀏覽
這天我們的一位老朋友請全場吃飯,我推薦了這個餐廳。大家欣然赴約,人多得上層也坐不完,要移師到地下,分坐兩桌。坐落滿有情調的船街,而室內的氣氛又十分RELAX,一點也不顯侷促,地下一部份貫通上層,吊著一個個大鳥籠既是貼題,也充滿了空間感。我特別喜歡室內一個長身的大黑櫃,每一格都是美麗的風景。等夠了人,說說笑笑,美食就上來了。先來的是沙律和麵包。沙律我沒吃,但大家說甚新鮮。麵包暖烘烘頗鬆軟,牛油先融解再擠花,花人工但也花了心思,很欣賞。蟹餅吃起來不太像蟹餅,肉不多,吃起來的感覺比較像魚肉,炸得外脆內軟倒是值得一讚。RISOTTO煮得比傳統的稍軟,但十分對我的胃口,大概香港人也接受不了傳統的質感。磨菇汁的味道温暖醇厚,鹹中帶鮮味,甚好。PETSO醬海鮮意粉很豐富,有魷魚,鮮蝦等。個人不大喜歡PETSO醬,較油,但意粉煮得剛好。相比之下,我喜歡RISOTTO較多。然後是葷類。鴨胸配鴨肶。總是鴨胸較受歡迎,但略嫌不夠鮮嫩,應該可以少煮一些時間,搭配的醬汁甚好。豬扒十分JUICY,但我最喜歡的竟是墊底的長豆,爽脆如零食。甜品來了!是蛋糕棒配朱古力醬。很煞風景的想起小時的欣欣杯。但朱古力醬温暖順口,配蛋糕當然好,但我想到更多可以搭配的食物:水果,餅乾,面包......在餐飲裡,我叫了童真的很是熱朱古力,略嫌冷了,侍應知道後馬上替我換上一杯,服務總的來說甚殷勤,但如果能上菜前先報上菜餚的名稱就更好,尤其是我們裡有人對食物敏感。但NIGHTINGALE給我的感覺非常好,有機會也會再來。謝謝老朋友請客,我們在這裡過了一個愉快的晚上 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2012-08-02
19 瀏覽
之前在蘋果睇到介紹,適逢姐夫生日,決定訂枱一試。店舖小小但感覺舒服,第一感覺不錯。眾人點了多款小食(由於忘記名稱,恕未能提供名稱)有個是釀尤魚,有個是蜜糖芝士.....等味道有heart ,用料不馬虎,主菜那個豬肋骨更為出色,不似一般的味精豬肋,肉質細嫰,鴨胸那個味道也出色,洋蔥湯味道清新,不過份量略嫌小了一點及個碗沒有特色,磨菇湯菇香十足,講多無謂,熱烈建議大家一試。唯一美中不足是此店侍應服務有待改善,服務待應雖有禮但好像不是做開飲食界,侍應服裝略不夠專業,不過好在有誠意搭夠。總結,食品用心製作有水準,價錢比其他同級店便宜。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)