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Nikutoieba Matsuda人哋唔係猛龍唔過江、選址兵家之地歌賦街、和牛割烹料理香港寥寥可數、餐廳有夜繽紛、幸有好友安排、大幸福🥰由於日本牛脷不出口的關係、用上澳洲和牛牛脷、其他部位如西冷、牛柳均用上宮崎。 個人認為吉列和牛菲力三文治做得尤其出色、儘管師傅也會讓你手機食先、但他的拿捏時間10分好,吃的時候底面多士皆鬆脆、不會因為時間的關係,肉汁、醬汁全部流向底多士導致全部瀉水、就連最後的開心果Gelato給予我最大的驚喜、吃的時候順滑之餘帶有Mochi口感, 開心果味濃、不會死甜、高手示範每道菜式沒有多餘花巧、穩穩陣陣、坐在吧枱可以邊食邊欣賞師傅手藝賞心悅目
Nikutoieba Matsuda 肉といえば松田 (The name translates to “When you speak of meat, you speak of Matsuda”)… their first international branch in HK. Wagyu beef, wagyu beef & wagyu beef throughout, specialise in Yamato Wagyu beef that comes from japanese black cattle that were bred in the Nara Prefecture in the Kansai district 😍 A beef omakase is the best thing to make your day if beef are delicious and combinations match well. A 14 course beef omakase 🤩 An enjoyable Wagyu kappō cuisine experience with head Chef Hitoshi Ishibashi. The dishes cooked by Chef Hitoshi Ishibashi were delicious. Various cuts and parts of Wagyu presented with different cooking methods made a balance in the meal without any overwhelmingly stuffed feeling from fattiness after eating that much meat. Some dishes were quite refreshing too. Ox tongue was a highlight, the texture was super tender and tasted scrumptious especially with the charcoal-grilled outer layer 🥰. But of course the most loved dish of all is the wagyu fillet cutlet sandwich 😍The toast could be more crispy but the wagyu beef itself was super tender and flavourful! Not chewy at all or very fat which I experienced at other restaurants. It’s not the melt in your mouth type of beef which could be a little oily. This Chateaubriand fillet with a homemade tartar sauce with narazuke pickles made everything quite balanced. Loved their tableware too and we were told during the meal that the ones we were served with are of 150 years old already 😲 The large dishes that the chef uses are of 200 years as well! Some more highlights:I think it’s the first time I saw beef tartare prepared like this, they cut it into super thin slices and then chopped them into some pieces together with the yellow pickled daikon. A creamy textured wagyu tartare experience, I would have preferred less yellow pickled daikon although the crunchiness did contribute well with it.Potage of Lily Bulb tasted very flavourful with lily and sweet onions.Tataki of Wagyu fillet and Canola Flower with Sesame Sauce: A refreshing dish with strong flavour of homemade sesameSauce.Charcoal grilled Wagyu Harami and Seasoned Rice of Seri: The strong sauce was a little salty for my preference but the flavour was great.Minced Wagyu and Wild Vegetables Spring Roll: Crispy spring roll with delicious wagyu & vegetables insideDekopon Orange dressed with Mashed Tofu and Mascarpone Cheese: Loved it, have always loved mandarins. The cheese & tofu white sauce was delicious too.Aged Wagyu Sirloin Steak served with Truffle Mash Potato: Really loved the charcoal flavoured outer layer!! My first piece was a little fat, second piece was better. Both were very tender in texture too.Home-made Hyuga-Natsu Orange Gelato: Loved it soooo much! I really like hyuganatsu since I first tried it in Shikoku. This homemade gelato they also had small cubes of hyuganatsu mixed into it 😍Menu:ゆり根のポタージュ百合濃湯Potage of Lily Bulb (contain onions from 淡路島Awaji island too)和牛とろたく寿司和牛他他(壽司)Torotaku (Wagyu Sirloin Tartar Sushi)和牛ヘレのたたきと菜の花胡麻和え炙燒和牛菲力拌油菜花,芝麻醬Tataki of Wagyu fillet and Canola Flower with Sesame Sauce和牛イチボのローストビーフ烤和牛臀肉伴葉付洋恵Roast Wagyu Rump Beef with Onion 和牛タンの昆布〆炭火焼炭火鹽燒和牛牛舌(昆布鹽)Charcoal grilled Wagyu Tongue cured with Kombu Kelp (Salt Grilled)和牛ハラミのたれ焼とせりの炊き込みご飯汁燒和牛橫膈膜配芹菜飯Sauce grilled Wagyu Harami and Seasoned Rice of Seri和牛ミンチと山菜の春巻き和牛野菜春卷Minced Wagyu and Wild Vegetables Spring Roll自家製和牛生ハムと季節の野菜サラダ自家製和牛生火腿拌季節鮮菜沙律Seasonal Vegetable Salad with Dry-cured Wagyu Ham和牛ヘレと奈良漬けのカツサンド吉列和牛三文治伴自家製奈良漬他他Wagyu Fillet Cutlet Sandwich with Narazuke Pickles Tartar Sauce不知火の白和え不知火柑配芝士豆腐白醬Dekopon Orange dressed with Mashed Tofu and Mascarpone Cheese 熟成サーロインのステーキとトリュフマッシュポテト わさびとドライトマト熟成西冷牛排配黑松露薯蓉Aged Wagyu Sirloin Steak served with Truffle Mash Potato〆め和牛しぐれ飯・和牛カレー・味噌和牛ご飯和牛時雨煮飯 或 和牛咖哩飯 或 味噌和牛飯Simmered Wagyu Floss Rice or Wagyu Curry w/ Rice or Miso-Wagyu Rice自家製日向夏のジェラート自家製日向夏蜜柑Gelato Home-made Hyuga-Natsu Orange Gelato
歌賦街是一個我經常來開飯的地方😂11月3日才開業來自日本奈良縣過江龍💁🏼♀️和牛割烹料理🤩正呀~那天是1月3日,我笑說剛好過試用期😂呢餐飯好開心,服務好,全和牛,用不同部位做了不同的料理👍🏻但沒有膩的感覺~個和牛三文治真係好好食🤤每月都轉menu ,booking 滿滿的,想吃大概要一個多月前預約吧~▫️14道和牛料理▫️南瓜濃湯和牛他他壽司炙燒和牛柳拌連藕,菊花奈良山椒子炙燒和牛臀肉拌紅蘿蔔配香醋✨炭火鹽燒和牛牛舌(昆布鹽)汁燒和牛橫膈膜伴烤法包自家製和牛生火腿拌季節鮮菜沙律免治和牛馬鈴薯蓉餅季節鮮果配芝士豆腐白醬✨吉列和牛三文治伴自家製奈良漬他他醬和牛里肌配日本大白菜汁溫素麵和牛西冷拌鮮菌壽喜燒配白飯和牛時雨煮飯 和牛火腿冷麵自家製鮮栗Gelato
近日接二連三見到不同媒體介紹奈良名店「肉といえば松田」(Nikutoieba Matsuda)於香港首設海外分店,為食兵團當然係要打鐵襯熱,盡快一試啦!第一次以短訊查詢時知悉店子只開晚市一輪,七人訂座要等到2024年先有位,正當大家仍在失望之際,隔咗幾日突然收到餐廳訊息,告知因應熱烈需求,老闆決定節慶期間於選定日期加開午市,嘻嘻,和牛割烹宴彷彿係天賜為食寶寶們嘅聖誕禮物。位於中環歌賦街上嘅日本過江龍黑白灰色嘅地舖只示出形似識別忍者派系嘅徽標,門面低調中帶著神秘。正門上方嘅黑色布簾及室內以木為主嘅間隔自然地流露出和風味。可容納上十一人嘅用餐大堂光線充裕,通爽潔亮,且空間感足。沒有花巧之裝潢,圍繞住師傅大舞台嘅每一位賓客都可專心觀賞Hitoshi-san嘅割烹廚藝表演。顧名思義,「割」為切割、「烹」為烹調,亦即邊切邊煮。現階段,午餐及晚餐均提供同一款十四道菜和牛廚師發辦料理($1,280/位),訂座後必先預繳不設退還嘅訂金($500/位)以確認留位。午餐準中午十二時開始,全場同一步伐,絕不會為遲到或早退嘅食客拖慢或加速;冇錯,遲到冇得補,早走唔會減價。週末大解放,酒鬼們當然係要歡樂暢飲啦!單點飲品項目共有兩頁。事前已問清楚開瓶費分兩種,720ml裝或以下為$400/樽、720ml以上則為$800/樽。聽到好客嘅Shirley妹妹詳盡推介,為食七子唔洗多諗,即選定性價比最高嘅Full Pairing午餐食酒配搭,$380/位可享食前酒、日本酒、白酒、紅酒,合共四杯酒酒。揀好飲品後,主廚先展出和牛主材並為其作出簡介。第一盤中,上方長長嘅為澳洲和牛牛脷,下方三件則為源自日本宮崎嘅後腰蓋柳肉、西冷及牛柳。下圖左手邊嗰盤為牛脷,右手邊為外橫隔膜。嘻嘻,小肥一向好多野想知,兼且唔會怕醜去問,結果八到主廚未夠三十歲,十五歲已經入咗行,故有「天才廚師」之稱號!席上只擺有一雙筷子,因為所有菜式都已調好味。三小時嘅和牛盛宴迅即由甘甜清爽嘅有汽餐前酒<雁木スパークリング 純米発砲にごり生原酒>揭開序幕。蘑菇濃湯:頭盤一小杯芳香柔滑嘅蘑菇濃湯,濃縮得黎份量剛好唔會溜。宮崎和牛主角隆重登場前,妹妹先呈上每年只生產六萬枝嘅日本清酒<楯野川純米大吟釀急流>。和牛他他(壽司):如相所示,師傅細心地將鮮紅鮮黃嘅和牛及醃蘿蔔剁碎,切割步驟絕無假手於人,用紫菜加入醋米包製出卷物後就續一以心連心嘅方式直接傳遞予貴客手中,感覺尤其溫馨親切!和牛他他蘿蔔卷集鮮甜脆嫩於一身,實滋味無窮!炙燒和牛柳拌洋蔥、紫蘇葉:接著嘅燒牛柳件建議撈勻哂拌配嘅生洋蔥絲、紫蘇葉碎及蓮藕脆片黎食。外層輕輕燒炙過嘅和牛柳厚潤有嚼口,小砵中其實都有成四、五件,黏上秘汁再夾埋配料食落去,酸甜清爽中帶出芬芳,越食越開胃。山椒子燒和牛赤身配意大利黑醋燒秋茄子:外表粉潤嘅燒和牛赤身肉質更為柔軟,而且肉汁豐腴,墊底嘅黑醋燒茄子意外地一啲都唔油。準備換上澳洲和牛代表一刻,妹妹亦斟出法國白酒<2021 Château Le Grand Verdus Sauvignon Blanc Sémillon>。炭燒和牛牛舌(鹽味):閃出油光嘅澳洲和牛牛脷鬆爽富彈性,簡單塗上山葵吊出清新嘅辣勁,可口又提神。炭燒和牛外橫隔膜(韓式醬汁):牛牛嘅外橫隔膜又稱之為外裙肉,應建議用生菜包起用手拎住黎食,生菜和牛卷微辣惹味,爽潤多汁,個個食到嗦嗦聲,爽呀!自家製和牛生火腿蔬菜沙律:唔知師傅係咪食過四川名產「燈影牛肉」而得到靈感呢?!以臀肉刨出嘅和牛火腿比紙張更巧薄輕盈,放入口即慢慢溶化於舌上;沙律含醋量極高,所以食落好酸,相信係用作分解多道和牛嘅油脂。燉和牛配馬鈴薯蓉:小肥略嫌深啡色嘅燉和牛濃咸得黎帶點兒苦澀,或許係因絲毫不覺有爽嘅成份吧,身旁嘅長輩一再提出超腍嘅口感完全唔似牛脷。師傅好似聽得明大家抱有疑惑咁,急忙地攞出牛脷真身以指出燉牛脷嘅準確部位。時令水果配馬斯邦尼芝士豆腐蓉:進入重頭戲之前,先有節令嘅日本士多啤梨混芝士豆腐蓉為味蕾洗滌一番。吉列和牛菲力三文治:不知不覺已經進入直路,輪到選配最後一杯南非紅酒<2018 Windmeul Kelder Cellar Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot>嘅招牌和牛三文治出場。底面兩片暖手嘅多士外脆內軟,中間兩、三成熟左右嘅吉列菲力香脆鬆厚,沾上他他秘醬之外仲夾入切碎咗嘅奈良漬(ならづけ),為和牛三文治添上爽潤惹味,食過包你返尋味!壓軸上陣嘅和牛西冷分開兩個煮法,講到明係壓軸喎,煮前當然係要先哂一哂冷啦!和牛西冷洋蔥涮涮鍋:第一件用芳香嘅清湯涮熟,可以食得出西冷本身嘅肉質如何柔軟纖潤,絲毫不膩口。和牛西冷時令蘑菇壽喜燒配白飯:望住師傅將大大片和牛喺壽喜燒汁中浸一浸、拖一拖,甜甜嘅香氣迅即飄進鼻腔。上枱時,大大塊和牛正於碗中享受緊蛋黃浴!第一啖咬落去西冷件時,最突出嘅就係蛋黃醬嘅柔順感,直令靚肉變得更加細緻嫩滑!第二啖將啲精華撈埋落碗白飯到食,飽滿嘅飯粒都頓覺肥潤甜美得多,滑溜得黎仲好暖胃。溫素麵:單尾共有三款可選,覺得食夠肉嘅客人都會揀清清地嘅溫素麵。和牛咖哩:相反地,如果個胃仲有位,而又仲可以加重口味,不妨選擇被譽為日本「國民食物」嘅咖哩飯,混入咗和牛嘅咖哩飯甘香濃郁,十分飽肚。和牛時雨煮飯:想輕巧地食多少少飯呢,細細碗和牛時雨煮飯就最恰當。飯面嘅牛肉薄片夠味得黎唔會好似咖哩飯咁多汁,頂面嘅生薑絲又可以消消滯,話咁快兩、三啖就食哂。自家製安納芋Gelato:結尾一球清涼嘅安納芋雪糕微甜得黎個味道好天然,加咗兩片安納芋脆片點綴令口感更有層次,吃畢腸胃好舒適。飯後仲要由師傅親自送上熱毛巾,盡顯誠意!喺日本出名為預約困難店之一嘅「肉といえば松田」近日於香港開設第一間海外分店,同個名一樣夠哂話題性。中環新店環境簡潔樸實,高雅大方,座位闊落舒適,服務生誠懇體貼,十四道菜和牛割烹廚師發辦饗宴用材新鮮,半帶傳統半帶新穎嘅和牛菜式高質味佳,$1,280/位亦相當合理。據悉,除咗兩道招牌和牛他他壽司及吉列和牛菲力三文治之外,餐牌其他十二道菜都會定期更新換畫,務求貴客再次光臨時可保持新鮮感,絕對值得去見識一吓!
Dinner. New addition to the group behind Sumiya etc, serving wagyu omakase. Outpost of wagyu expert from Nara, taking up the space by Sushi Awaji.Counter seating 10, overlooking the Japanese chefs at work. 1 menu of 14 courses at $1280 pp.Only one slot available- 7pm.Chef started by showing us the cuts of meat: Outside skirt, sirloin, tongue and rump.Here’s what we had. -shot of cream of onion soup. Onions were from Awaji.-Tartare wrapped in seaweed.-Fillet with beech mushroom -Rump, slow cooked then char finished; like the western Roast beef. Served with eggplant, sansho and balsamic vinegar.-Tongue with salt and wasabi. Very thick, not too chewy. Impressed that restaurant was able to source such a good quality piece, as normally restaurants were not able to import wagyu tongue from Japan.-Outside skirt with sauce, to be wrapped in a piece of lettuce with green papaya.-Slightly grilled fillet served with salad leaves and green mustard.-Wagyu with daikon in broth. Daikon was perfectly cooked: sweet and tender. Persimmon with tofu sauceWagyu fillet sandwich with special sauce and mayonnaise Wagyu wanton Sirloin sukiyaki with shiitake mushroomsA choice of wagyu curry (not pictured), Somen or shigureni (ie beef cooked in a sweet soy sauce flavored with ginger- a classic Japanese home-cooked dish.) Tasted salty and sweet at the same time.Dessert: Persimmon gelato with muscat and almond tofu. In summary: superb wagyu nite. Meal did not feel oily or too heavy at all (but possibly due to the fact that we went hiking for 6 hours beforehand).