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食評 (25)
等級4 2019-07-25
151 瀏覽
今日黎到尖沙咀的Norway House,佢係一間專賣挪威三文魚,三文魚係自家養殖養殖出產,而且所有食物都係即叫即整。 今次我就擇咗金沙三文魚,粒粒三文魚都沾滿鹹蛋黃,三文魚炸得非常香脆,而且啖啖肉,好足料啊!娜威魚蛋比普通魚蛋更有彈性,六粒裏邊有兩款味道包括有三文魚和魚鱈魚,口感都非常特別,食落啖啖魚肉!推介一試!而煙三文魚多士的蛋沙律亦做得非常好食。而維就漢堡中間就有塊魚扒,魚扒唔乾,整體做得不錯,有驚喜😋 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2019-07-22
162 瀏覽
行街行到攰,肚餓想搵間鋪頭食下啲輕食,經過見到呢間主打三文魚小食既鋪頭,就入咗去試吓~店內有不少擺設,感覺似北歐風格,為店舖作了不少點綴~鋪頭有不少以三文魚為主題嘅輕食,主打係佢地係挪威自家養殖場新鮮直送嘅挪威三文魚,挪威出名三文魚,食落起碼都有信心啲🤔仲比我發現到原來有挪威當地嘅乾貨買🤔有朱古力,魚子醬同埋薯片🤭煙三文魚糖心蛋~賣相精緻,煙三文魚整到好似一朵花咁,糖心蛋呈半熟狀態,蛋汁撈埋煙三文魚一齊食味道幾夾,香草提升咗三文魚嘅鮮味,下午茶Size啱啱好,如果配埋杯熱茶就更加正~芥末三文魚~估唔到芥末香味同三文魚又幾夾,三文魚肉已經去骨,然後煎炸,三文魚外皮香脆,入邊嘅魚肉就保持到juicy嘅感覺,不過芥末唔似平時食壽司嗰啲芥末咁攻鼻,如果濃少少應該會更加醒胃滋味~煙三文魚多士~多士焗得香脆,配上碎蛋同埋鹹鹹地嘅煙三文魚食落感覺又幾夾,香草為三文魚調味,食到兩種層次~挪威魚蛋(三文魚,鱈魚)~估唔到三文魚肉都可以攞嚟做魚蛋,而且食落幾彈牙,口感比平時街外食到嘅魚蛋不同,肉質比較結實,而且大大粒食落幾滿足,調味粉分量OK,都不算太鹹~ 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2019-07-21
64 瀏覽
=====Salmon lover@Norway House*尖沙咀漆咸道南33-35號友聯大廈地下6號舖I am crazy for salmon. Rich in omega 3,a good fatty acid ala ,having epa and dha ,對腦同心血管都有很強大功效專食三放魚,走小食路線,細細份可以試多幾款,而每一頭都是幾十元起 脆皮三文魚是先將二文魚炸熟,再包上一層spicy chiili powder,油甘十足煙三文魚溏心蛋,身為蛋怪,流心蛋最抗拒不了,煙三文魚本身有鹹味,一口就食完,正店仲有挪威乾貨如魚子醬,朱古力,牛油,買回家再慢慢食 繼續閱讀
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首先講講環境,基本上舖頭裝修好簡單🤣🤣簡單到好似咩都無,好奇怪😌店舖其實唔細,不過唔知點解後面封左,如果之後比啲心思去設計下去粉飾下,我諗會更吸引食客,另外有小小既企位😌😌另一個好笑位係個靚仔職員完全唔知做緊優惠🧐🧐呢方面需要加強溝通啵🧐雖然係咁,佢都keep住有禮貌同好笑容👍🏻最後佢都照做比我地,咁就叫左兩款三文魚,分別係芥末沙津及金沙😆😆店舖只要係一人主理,落單先開始沾粉炸,所以想食野就需要等啦😌😌等左十分鐘左右芥末沙津三文魚就拎得啦😋😋賣相已經令人流晒口水🤤基於要影相所以我地忍住口等埋份金沙三文魚先食😆十五分鐘左右啦,兩款都到齊,先講芥末沙津,個醬係佢地自己調既,本身三文魚魚油豐富,所以食多都會有油膩感易漏🤣不過佢地調既芥末醬都偏淡,所以叫做中和一下😅heavy感無咁勁!金沙三文魚賣相都好得,眼見咸蛋黃包圍整條三文魚,滿心歡喜咁既款😅之但係有啲啲失望,咸蛋味真係唔算勁,唔係好滿足到我😂😂😂點解落左咁多咸蛋,但陣味都咁淡呢!?🤣🤣😳😳😳其實佢地做緊十蚊一份三文魚真係超級抵!!而且個份量同正價份量係一樣,有成八九舊架😆所以好驚佢地會蝕囉😂😂😂留意返優惠只限尖沙咀店3pm-7pm☝🏻聽講佢地三文魚係自家養既,如果係咁都幾有heart👍🏻👍🏻雖然味道唔係我預期咁,不過佢地啲魚質又真係幾好,炸左都唔乾仲幾juicy tim😆係抵讚既!而且十蚊一份,仲想點呀!?😂假設舖頭再花多啲心機去設計,再多啲口味選擇及加強宣傳,我相信會有回報既!!😌😌 繼續閱讀
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I absolutely adore Scandinavian food so I had to check out Norway House.It is well hidden if you try to find it along Chatham Road South.When I got there, it was reassuring to see that it was the real deal.Unfortunately, they have changed the menu and the Viking Burger was sold out.With the available menu, I tried to choose the snacks that weren't so Hongkonized even though some items were possibly nice like the salted egg yolk salmon.Sadly people in Hong Kong don't appreciate stuff they don't know hence the items have to be made with ingredients people are familiar with.I was really hoping to try the fishballs with cheese but again people here don't appreciate real cheese.Started with the fishballs which were drizzled with Sichuan Sauce.It definitely enhanced the fishballs but I wish they had some plain ones.Anyway to summarize these fishballs definitely taste better than HK ones because it contains more fish than flour and you won't find bones or msg.The texture is much softer.Next was the boiled egg with smoked salmon and smoked salmon with toast.Basically, both were smoked salmon except the bottom was different.I loved their egg mayo on the toast because European mayonnaise is delicious but there was not enough dill on both these snacks.But then again, the dill was probably toned down to adapt the locals.As for the boiled egg, it had smoked cod roe paste which is a popular sandwich topping used on Rye bread or eggs.The smokiness and saltiness tasted delicious with the egg and smoked salmon.These are simple but delicious Norwegian treats that people can relate to  in Hong Kong.Last but not least was the evilicious salmon coated in salty egg yolk, very Asian but delicious.The chunks of salmon was moist and pink in the middle while the coating was crispy coated generously in salted egg yolk.The best thing was the salmon skin was still attached because it was crispy and delicious.To summarize, everything tasted good but I hope their menu can be improved with sandwich offerings for lunch because Scandinavian sandwiches are so damn delicious like the prawn and dill sandwich, salmon and egg sandwich etc.Anyway, it is a good start that there are more Scandinavian joints to join Rye House where they previously did a crossover with the mackish girls who served these scrumptious mackish sandwiches. 繼續閱讀
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