港鐵香港站 C 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
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"Volcano" Balls Octopus & Pancetta Mini Rice Scallop Carpaccio Slow Cooked Iberico Pork Belly Bun
食評 (18)
不久前來過這家米芝蓮附屬餐廳享受過他們的西班牙菜,味道創意用料均上乘,尤其前菜特別出色,但拖了好久才POST上來,想不到竟然已經結業了,希望不是真的結業而是搬遷吧士多啤梨蕃茄西班牙凍湯,本來對凍湯的口感不很喜歡,覺得只是好像雪櫃拿出來未煮熱的蕃茄薯仔湯般,但加上了時令生果,咸香之中帶鮮甜,再呷有輕輕的茄味回甘,吞下去還有種清新而冰涼的感覺左起醃三文魚配烤松子,個人很怕煙三文魚的咸味,這種卻醃得剛好,烤松子烤過後有焦香,一口吃下雙重口感炸魷魚配蒜泥蛋黃醬,魷魚不過韌,彈牙而且新鮮,蒜泥蛋黃醬蒜味不足,但奶油味口感十分豐富,很不錯的點綴酥炸雞翼配希臘乳酪醬乳酪醬順滑甘甜,雞翼肉汁多而且嫰滑無比,可惜色澤不夠鮮明食用油可以更換得頻繁一點左起去骨乳豬配焦糖青蘋果,絕對的出色作品,外皮香脆, 肉質極致嫰滑,幾近即溶的豬肉油香平均,加上醃過的青蘋果的甜中帶酸,實在是驚人的MATCHING,可惜份量過少...右邊的烤挪威三文魚配大蒜蛋黃醬,又是用上了店家拿手好醬,三文魚沒有多餘油脂,7成熟的鮮粉紅嫰滑非常, 魚香十足切下去魚皮依然附著,證明了它的新鮮左起希臘乳酪醬泡沫調酒入口同樣甘香順滑,酒味不濃, 極易入口右邊朱古力橄欖油醬西班牙油條熱辣的西班牙油條, 澆上白砂糖,點一些苦澀中帶樁子香的巧克力油,吸引力十分!另外店家的特制SANGRIA也十分清新,深沈的血紅色活像果汁,橘子味濃帶蘋果香,而且冰涼解渴,的確很易醉人,可惜的是沒有拍照... 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2014-12-12
847 瀏覽
I was very impressed with the setting. It was relaxed and comfortable, and most of the staff shared a similar laid back yet professional attitude.When we arrived for dinner the restaurant was full, and despite having made a reservation we had to wait at the bar. Fortunately though, the bartender made for some intriguing conversation and was very polite about the situation, and we were soon seated at a corner table. Every table was sat by people who ordered the Groupon menu, which from what we gathered is a pretty generous deal for people interested in trying out many dishes without turning their wallets inside out. However, it seemed like the restaurant chewed more than they could swallow with the Groupon reservations, as, not only we had to wait after reserving a table, but the waiters were running all over the place, and the kitchen was in mayhem (there are windows to the kitchen and even without hearing the conversation we could tell they're having a hard time), causing our food to arrive pretty slowly.Despite all of that, the food was of very high quality. We could tell the ingridients were fresh, and the chef made bold, creative yet comfortable decisions with the seasoning. We thoroughly enjoyed every dish that was served to us. My reccomendation would be to order a bunch of tapas to the table, and then fill up on a paella (the Mar y Montana is delicious!), and do not skip on the desert.Now when it comes to drinks, you must try the red Sangria in Numero 15. you could spend 200$ on a 1 liter pitcher of sangria, or 140$ on two glasses containing essentially the same amount. I also went with the bartender's reccomendation and ordered a Mojito, and that was a fantastic decision. The Numero Mojito is made of all natural ingridients (no factory-made mix), topped with a layer of lime foam made in the place that really shoots up mix of sweet and sour that you want in a Mojito, bridged over by a generous amount of fresh mint.The music seemed a bit indecisive, alternating between modern lounge background music, and popular old rock songs. We both enjoyed the latter more, although the modern background music fit the atmophere you would expect in such an establishment.Although the restaurant has some room for improvement, the food and the drinks, and especially the staff's attitudes are all great reasons to come back and try more of Numero 15's food.Also, shout out to the hot ex-military bartender, who makes for enough of a reason to come back on his own. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2014-09-29
2346 瀏覽
Arrived early but was seated immediately, no issues. They were going to seat me and my friend on a table for 2 near the bar but I noted it was directly under the air con so they were very accomodating and allowed me to take a table a little further away and it was perfect. We ordered the garlic prawn adn chorizo for entry. Must admit they were done slightly differnt to what I am use to.. The chorizo was in lengths rather than the usual round circles...with a dash of mash potato. The garlic prawns were fresh but needed more garlic.I order the seafood paella which was done in black squid ink....must saw it was the first time I ever had squid ink on the paella, it was nice but nothing spectacular...I will go back and try something else, as I think the paellas without the squid ink would be tastier. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
最近於團購網購買了Numero 15 $438 二人西班牙晚餐,另收取加一服務費$40。Numero 15是米芝蓮推介Mesa 15 姊妹餐廳,相信品質會有保證。平時食西班牙菜式,多數食西班牙炒飯、乳豬,飲Sangria酒。今次可以試到多款西班牙小食,五款招牌小吃包括炸魷魚、伊比利亞豬肋肉迷你漢堡、酥炸雞翼、自家製醃三文魚、鄉村農場吐司,滋味滿分。西班牙涼菜湯調酒、希臘乳酪泡沫調酒等引發味蕾新享受。Sangria 白酒: 有三款分別紅酒、白酒和virgin。酒精濃度不算高,我自己飲一瓶也沒有酒意。白酒很清香,生果浸完酒也不失甜味。士多啤莉蕃茄西班牙凍湯: 通常西班牙凍湯都是蕃茄味道,這個特別加入了士多啤莉。蕃茄味突出,凍湯奶滑,口感很好,不會太稠。自家製醃三文魚配香脆青蔥及烤松子: 醃三文魚新鮮,味道清新。炸魷魚拌蒜泥蛋黃醬: 炸魷魚香脆,蛋黃醬味道不夠突出。鄉村農場吐司配63度慢煮走地雞蛋、菜花奶油、 配脆伊比利亞火腿: 裡面有一隻生雞蛋,這碟菜花奶油我認為太稠,口感不好,感到太膩。酥炸雞翼配希臘乳酪醬: 雞翼炸得份外香脆,沒蘸乳酪醬也夠味。 (主菜)去骨乳豬配焦糖青蘋果: 乳豬12小時油浸烹調,香脆,油脂適中,調味偏鹹。幸好有焦糖青蘋果中和其油膩感,焦糖甜加上青蘋果的酸味。(主菜)慢煮章魚及伊比利亞煙肉海鮮飯:配菜是新鮮八爪魚和蘆筍粒,增加口感,芥末醬汁令飯錦上添花。飯份量雖少,但飯粒明顯一粒粒,軟硬適中,口感很好。加入少許檸檬汁,多份酸味,味道更有層次。手撕伊比利亞豬肋肉迷你漢堡拌芥末蛋黃醬: 漢堡不會太迷你,不能一啖一個,份量充足。豬肋肉鬆軟無比,而且充滿肉汁。溶了的芝士和芥末蛋黃醬,令漢堡更加juicy,芥末味道不算突出。希臘乳酪醬泡沫調酒: 用乳酪去調酒很特別,泡沫香滑不膩,底層有生果粒,酒味並不突出。朱古力橄欖油醬西班牙油條: 跟韓國的肉桂條質感差不多,但西班牙這款加入了橄欖油,其實食不出橄欖油味道。油條上面有糖霜,味道偏甜,蘸旁邊帶苦味的朱古力醬後,味道出奇地配合,變到味道不會太甜或太苦。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2014-08-25
1837 瀏覽
大愛西班牙小巧特色將尋常的西方菜式做得可愛地精緻的骰難得Numero 15 有團購怎能不來湊一湊Chilled Straberry Gazparcho Shooter有能嚐出的清新Deep fries Calamari, Alioli 略厭粉皮太厚但讓秘製醬汁的坂回一城Slow-cooked free range egg不是我的茶 ,但Crispy Iberico Ham 的美味令人回味N15 Chupa chup 是店家的必試小驚喜12-hr-Confit Crispy Boneless Suckling Pig 脆而不油,是不能錯過的美味!Octopus & Iberico Panceta Paella覺得味道可以濃厚點,但正因如此才能吃到最後甜品是一貫的重點,熱哄哄的Churros 加上帶橄欖香的 chocolate dip是甜蜜的魔鬼,絕對要encore 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)