所有分店 (7)
位於銅鑼灣鬧市的大樓中,可遠眺街景,感覺寬敞舒適。餐廳主打西韓fusion料理,如各式韓式意大利飯、薄餅等。亦提供傳統的韓國料理,材料、調味一如韓國當地。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 現金 銀聯 微信支付
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
切餅費 詳細介紹
無障礙設施 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (586)
等級4 2024-12-02
714 瀏覽
A restaurant with no reservation is allowed, I was expecting a well organised queuing arrangement. Unfortunately, my experience was way worse than what I was hoping. Getting the ticket of two persons in A12 while the screen was showing A10. Me and my companion were thinking it was acceptable to wait for two tables. We were standing next to the reception/ entrance. After 10 minutes wait without calling any table, two guests approached with a ticket of A14 asking if there's any table. Staff instantly lead them in. Me and my companion were shocked and immediately asked the staff after leading the A14 guests, if our table A12 has passed. She ignored us without even looking at us just to wait. And she shouted for A13 guests again a group of two for their table. We then approached in to the staff and she instantly asked manager to speak with us without looking at us. We explained detailedly that staff skipped our tables twice with poor attitude. Manager just led us to another table and apologising for everything without even understanding the whole situation. This made me and my companion felt like we were creating a scene for a table and now being arranged so problem solved. We were not being heard at all. What a service. Anyway when it came to food, the tomato and basil cheese pizza definitely could tell it's their signature. Gooey melted cheese stuffed all over the pizza dough which every bite was a cheese pull and rich. Pairing with the fresh tangy tomato basil sauce, it was lightened. Garlic and honey crispy chicken was also delicious. Perfectly cooked moist chicken with a thin crunchy batter. Hint of sweetness from the honey while garic flavour wasnt too strong. Overall, food was not bad just that the service ruined the whole experience. Genuinely a mess! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-10-23
1739 瀏覽
好耐冇去韓國,唯有搵間韓式餐廳回味下🤪韓國烤肉和芝加哥批,這真是一個東西合璧的美食組合!韓國烤肉,肉質鮮嫩,醬汁香甜可口,烤得恰到好處,讓人一口接一口。芝加哥批以其厚重的餅皮和豐富的餡料聞名,濃郁的芝士和各種配料讓每一口都充滿驚喜。😎這樣的搭配,既有亞洲風味的烤肉,又有美式風味的芝加哥批,真是一個不可多得的美食盛宴。蜂蜜牛油炸雞配燒粟米,這道菜真的是美味無比。炸雞外皮酥脆,內裡多汁,蜂蜜的甜味與牛油的濃香完美結合,每一口都讓人回味無窮。燒粟米則是香甜可口,烤得恰到好處,與炸雞的搭配讓人胃口大開。👍🏻 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-10-21
2074 瀏覽
蜂蜜蒜香炸雞,炸雞好鬆脆,淡淡嘅蜜糖蒜香加上蜂蜜,非常好味,配有炸粟米,亦炸得啱啱好,食落唔會黐牙,切得好細條好容易食。Margarita pizza,亦都正常好好食。杯啤酒就麻麻哋,唔係好啱我口味,raspberry啤酒飲落有些少似藥水味,下次可能會是朱古力啤酒。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-09-22
2416 瀏覽
上班日12點前就到左,等開門食Lunch🤣Lunch Menu每個餐點都會包冰茶/汽水🍹明太鮮蝦海帶意粉🦐 $138明太子味好重,好Creamy嘅意粉😄 但得4隻蝦覺得冇乜餸🥲🥹煙燻番茄烤肉意粉🍝 $128賣相幾靚,但肉唔多韓式青椒辣醬炸雞Pizza🍕 $148冰茶有少少荔枝味~景色唔錯,會投影韓團MV,但唔會特別再訪🤣 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-09-20
2331 瀏覽
一間超適合香港人口味嘅餐廳韓式Pizza X 炸雞組合無得輸😛只可惜兩個人食唔落更多野,下次再試其他【 韓國烤肉芝加哥 】 $239一反傳統 Mix & Match 🍕 Pizza 用牛小排同辣肉腸做 topping 🆕🐂 牛小排意外地淋 一啲都唔韌,配上番茄醬一絕!🧀 芝士用咗幾種:馬蘇里拉芝士﹑巴馬臣芝士 🤩 芝士勁多勁濃,拉絲拉到半個人咁長 🤯 好食又好玩!【 蜂蜜牛油炸雞 (6件) 】 $139🐓 炸雞水準算係香港top3內🍗 肉汁完全鎖住 💦 皮脆肉滑 😋🧈 蜂蜜牛油味好正,甜甜地好開胃 🍯🌽 用粟米做配菜,同蜂蜜牛油味好夾,有花心思,推介!😍完! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)