港鐵鰂魚涌站 A 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
餐廳主打精品咖啡,並會不定期舉行Coffee Dinner,以不同咖啡配搭主題美食。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 18:30
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
支持減塑 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
PREGIO特濃咖啡芝士餅 自家烘培咖啡豆 意式咖啡 窩夫 精品咖啡
食評 (60)
等級1 2017-07-08
1112 瀏覽
i hardly write comments about a restaurant but i decided to write for this one about their bad service quality and food quality is not the same as before.we went to lunch last friday around 12:30 which is crowed as usual. we went in and speak to one of the waiter said 2 please....his response was "everyone just set down and you will need to wait half hour more" but no intention to mark down my name on the waiting list and kind of pushing us away. So I asked do you mean you dont want me to wait and just leave cuz full house? at the end he juz went in get a piece of paper out to mark down our name. we went in half hour later where expected and the whole time we see how these two waiters serve customers were slow, dreaming most of the time, not doing what they supposed to do, walking around but never refill your water, especially the waitress.We used to think the coffee is quite good in this cafe and we are not expecting a hotel standard service but the servers in this cafe are rude and never smile even from the first time we went here, and i feel like they are one of those restaurant with this attitude, business volume is not important but food and service quality must be high standard. which i think they achieve the 1st part, business volume is not important but they definitely not achieving 2nd part cuz service is BAD and food quality is not same as before which is really juz fair. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2017-04-13
2387 瀏覽
久違了的藍天白雲,終於等到我的太陽伯伯,決定要好好享受這一刻的美好時光!進入這餐廳的感覺舒服,店內播着純音樂,還有落地玻璃門令天然光滲入店內,由於對面有地盤,因此店員長期把門口關上,以減少噪音。這裡裝修簡潔,半開放式廚房,白色的牆身,再用不同的杯子放在架上做裝飾;面積也頗大,有六張四人枱,白色的餐枱和深木色的椅子,服務員態度親切有善。下午茶餐款式也算多,主要有蛋糕類、三文治類、窩夫甜品類和全日早餐,價錢由$38至$120不等。惠顧下午茶餐牌上的食品,可以半價選配咖啡或其他飲品。我們點了意大利風乾火腿軟包$56和野菌芝士焗厚多士$46,熱朱古力半價後$17。這份意大利風乾火腿軟包非常吸引,離遠已經嗅到風乾火腿的香味,用刀叉切開麵包時,聽到索索聲,明顯烤烘的時間掌握得非常好,意大利軟包新鮮好味,外脆內軟;意大利的豬仔一定是每天聽着音樂吃着粟米長大的,哈哈!這份巴馬火腿的味道鹹香甜潤,口感溫和,吃後還帶有淡淡的果香餘韻,在我口內不斷徘徊着,風味細膩,伴菜新鮮爽口,完全不需要任何醬料,亦可達致滿分的效果,推介!不久,野菌芝士焗厚多士也上枱,多士邊烤烘爽脆,多士上塗上薄薄的茄醬,令整體感覺新鮮,放上大量新鮮可口的野菌,再鋪上厚厚的芝士烤烘,還有拉絲的效果,非常美味。伴菜翠綠爽口,可惜黑醋汁份量太少,令味道單寡,不太吸引。終於飲到一杯有拉花的朱古力😍,因為一般的熱朱古力也沒有拉花圖案,普遍只是簡單舖上朱古力粉作裝飾。Barista解釋若能將朱古力打至起泡,其實亦可以做到拉花的效果,原來一直被別人誤解了。這杯熱朱古力味道很濃郁,像吃著一粒粒朱古力一樣,真的很不錯。我看着這杯心心朱古力,有點不捨得把它飲掉呢! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2017-03-29
1326 瀏覽
This cafe is hidden on a side street behind Taikoo Place at Quarry Bay. We went there for afternoon tea. The place was quite busy for a Wednesday afternoon. Ordered two of their single origin hand drip coffee from Costa Rica and El Salvador plus half serve of strawberry waffle to share. Both coffee was well brewed, very smooth tasting although I'd prefer a slightly stronger brew. Waffle could be a bit fluffier but overall still very good. You can tell it was cooked fresh rather than reheated. It went very well with the sweet strawberries. It was also a very generous serve. The quality is night and day compare to those big chain coffee place. Makes me wonder why people bother going to those "coffee factory" when you can enjoy a beautiful cup of coffee brewed with care in little cafe like this one. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2017-01-15
2043 瀏覽
下午茶幾好味,可惜好多食物都賣晒😤蘑菇芝士烘厚多士//$6x簡單得黎係好味既,而而且個包底烘得好鬆脆!唔係硬過石頭果隻脆,good 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻9/10Latte 都係好飲嘅❤️但可能員工太少,想叫野食等左好耐都無人理😟 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2016-10-24
3405 瀏覽
逛完鰂魚涌的週日市集,想喝杯咖啡,記起了附近的 pregio。來這裡當然要點咖啡,另一出名的是窩夫,但由於在市集食了些東西吃不下窩夫,所以點了份磨菇蕃茄多士。Cappuccino 奶泡打得厚綿,濃縮咖啡底不算濃但夠香,喝得出咖啡師的好手藝。多士塗上了蕃茄醬,再加上磨菇及芝士。麵包吸了蕃茄醬的水份變"淋",跟一般脆身的多士口感很不同,未必人人都吃得慣,個人認為味道尚可,不過下次到來還是選擇窩夫或全日早餐好了。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)