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由行政總廚森大佑主理的日本料理,主打廚師發辦。菜式糅合法式傳統和日式風味,並主要選用來自歐洲及日本的食材,食客更可於開放式廚房欣賞廚師烹調。 繼續閱讀
米芝蓮一星餐廳 (2018-24)
18:30 - 22:30
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食評 (20)
等級3 2024-01-18
802 瀏覽
今晚我喺一間銅鑼灣日式酒吧感受到非一般嘅調酒享受,這裏的cocktail玩味十足,而且每一杯都係專屬於你嘅味道!愛媛蜜柑cocktail帶點清新甜意,一啖落去就似神游詩意嘅日本果園。蕃茄cocktail嗰個,岩岩好味到令人眼界大開,夾埋鹹香嘅鰹魚高湯同一撻撻小辣,真係飲得我心情都變得爽朗起來。最好玩嘅就係佢哋嘅cocktail遊戲,真係聰明過人!朋友寫低對我嘅第一印象,調酒師即刻就為我弄出一杯開心果嘅cocktail,甜美而又滑順,完美展現出朋友嘅心思。反過來,我都為朋友設計到一款改良版嘅經典cocktail,係一杯既甜又帶點力度嘅波特酒加混合漿果汁,簡直係貼切得來又個性十足。總之,今次嘅體驗真係令我百感交集,每一杯cocktail都係一個驚喜,讓人欲罷不能。這個夜晚簡直歎到呢啲調酒嘅靈魂深處,記住啦,搵我去銅鑼灣,絕對唔止睇燈光呀!🙌🍀✨ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
這間日法fusion餐廳確實是一場美味的融合饗宴。蝦意粉以其口感豐富且風味獨特的醬汁贏得人心,令人難以忘懷。魚的新鮮度令人驚艷,入口即化的質感展現了廚師的高超技藝。更令人驚艷的是海膽,其豐潤的風味帶有令人愉悅的奢華感,讓整體用餐體驗更上一層樓。牛肉的味道更是令人讚嘆,極佳的烹調技巧使其保持了肉質的鮮嫩與原汁原味。至於wine pairing,從未令人失望,與每道菜的搭配相得益彰,為整體用餐體驗增色不少。這家餐廳不僅將日法風味淋漓盡致地呈現在菜餚中,更在wine pairing上展現出獨到的品味。是一場融合美食與美酒的極致享受,絕對值得一試。Chef的認真執著一絲不苟,更是令食客敬佩 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-02-24
1676 瀏覽
Takumi fell very short of our expectations. We were looking forward to this meal for French Japanese cuisine. The decor was fine, the space was small, but most importantly the meal didn't justify the HKD$2280 per person price tag. Beyond the price tag they were upselling the uni and truffle dishes as well. The dishes weren't memorable and the portions were so small that I had left hungry. Of all the Michelin starred restaurants in Hong Kong, this has been our least favorite by a distance. There are much better fine dining options in Hong Kong that provide a better value and a better meal.One peeve that the restaurant should take note also: the restaurant was not upfront about pricing. I expected around the price we paid, but it's literally not shown anywhere on the website, on the booking, or even the menu at the restaurant. I don't think it's appropriate to require your guests to ask for the price or assume they're okay with it. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
My last visit to this restaurant was already six years ago, and it was called Wagyu Takumi then. Located on the same spot in Wanchai Wood Road, I return this evening on the new year eve to experience the wonders from Chef Daisuke Mori again.The restaurant has not changed much, with the counter seating surrounding the open kitchen so each diner can witness first-hand the preparation of the dishes, the skills and techniques of the chef during the meal. On the night there is a special Festive menu ($2,680 each) with each course highlighting a specific Japanese ingredient. I also go for the 6-glass wine pairing ($1,180). The first course features Botan-Ebi, or spot prawn, using the chopped up raw prawn to make a tartare, then placing a slice of persimmon, pickled with kombu to infuse with a delicate umami note on the seasonal fruit. The fennel cream sauce and fennel oil further enhanced the complexity in flavours, and nicely integrated everything together. A very good starter.The second course features Ma-Saba, or chub mackerel. The chef skewers the large fillet before grilling it over charcoal, to give a bit of char to the skin and vitalizing the fish oil, while retaining the inside raw and soft in texture. On the surface he puts on daikon puree and beetroot slices, further decorated with edible flowers. Paired with a bit of spices and raspberry sauce, the rich flavours of the chub mackerel are surprisingly complementary with daikon and beetroot.The third course features Hotategai, or scallop. The chef pan sears the large, meaty scallop, caramelized the surface while keeping the flesh moist, and then put a Tenkeiko shiitake on top. The shiitake mushroom is from a famous grower, unique for its thickness, which reminds me of portobello, and flavourful. Paired with a Champagne sauce to give a bit of acidity to the dish, the slight earthiness of the mushroom is a good match with the umami of the scallop. The fourth course features Kinmedai, or splendid alfonso. The prized fish has been nicely charcoal-grilled, turning the skin to crispness but not over-cooking the flesh, and served on a bouillabaisse, with the fish stew highly flavourful coming from the assorted seafood used to prepare the broth, paired with some artichokes and a puree made from shungiku, or Japanese crown daisy, with the stronger flavoured vegetable puree interestingly in harmony with the rich stew.The fifth course features Awabi, or abalone. We have requested to have the white truffle addition ($550 each) as well. Cutting the wonderfully braised abalone to pieces and putting on top of the barley risotto, the chef then shaves some white truffle on top. We can smell the great fragrance of this treasure in the forest from a distance. The best piece to me, however, is the risotto itself, with its amazing bite, and each kernel of barley having absorbed the flavours of the stock. A must-try with or without the white truffle.The sixth course features Tako, or octopus. The large tentacles have been braised to softness, easily cut through with the knife and not rubbery. On the side is the truffle espuma, or foam, with also a rich and smooth pumpkin puree underneath to go along. The sweetness from the pumpkin puree connects with the red wine used to braise the octopus, while the truffle foam adds the signature aromas to make the overall experience more luxurious on palate.An additional, not on menu, course which we also order features Uni, or sea urchin ($300 each). As a dish to transition before the beef, the chef has scooped up a nice portion of sea urchin into the glass bowl, with some nagaimo puree in it, and sprinkled with chives and shallot to give further fragrance. The sea urchin is fresh and sweet on its own, and the chef also provides a nori sheet to wrap the sea urchin together for a different eating experience. The seventh course features Hida Beef. The prized tenderloin is beautifully charcoal grilled to medium rare, very tender, and juicy, nicely seasoned. On the side is napa cabbage, poached and then glazed, retaining the sweetness of the vegetable. Able to witness how the chef grills the beef to perfection is a treat on its own, maximizing the quality of the meat to its greatest level of enjoyment in my opinion. I want to have another piece!The eighth course features Kuruma-Ebi, or Japanese tiger prawns. The clear soup has intense flavours, with the large, meaty tiger prawn very sweet in taste. On the bottom of the bowl is a carrot puree. After drinking the nice clear mushroom soup, we mix together with the puree, and the whole taste changes, becoming thicker in body and even more complex in flavours. The ninth and final course is Black Sesame Flower. A crisp and thin sesame wafer has been moulded to look like the petals, with a hole in the middle to show the lemon yogurt sorbet. Underneath is custard and strawberries. Dusted with icing sugar and some silver flakes on top, it is a festive dessert both pretty and delicious. While we can see the actions from the open kitchen, I believe the staff can introduce each course in more details, so we can all appreciate better the ingredients, the techniques, and other elements which always make the whole dining experience more interesting and complete. The bill on the night is $9,172 and is expensive because of the white truffle and sea urchin additions. But I will definitely come again as I enjoy the food very much. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2022-09-18
1808 瀏覽
幾年前都黎過食當時覺得呢間日法fusion菜係十分好食所以今次係非常期待每一道菜都覺得好有特色而且擺盤擺得好靚食落整體感覺每道菜都好好味呢間其實喺香港日法菜系裡面比較出眾的海膽海膽鮮甜 食落去好creamy 味道濃郁 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)