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食評 (50)
約朋友閑聊食飯,「Terrace in seaside」絕對🐻排行三甲之內😌一來環境舒適,二來主食甜品飲品都高質❤️近期餐廳更進駐南昌SOHO West,對住無敵大海景食飯,特別夜晚可以欣賞維港景色,真係勁Chill勁爽😆.一貫Terrace in seaside作風,餐廳以釜山海邊度假屋為靈感設計🏖️店員均戴上橙紅柑橘帽好得意🍊入到嚟成個人好放鬆,可以享受輕柔時光😚.🍴粒粒魚籽與三文魚蛋黃醬飯卷傳統韓式飯卷加上三文魚蛋黃醬及魚籽🇰🇷三文魚蛋黃醬味道細膩,粒粒魚籽有提鮮作用😋飯卷內有蘿蔔絲、黃蘿蔔、玉子等,材料豐富😙.🍴燒醬油黑毛豬白切紫蘇拌飯紫蘇拌飯粒粒分明,帶淡淡紫蘇香🤤黑毛豬肥瘦適中,醬汁燒過後好入味,入口肥而不膩,配埋紫蘇飯食一流😆.🍴芒芒夏日芒果窩夫足足有四大件窩夫❤️窩夫焗得外層香脆內裏軟熟,散發牛油香🧈加埋忌廉、芒果果醬、芒果果粒、雜莓,襯窩夫滿分💯.🍹人生迷芒的芒果沙冰超打卡able飲品📸成半個芒果放喺沙冰上勁吸引🥭芒果沙冰好足料,咁熱嘅天氣飲啱晒👍🏻.🍹濟州柑橘乳酪餐廳招牌飲品,每次嚟到都叫🤣味道酸酸甜甜,臨尾仲可以食埋柑橘🍊 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-06-28
3287 瀏覽
人均$150起|南昌|韓國菜|Terrace in seaside發現了香港最美的夜景餐廳啦!位於Soho West的Terrace in seaside比鄰維多利亞港,零距離的看著這片大海與日落,實在讓人心曠神怡!人生迷芒的芒果沙冰 🥭原隻芒果🥭實在誇張啦😂可是巨好喝,裡面還有很多的芒果果肉,酸甜的沙冰很解渴🤤濟州柑橘乳酪 一杯柑橘🍊鮮甜極了,配上乳酪,意外的香口,我超級愛了。粒粒魚籽與三文魚蛋黃醬飯卷🍙用一顆顆三文魚魚子在這個三文魚蛋黃醬飯卷上點綴,開胃的蛋黃醬配上飯糰真的飽肚燒醬油黑毛豬白切紫蘇拌飯 這裡的紫蘇拌飯每次都讓我念念不忘❤️裡面加入了芝麻、紫蘇,口感好極了🤤很愛他們家的黑毛豬,肥瘦相稱,芒芒夏日芒果窩夫 一定要來嚐嚐這一季期間限定的芒果系列甜品!用上了原隻的芒果、加上超級多的奶油,以及底座即叫即做的窩夫🧇對不起,減肥還是明天才算吧😂——————為食分界線——————📍 Terrace in seaside (深水埗)深水埗荔盈街10號Soho West 1樓101號鋪人均消費: $150#mariofatfat #Terraceinseaside #Innisfree #VitaminCPowerUpSet #coffee #creamsandwich #omurice #Cafe #打卡 #Chill #度假 #hk #hongkong #hkfood #hkfoodie #hkblogger #hkfoodblogger #hongkonger #香港 #香港美食 #週末好去處 #香港好去處 #食好西 #美食 #探店 #香港探店 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Terrace in Seaside 🌞早晨套餐🌞開心今次第二次來本舍分店了,聽到佢最近有一個早餐,價錢和賣相好吸引.立刻去試下👍🌞早餐套餐🌞🍽包餐飲🍓士多啤梨蜜糖熱香餅 $38細細粒熱香餅,好可愛い😍, 配上士多啤梨🍓藍莓 和 桔仔,再加上蜂蜜糖漿🍯。 這個好啱小朋友食, 細細粒容易食🧇煙三文魚鹹窩夫 $52三文魚整到花形好靚 併沙律菜,還有2個窩夫。 我哋用香餅嘅蜜糖加上去窩夫到,這食法也不錯。最後還有半個濟州柑橘,我最喜歡,又甜又多汁👏👍🍹雲海蘋果茶 採用食用花和檸檬,飲落有好香花茶味,清心怡人🍹初夏青柑。柚子梳打有檸檬,青檸, 柚子蜜配上梳打水。好啱夏天飲以上套餐需要加一真心真係覺得好優惠👍吃完這個早餐簡直甜在心頭, 整日朝氣勃勃, 望住個海景食, 心情都靚啲D🤣🤣早餐時段 :8:00am - 11:00am南昌站B 出口 @terrace.in.seaside.hk📍長沙灣荔盈街10號SOHO West 1樓101號舖. Shop 101, 1/F, SOHO West, 10 Lai Ying Street, Cheung Sha Wan. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-09-01
0 瀏覽
商場新開好多人排隊,排隊嘅地方係完全冇冷氣個個熱到出晒汗重要等咗好耐條隊都冇郁過望過入面係有位但唔知點解又唔俾人入問佢點解唔俾人入又答非所問真係唔敢再嚟🙏🏻🙏🏻 繼續閱讀
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Absolute disaster...!!! Be warned!! Full of incompetent, untrained staff. Shop manager was disrespectful and showed a complete lack of concern for the ordeal (see below). Unfriendly order/payment process that deters customers and elderlies. I visited the shop on 29 Aug Thursday 11:30am. No bookings are allowed and there were a few empty tables, the male staff rudely told us that "it's full". Fine with us. After two minutes, he ordered us to wait outside, again with a rather rude expression. The old lady in front of us said she waited for 45 minutes. Finally after getting seated, the old lady had trouble ordering since they require digital payment via mobile phone only, so that the order can be placed. The ordering website required an email address to place an order and the old lady had none. I could feel her helplessness already. They told her she could pay by Octopus but found out they only accepted "digital Octopus" and not the physical card....! After all the fussing around, one of the staff (who turned out to be the deputy-staff-in-charge), told the old lady that she could help place the order from the restaurant's tablet at the counter. The staff then disappeared as numerous other customers and tourists also had similar issue where they didn't have digital payment enabled on their phones. After 15 minutes, the old lady got up to confirm with another female staff whether her order has already been made since she was hungry and exhausted. The staff told her yes. After another 30 minutes, the old lady's order did not arrive and she got up to enquire with the staff again. The deputy-staff-in-charge blamed the old lady for not yet paying for the order at the counter, thus they didn't place the order for her! What kind of service is that!?? Why didn't they tell her that she needed to physically pay in cash up front when she was clearly waiting at her table all this time? The old lady left in disappointment and exhaustion trying to reason with the staff. I felt so sorry for her. During our time there, 3 other tables had issues with their mobile payment. Majority of them were people over 50. Meanwhile, the entire staff was clueless, unempathetic and wandering around doing nothing. I don't understand why they're charging 10% service fee when there is clearly zero service from the moment we waited outside and was "greeted" by rude staff, we also had to ask for water proactively, and customers need to jump through hoops to pay for orders by themselves via mobile, just as you would when completing an actual order from an online shop. What service is involved to justify the service charge? Absolutely ridiculous. Such a shame since the branch at Festival Walk was enjoyable and the service was great. I would give this branch -10 stars if I could. Never coming back with this level of ridiculous service. PS. We tried to reach out to the shop manager via phone and not only was she rude like another one of her male staff, but she also had no interest to hear customer feedback and wanted to end the call like it was none of her business. So now we know why their whole shop's service is so pathetic. Even the person at the top lacks basic service attitude. INSANE!!! 繼續閱讀
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