港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約5分鐘
11:30 - 15:30
18:30 - 22:30
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
約左朋友食lunch, 上網search 下有咩好食先, 近排上環區都開左幾間新既餐廳! 最後楝左哩間黎試下!餐廳環境座位都ok, 唔太迫夾, 簡潔既裝修, 餐廳經過好幾次, 每次都有留意佢地既menus, 我見每次睇親既 set lunch 都好似係一樣咁, menus 係用手寫既, 字體好工正呀! set lunch 由$80 up, 包左餐湯 / 沙律(加$10), 主菜, 不用加一! 我見之前上網睇到係包埋甜品, 沙律係不用加錢既, 但係價錢好似係貴少少! 計返條數都係一樣啫, 咁我寧願要平啲囉.我同朋友都棟左"炸雞配自家制梅汁南蠻漬伴飯", 今日湯係麵鼓湯, 但我食到最後, 見到新入黎既客人係飲南瓜湯, 我個人覺得南瓜湯較吸引啲, 如果大家有機會去食時, 可以問下有冇其他湯楝!我估計每個餐都係即整既, 所以等候時間都需時, 大家要有心理準備, 個炸雞唔會炸得太乾身, 個醬汁酸酸地, 好好味, 米係用日本米, 所以食落去好煙靭, 但係我覺得飯既size 相對男仕黎講未必夠飽, 因為我地兩位女仔食完都係剛剛好..
心情徘徊在似好又唔好之間,代表要一個人去食吓嘢,實在想兜吓風,兜到嚟上環坐吓呢度嘅裝修其實似法式小館多啲,點諗都唔會覺得佢係日本餐廳魚湯用西湯嘅碗去載日式魚湯,有趣!湯有好清甜嘅鮮魚味,仲好足料添,有好多黃芽白及菇,加埋蔥粒一齊飲實在太好味喇!滑蛋鰻魚飯 ($138)唔似平時食開嗰啲咁樣,呢個個樣比較西式,而且啲鰻魚係切到好細細粒;好在夠厚肉又入味,而且肉質軟稔;滑蛋係真係非常細滑,一齊食口感勁好!薑味雪糕薑味濃郁到不得了,但非常易入口,冇辣嘅感覺,但如果加啲薑粒,口感就會更好喇!服務太好喇,環境又舒服,好正嘅一間法式日本餐廳/日式法國餐廳?
在寧靜的上環街道, 有一裝潢別致的餐廳, 格調令人不經意的慢下來。芝麻醬、 蟹柳和沙律菜都新鮮爽脆 。先來三款前菜。豬肝非常香口, 軟滑得入口即化; 牛蒡條炸得香脆, 但沒油膩感; 蝦頗爽彈, 薑味淡淡滲出, 很特別! 牛扒不是很厚, 烤得顏色誘人, 吃下味道十分驚喜!! 牛排外層帶點微脆, 內裏鬆軟多汁, 脂香滿溢, 而且肉味濃郁, 讓人不知不覺一口接一口地吃!鱈魚比起牛排, 是更健康之選吧! 魚肉雪白, 嫩滑多汁, 沒有半點腥味, 腩位肥美添了脂香, 配上帶微甜燒汁, 十分匹配! 迷你的魚生飯很可愛, 魚生軟滑無筋, 十分新鮮, 壽司飯軟硬適中帶微酸, 頗開胃。另一款迷你飯用上菇和雞肉, 菇香滿溢, 而雞肉嫩滑, 飯軟硬適中帶點煙韌, 帶少許濕潤, 葱花錦上添花 令整個飯更惹味!湯以茶壺盛着, 相當特別!! 像倒茶般倒出湯, 便傳來陣陣清香, 喝下去果然非常鮮甜美味, 打開茶蓋, 看到內裏有帶子, 瑤柱, 菇, 蝦和雞肉, 如此足料, 難怪那麼美味!!到了我最期待的甜品了! 紅豆綿滑甜美, 暖烘烘, 年糕煙煙韌韌。粉紫色的紫薯雪糕軟滑, 紫薯味極濃, 不會過甜, 太好吃了! 這裏環境舒適外, 西日fusion菜非常出色, 我必定回來!
Freshly housed around the corner of Sheung Wan, right behind the busy Queen’s Road Central, Finger Print dishes up Japanese-meets-western cuisine in a stylish, cosy squeeze. Entrance is not as expensive as I thought (quite reasonable), priced at $180-240 for a 5 course menu ( appetizer, salad, main, rice & noodles, and Dessert) and all of its well thought out and presented dishes are well done.I love the ambience quite a lot. A whole set of mirror along the wall simply gives us an easy yet luxurious sense of space. The only two seats near French window is amazing, allowing gentle sunlight passing through while watching the life out on the road. And for smokers, you are able to enjoy a luxurious cover outside the restaurant even it’s raining ( thanks to that well thought outdoor shelter and few ashtrays on the tiny bar table.SaladTo start with, we had its signature Fingerprint Salad at $110 with a mix of lettuce, tomato, a mouthful of crab meat and unexpected oriental veggies in sesame name, followed by a trio of appetizers, decently presented, including prawn cocktail , slices of sashimi and Burdock Stick tempura, which is like the root of veggies, with look and taste healthy.SoupIt’s then followed by an amazing seafood-based steamed soup served individually in a “teapot”. Clear broth that exudes a very mild and delicate essence of the ocean. Serve yourself with the amount that you prefer, and don't forget those scallops, prawns and fish inside! A perfect way to get our palate ready for the upcoming dishes!RiceWho doesn't want some sashimi and rice at a Japanese fusion restaurant? This assorted sashimi rice (with salmon, roe, tuna) has appeared to cater to these more delicate tastes! It’s 188 at dinner set or a la carte at $100)MainsI opted for pan fried New Zealand Lamb Rack ($240) which is medium with a perfect pink. My partner picked something more adventurous, based on the name of the dish on the menu-buttered pork with whisky sauce. Marinated in an oriental way, pork exuded a mild sweetness from Whisky that amazingly enhanced the meat flavour without overpowering it. However I like the main course with a piece of meat and few garnish is far less - maybe we expected something that wow us as its appetizer did.Next came to our table was a pot of chicken rice shared by two of us. All the broth essence has been soaked into the rice, that gave a very delicate flavor to the rice, sprinked with a pint of fresh spring union with a hint of freshness.DessertOur meal was completed with a satisfying Red bean soup rice cake ($40), and today’s ice-cream ($50). Rice cake was slightly burnt outside that add complexity to this tiny plain dough smothered in a sea of red bean paste (texture’s a bit heavier than soup).Verdict: a great new dine out spot with friends; worth a try for this innovative Japanese western fusion cuisine. The ever changing menu for every night is quite surprising, made good use of seasonal ingredients which without doubt, speaks for themselves. No 10% Service Charge (relax, their service is superb!)
偶爾路過, 感覺不錯, 便入內幫襯 ~ 門面充滿誘惑 看了門前的 menu, 知道是 "西日料理" 就更覺吸引 .... Menu ~豆腐沙律 $70極具創意的一道沙律, 蔬菜新鮮爽口 不在話下, 日式豆腐也是如絹般的滑溜, 最奇趣之處就是有兩塊米通, 配以濃厚的芝麻醬, 口味就是獨特 ~ 銀鱈魚西京燒 $190魚皮燒夠焦香脆口, 乃是成功的首要條件, 銀鱈魚肉質細緻嫩滑, 脂肪豐潤薰香, 調味得宜, 集合鮮美和惹味於一身, 水準很高 ~ 桂花蕨餅 口感Q韌, 甜度適中, 算是不俗的, 只是略嫌桂花味不夠突出 ~本篇完 ~