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食評 (6)
等級4 2021-01-16
4533 瀏覽
Originated from Jura, France, the Mont D’Or is a soft cheese belted with wood, heated to a melty state when served on table - perfect for Winter. At Thinkwine, the extensive wine list and hospitable wine experts are always there to recommend the best stylish wines around the world. Love their cheese and land platter which features 3 different kinds of cheesy and cold cuts to pair with wines. It’s a perfect place to chill and gather with your friends while enjoying quality wines and snacks! 📍ThinkWine 2 Shelley St, Central 繼續閱讀
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歷史往往都係一塊借鏡,好與壞就憑你自己去判斷。但有時人既心理好複雜,愈想抹去自己既過去,但偏偏記憶猶新,留下一道傷痕。刻意逃避自己既陰暗面,不如勇於面對,搵返自我,自然唔會鑽牛角尖。要諗得開先要釋放自己,黎到中環由兩位著名法國米芝蓮侍酒師Romain Loriot、Jean-Benoit Issele (JB)共同主理既葡萄酒酒吧「T h i n k · W i n e」,搖住杯wine,think一think,wine一wine,你會發現人生就係咁簡單!👇📌S e a -▪ Ceviche Style · Octopus - $120▫ 飲Wine一定要配返最適合既佐酒前菜,呢款用左西班牙風格,以檸汁將八爪魚片醃製而成。凍食既質感特別爽彈煙韌,加上檸汁帶酸酸甜甜既味道,配上White wine,將味蕾提升更高層次!▪ Balik Style · Smoked Salmon - $140▫ 第二道佐酒前菜用上蘇格蘭既煙三文魚,一放入口已經感受到濃郁既煙熏香,加上煙三文魚好有咬口,同平時市面上食開既有少少唔同;佢比較結實,同埋以切件呈上,幾有驚喜。📌Hot · Food -▪ Mediterranean · Quiche - $130▫ 熱食方面我強烈推介呢款素食者一秒愛上既法式蛋餅,佢係用左希臘羊奶芝士製成,表面烘得非常通透乾身;食落外層相當鬆脆,裡面既芝士唔會太膩,反而甜度十足,好好食;配上清新既沙律菜、番茄乾,口感份外豐富。▪ Ibérico Pork · Presa Steak - $150▫ 另一款伊比利亞黑毛豬,大廚將佢切件上,裡面切開呈現粉嫩狀態,食落肉質柔嫩軟腍,唔會太乾身,每啖都保持到肉汁既鮮甜;而沾上自家製果醬,份外甘香香甜,加上對住個無阻擋既露天天台,認真有feel!📌Wine · Pairing -▪ 2017 · Pouilly fuisse Heritage · Domaine Thibert - $170/Glass▫ 話明係葡萄酒酒吧,來頭當然唔細啦,呢到供應超過600個全球品牌,當中淨係來自法國著名地區Languedoc-Roussilon都已經有250款咁多。而最平每杯由$80至到每瓶$35,000都有得揀。今次由侍酒師推介呢杯2017年份既Domaine Thibert法國白酒。入口味道清爽,散發出優雅既果味,絕對適合好似我呢d新手初頭就最岩啦。 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2020-04-02
2554 瀏覽
HAKU X ThinkWine 🍣🍷 Last Thursday, @thinkwinehk invited the award-winning Chef Agustin Balbi (@agux1988) from HAKU over for this one-night pop-up event- Hokkaido Uni Brioche 🍞 was so good! |$220- Tuna, Yuzu Kolho, Wasabit Mayo - Chef Balbi mixed in tuna and beef tartare in this cute little tart! 🐟🐄 |$110this collaboration is great but portions are slightly too small for the price, though I understand HAKU is a big name.• Think Wine is an experimental wine bar with over 600 types of wines, opened by the two French sommeliers Romain Loriot and Jean-Benoit Issele (@loriotromain and @jb_lanime). Think wine-tasting, food-pairing AND CHEESE platters, that's where you wanna go. Would like to come back on an ordinary night to try out the Think Wine menu.  繼續閱讀
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等級4 2020-03-20
1583 瀏覽
Came here for the fist time and quite in love with this place! The interior is cosy and decorated in retro French style, with the plump little baby Eros as their brand icon. The venue isn't big but doesn't feel cramped at all, and there's a very nice outdoor area on the balcony. They do have quite an extensive wine menu (though they don't really do cocktails, only a couple of options there), and a great selection of food to gowith. However, they are current doing a #UnitedWeDine menu as part of a joint campaign in the F&B industry in these difficult times, which was what really prompted me to visit. The menu consisted of three courses for $350, with a wine pairing option for an additional $350. First course was most impressive, being the prestigeous balik smoked salmon which is said to have been the last Russian tsar's favourite, and now Mr. Putin's. I chose to add $150 for caviar on top of the salmon, and it was so worth it! The caviar was the type I like, briny and rich in umami and not just salty, and paired very well with the fresh-tasting smoked salmon. The sommelier actually changed the white wine to champagne for me because of the caviar, which was very good service and hospitality of him. The next course was black truffle risotto. Flavour-wise it was ok, though the rice was too soft and not al dente as it should be in Italian cuisine (they are French though). Finally there was the 64% Valrhona chocolate tart, paired with a fortified sweet wine. The mooten chocolate was actually very rich and decadent, absolutely delicious. Just wish it were bigger so there would be more of that melty chocolate lava! At the end the waitress actually let me try a very interesting wine called "Biscuit", and oh my it was so good! It was milky, Baileys flavoured, sweet but not too sweet, like a perfect second dessert in a glass. All in all I'm very satisfied with the experience. The vibe was just right, happy and cosy but not too noisy. The staff were also very friendly and attentive. They also do pop-up collaborations with various top restaurants in town from time to time. Would love to come back again 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2020-01-27
1342 瀏覽
Great selection of wines with reasonable price; the cold cuts and cheese platter was absolutely delicious. Good vibe, cozy environment, perfect for date night or just hanging out with friends 繼續閱讀
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