港鐵上環站 D 出口
12:00 - 21:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
十一月係我既生日月,友人P一如往年邀請我食生日午飯,榮幸之至,就揀左公司樓下呢間UPP餐廳。提早book左位,接線職員同埋餐廳既receptionist都好有禮貌,餐廳環境唔錯,有落地大玻璃,對住信德直升機坪,陽光灑入,感覺幾悠閒,令人心情愉快。餐廳比起幾個月前黎食唔同左喎,包括前菜、主菜、飲品同埋額外加錢既甜品。前菜可以揀湯、沙律、蒜蓉包,或者加錢轉燒菠蘿或者水牛雞翼。我揀左沙律,朋友揀左湯。沙律除左菜之外仲有番茄仔,配黑醋,簡單美味,另外附有類似foccacia既麵包兩片。朋友既湯係栗米煙肉忌廉湯,望落唔會好水,不過我冇試。主菜係兩份黑松露芝士煙斗粉,份量好大,望落似macaroni with cheese,但食落冇咁漏,我鐘意佢個煙斗粉好al dente,亦都好索到芝士,另外加入一絲絲既黑松露醬,輕易清左碟。甜品係另加既,友人P二話不說order左一件blueberries cheesecake兩個人share,賣相幾有心思,除左cheesecake之外仲有伴碟既朱古力醬同埋融入左士多啤梨醬既cream,cheesecake香濃但唔會過甜,blueberries醬足夠,配埋伴碟既醬汁一齊食,係滿足既甜品。飲品叫左凍檸茶,味道正常,可以自行調較甜度。講東講西,好快過左一個鐘。謝謝友人P既生日飯,同埋今年既第一件生日蛋糕。
As I work in Central / Sheung Wan and like most areas, finding venues for lunch can be quite a challenge especially when the weather is very bad. Anyway, for any of you that tries to find food in Shun Tak knows that, the usual places are fully packed and may need to spend more time queuing than eating. I thought I will give UPP Kitchen & Bar a try because I don't really want to waste time queuing for 30mins when I only have 1hr lunch break. Surprisingly, I didn't really need to wait too long and had to sit at the bar tables until theres a table available. The lunch menu was fairly standard/basic, nothing to surprising. We ordered the soup and salad (for starters) and salmon (for main). I felt the portion was a bit small and the quality was just average. The soup was warm (not hot) and there wasn't a lot of salmon/fish. They serve garlic bread, but again very small portion and wasn't that crispy/hot as I thought it would be.More importantly, I felt the service was not that great. One of the main reasons why the soup/food was warm and not hot, I believe that the service was very inconsistent. Perhaps lack of staff and I am guessing the food had been waiting to get served for a bit of time before the staff took it out. I observed, the tables nearby, one lady (sat down when I arrived, ordered before me) was eating alone and had to wait 30mins for her steak to arrive, had to consistently remind the staff. When I was about to finish, her steak arrived. I don't know about you but considering that most people have approx 1hr lunch break (including walking away/back from office) and the poor customer service level, I may give it a miss. This to be fair, was the last resort on a wet weather because there weren't any other choices. I think with the price and the service level, it isn't that worth it. Lets hope they improve.
跟同事們星期五外出午膳,一行十多人又不想飲茶,有同事提議了信德中心4樓的UPP Glof Club。一直以為這裡是個小型私人會所,原來餐廳也招待其他顧客的。餐廳地方不大,所以安排了一房間給我們。午市套餐選擇不多,大家各自點一個 set。我選擇了鮮蝦丹麥包配薯條,starter另加40元要了輕煎北海道帶子。帶子大隻,用牛油略煎,約7至8成熟,裡面仍然是嫩滑,表面再淋上少許酸甜的芒果醬汁,屬開胃starter。鮮蝦丹麥包上場,看上去以為只有三隻蝦,切下去原來丹麥包內還有三隻,絕不欺場。肉質彈牙的蝦點了mayo sauce, 再加上鬆軟的丹麥包,確實美味,剛炸好的薯條亦香脆,即使熱量超標也不管了。餐廳的食物及環境確實不俗,只是侍應在下單及上菜時顯得有點手忙腳亂,可能是較少一大班顧客來吧。
今日一大班老友記約了上環反局,開反之前來個 歡樂時光這個地方很大,一進入內左手面係打golf 練習場地,再轉入……一大條長巷順序放了十多張枱,全部落地大玻璃,面对海港看看drink list 有好多選擇……而這段時間係buy one get one free.....選了士多啤梨加lemon 特飲……友人選了house Red, 然后選了一份洋蔥圈小吃,我杯特飲清新和酸酸地……味道好夏日。小吃就炸得香口。很愛這個環境及侍應很有禮貌和友善。看個menu 有lunch and dinner,有機會真的想試試。