2024-01-13 4413 瀏覽
今次試咗嘅dinner omakase,菜式豐富如下。令我驚喜嘅係配燒鳥嘅醬汁,非常特別!印象最深刻係煙薰雞頸肉,煙薰味好香!第一次食雞頸肉,估唔到都幾多肉😲另外,餐廳自家製嘅雞湯非常清,無腥味,微微帶胡椒味,暖胃👍🏻菜單前菜:北海道海膽天婦羅及長腳蟹牛油果他他沙律:日本椰菜沙律配炸牛蒡雞湯10串廚師發板燒物(唔小心食多咗串):1. 燒雞胸肉配鮮生葵醬及紫蘇花2. 燒雞腿肉配腐乳麻油蔥醬3. 燒雞髀肉配柚子胡椒4. 麻油燒雞中翼5. 燒野菜6. 煙薰雞頸肉7. 燒雞皮配八角粉及藍芝士8. 燒雞胸軟骨9. 白皮串🐷10. 燒雞髀肉拉京蔥青椒11. 燒雞肉丸御菜:1. 海苔卷岡山吉野牧場燒芝士2. 迷你燒汁雞肉漢堡3. 炸蕃薯球4. 松茸帆立貝茶碗蒸主食:親子丼 / 雞白湯拉麵甜品:日本水果配中結餅雪糕P.S. 由於唔食內臟及牛,師傅就無準備到內臟燒鳥及牛俾我,如果大家鍾意食雞內臟,Yamato嘅選擇都幾多,例如有雞心、雞白子、提燈、淋巴、食道等等。
今次試咗嘅dinner omakase,菜式豐富如下。令我驚喜嘅係配燒鳥嘅醬汁,非常特別!印象最深刻係煙薰雞頸肉,煙薰味好香!第一次食雞頸肉,估唔到都幾多肉😲另外,餐廳自家製嘅雞湯非常清,無腥味,微微帶胡椒味,暖胃👍🏻


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1. 燒雞胸肉配鮮生葵醬及紫蘇花
2. 燒雞腿肉配腐乳麻油蔥醬
3. 燒雞髀肉配柚子胡椒
4. 麻油燒雞中翼
5. 燒野菜
6. 煙薰雞頸肉
7. 燒雞皮配八角粉及藍芝士
8. 燒雞胸軟骨
9. 白皮串🐷
10. 燒雞髀肉拉京蔥青椒
11. 燒雞肉丸
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1. 海苔卷岡山吉野牧場燒芝士
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2. 迷你燒汁雞肉漢堡
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3. 炸蕃薯球
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4. 松茸帆立貝茶碗蒸
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親子丼 / 雞白湯拉麵
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P.S. 由於唔食內臟及牛,師傅就無準備到內臟燒鳥及牛俾我,如果大家鍾意食雞內臟,Yamato嘅選擇都幾多,例如有雞心、雞白子、提燈、淋巴、食道等等。
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
去香港🇭🇰必打卡日料,这家烧鸟好吃到跺jiojio在香港🇭🇰也就只有这家能让我在几十度高温天,🚗驱车几十公里来打卡啦!前几天跟闺蜜来吃过,没隔几天想念到不行,今天juju又来啦咯这家烧鸟🐦味道太棒了,菜品摆盘都很精致。🈵️🈵️的日式风环境,拍照好能出片!微笑服务又有礼貌,关键是菜品品质非常好💰吃过几次不踩雷,日料脑袋们大胆冲🐛✨烧香鱼摆盘很精致,鱼肉也早就很入味了,外酥里嫩又紧实的肉质,要是蘸料味道更绝,一口沦陷✨鸡白子产地直送的走地鸡,肉质弹性十足,肥瘦均匀,脂香浓郁,吃起来又有弹性,味道尊滴好鲜嫩✨提灯在我心中是全场蕞佳了,一口吃进嘴里,蛋液夹带着酱香在口腔蔓延,可太奇妙了,一点腥味都没有✨辛子明太子细腻澄黄的颜值实在太🉑️啦!咸香 辛辣的口感十分丰富,一口沦陷✨小肠端上来老远就闻到香气,颗颗饱满,吃起来Q弹有嚼劲,好吃😋🖤Yakitori YAMATO(香港)🖤香港灣仔活道28號萃峯地舖3-8號#香港#米其林餐厅#探店#米其林#美食#米其林餐厅探店#中环美食#香港中环#丽新餐饮 #丽新餐厅






细腻澄黄的颜值实在太🉑️啦!咸香 辛辣的口感十分丰富,一口沦陷


🖤Yakitori YAMATO(香港)
#香港#米其林餐厅#探店#米其林#美食#米其林餐厅探店#中环美食#香港中环#丽新餐饮 #丽新餐厅
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2023-07-27 5446 瀏覽
. [🇭🇰香港- 灣仔].初訪 - 大阪過江龍嘅串燒店 選用大和肉雞🐓備長炭係基本要求, 店員介紹佢哋嘅炭爐亦都與別不同 - 分左三層, 咁師傅就可以用高中低嘅溫度燒唔同嘅部位👍🏻 的確雞翼特別Juicy🔥另外幾欣賞大廚新派醬汁嘅配搭 - 好似 “雞胸配柚子泡沫”, “雞腿肉配蔥油腐乳”, “慢煮60小時嘅雞皮配八角同Blue cheese”…🍢整體都唔錯, 價錢方面都應該係全香港數一數二貴嘅串燒店.🔻🍽 Yakitori Yamato @yakitoriyamatohk 📌 地址: 灣仔活道28號萃峯地下3-8號舖.#tummysreadyatwanchai #tummysreadyforjapanese #tummysreadyforyakitori

[🇭🇰香港- 灣仔]
初訪 - 大阪過江龍嘅串燒店 選用大和肉雞🐓
備長炭係基本要求, 店員介紹佢哋嘅炭爐亦都與別不同 - 分左三層, 咁師傅就可以用高中低嘅溫度燒唔同嘅部位👍🏻 的確雞翼特別Juicy🔥
另外幾欣賞大廚新派醬汁嘅配搭 - 好似 “雞胸配柚子泡沫”, “雞腿肉配蔥油腐乳”, “慢煮60小時嘅雞皮配八角同Blue cheese”…
🍢整體都唔錯, 價錢方面都應該係全香港數一數二貴嘅串燒店
🍽 Yakitori Yamato @yakitoriyamatohk
📌 地址: 灣仔活道28號萃峯地下3-8號舖
#tummysreadyatwanchai #tummysreadyforjapanese #tummysreadyforyakitori
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2023-07-23 4278 瀏覽
💰: 廚師發辦套餐 - $1,680 p.p.  又一間日本燒鳥過江龍 位於灣仔活道開業一年半左右 雞肉方面選用奈良合作農舍飼養嘅大和肉雞🐓 屬生長期長達 150 日嘅高級地雞  價錢整體嚟講 喺香港燒鳥店算數一數二貴🤔 裝潢跟隨日本侘寂 wabi-sabi風格 典雅俐落 吧枱圍繞住餐廳中央嘅特製備長炭炭爐而建 一坐低已經聞到炭爐散發出嚟嘅淡淡炭燒香味☺️ 採用高溫頂級日本紀州備長炭喺香港嚟講已屬基本🔥 獨特之處喺依度炭爐分成三層 方便用唔同火候燒雞  晚市套餐除咗有12款串燒仲有多款小食御菜 最後煮食仲可以選擇農場直送雞蛋製作嘅親子丼🥚 串燒當中最喜歡預先慢煮左60個鐘嘅雞皮😋 油分超重食落竟然有啲似食雞尾嘅感覺不過有咬口😚 調味方面巧妙配上blue cheese 同八角 另外燒雞鎚下肉喺配由麻油 腐乳同蔥整成嘅醬汁 非常香口惹味😁 亦喜歡外皮脆卜卜內裏juicy嘅燒雞中翼煙肉包車厘茄
💰: 廚師發辦套餐 - $1,680 p.p.  
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又一間日本燒鳥過江龍 位於灣仔活道開業一年半左右 
雞肉方面選用奈良合作農舍飼養嘅大和肉雞🐓 屬生長期長達 150 日嘅高級地雞  
價錢整體嚟講 喺香港燒鳥店算數一數二貴🤔 
裝潢跟隨日本侘寂 wabi-sabi風格 典雅俐落 
吧枱圍繞住餐廳中央嘅特製備長炭炭爐而建 一坐低已經聞到炭爐散發出嚟嘅淡淡炭燒香味☺️ 
獨特之處喺依度炭爐分成三層 方便用唔同火候燒雞  
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調味方面巧妙配上blue cheese 同八角 
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另外燒雞鎚下肉喺配由麻油 腐乳同蔥整成嘅醬汁 非常香口惹味😁 
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2022-07-01 4519 瀏覽
Dinner organised by Bagholic. Brother was excited to try, since he enjoyed his meal at Yakitori Yamato in Osaka, which was famous for its own reared chickens. 6 of us, and we were led down some stairs into the private room in the “basement”. Turned out private room had its own entrance next to 老巴剎 and its own private lavatory. There was also a grill inside the room. Unfortunately there was currently only 1 chef in the restaurant, which meant our skewers would have to be brought down from the mai
Dinner organised by Bagholic.
Brother was excited to try, since he enjoyed his meal at Yakitori Yamato in Osaka, which was famous for its own reared chickens.
6 of us, and we were led down some stairs into the private room in the “basement”. Turned out private room had its own entrance next to 老巴剎 and its own private lavatory. There was also a grill inside the room. Unfortunately there was currently only 1 chef in the restaurant, which meant our skewers would have to be brought down from the main grill upstairs.
Brother queried whether the skewers would be cold by the time they reached us and was warmly assured by servers that they wouldn’t.
Personally I would rather sit upstairs watching the chef at work.
Seemed to be only 1 menu ($1,680 pp). Here’s what we had.
First, a trio of Appetisers, being
-Deep Fried Nara Chicken Fillet supposedly with Tomato, Pineapple and Kimchi Sauce. Since I indicated my allergy to spicy food, chef gave me tartar sauce instead. Not bad, but Brother noted with a scowl that his chicken was cold. Maybe it was supposed to be.
-Corn Paste Canape with Caviar on a piece of charcoal bread
-Grilled Broad Bean. There was some discussion as to whether the “E” should be eaten as well; I found mine generally too chewy and spat out the lining.
Next: a teacupful of piping hot chicken Consomme
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Salad with Mango Passion Fruit dressing; tomatoes tasted fresh; server explained they were imported from Japan.
10 skewers, being:
1. Breast Meat- supposedly with yuzu pepper; server put mine on the side.
2. Chicken Neck- very tender; medium well done.
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3. Chicken Upper Drumette with sauce made with spring onion, garlic, sesame oil, and fermented bean curd
4. Mushroom
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5. Chicken Mid Joint Wing- very crispy skin and juicy inside
6. Heart
6b. Gizzard (stomach)- not in menu, added $100
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7. Chicken Thigh- with very crispy skin
8. Green Pepper- didn’t try as someone exclaimed that theirs was extremely spicy
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9. Chicken calf
10. Tsukune with Egg Yolk
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Condiments: spicy red and green Sansho powder.
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In addition to the skewers, these dishes were intermittently served:
1. Isobeyaki of Caciocavallo Cheese on Seaweed. Isobeyaki is a mochi that is cooked until the exterior turns golden and crisp. Caciocavallo (Italian for “cheese on horseback”) is a traditional Sicilian style cheese, shaped like a teardrop, with a mild taste like mozzarella.
2. 漬物: pickled baby Corn.
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3. Tempura of Burdock (牛蒡)
4. Chicken thigh burger
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5. Tomato coated with hardened sugar syrup- 冰糖葫蘆 style; with the words 多謝 scribbled on the plate.
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6. Last but not least, Chicken and Egg with Rice. I added $180 and upgraded to shark fin ramen. Soup of the ramen was thick creamy chicken soup. Yummy.
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Assorted fruit as dessert.
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In summary: yummy meal. Anything less would simply be unacceptable, given the hefty price tag. Brother noted that the damage would probably be at least half of what we paid had we been eating in Japan. Anyway, plenty of yummy but less pricey yakitori choices in Hong Kong, eg Toritama.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2022-06-07 3233 瀏覽
Throughout the years I have visited quite a lot of sushi restaurants in town, along with many specializing in other types of Japanese cuisine, including teppanyaki, kappo, or tempura. Once I visited a tiny yakitori eatery in TST Energy Plaza called Gomitori that offered an unique experience, and it was with a lot of anticipation when we visited the recently opened Yakitori Yamato in Wanchai Wood Road.The first overseas branch of the Osaka restaurant, you would not miss the place because of the l
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Throughout the years I have visited quite a lot of sushi restaurants in town, along with many specializing in other types of Japanese cuisine, including teppanyaki, kappo, or tempura. Once I visited a tiny yakitori eatery in TST Energy Plaza called Gomitori that offered an unique experience, and it was with a lot of anticipation when we visited the recently opened Yakitori Yamato in Wanchai Wood Road.
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The first overseas branch of the Osaka restaurant, you would not miss the place because of the large logo on the wall outside. Inside is a nice setup, with the grilling station in the middle, blocked by thick glass panels and good air-suction so there is not any hint of smokiness, while one can see all the actions from the chef from one of the 12 seats surrounding the station. The clever design to have the space in-between the table and the grilling station also allows the staff to serve the food in front of the guests.
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The restaurant is only using the special breed of chicken 大和肉鶏 from Nara, hence its name. There is only the Omakase Menu ($1,680) and I opted also for the sake pairing ($980). Head chef Ogura Tadashi, who had trained under founder Shin Yamaguchi for a decade, was already busy preparing the grills while the staff poured me the first sake, 十四代 本丸 秘伝玉返し 特別本釀造.
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The first course was an appetizer, including Fried Chicken Fillet, Caviar and Mashed Potatoes, and Grilled Broad Bean. The nicely fried tender chicken fillet was paired with the runny Cancoillotte Cheese, rich but not dominating in taste. The mashed potatoes were put on a biscuit with the buttery note matching well, and together with the caviar on top giving a bit of savory. The broad bean was grilled just right, cooked through but not over, with a fulfilling soft bite, great together with some sea salt.
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The second course was Lettuce and Grapefruit Salad. The lettuce was very fresh, with nice acidity from the grapefruit and the dressing helped to cleanse the palate and increase the appetite.
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The third course was Double Consomme Soup. Served in a teacup, the clear broth might look light in taste but in fact was highly flavorful, with intense umami. It was also very hot in temperature, an important requirement for the consommé which the chef delivered very well.
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Then it was the first part of four skewers, starting with だき身 Breast Meat. Contrary to the belief that chicken breast is tough on texture, this one in fact was very tender and juicy, with the chef adding a bit of the special sauce, made from spring onion, garlic, olive oil and a bit of fermented bean curd. The matching was magical and from this we already knew the dinner would be a memorable experience.
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The second skewer was ふりそで. The word means swinging sleeves of the kimono and this was in fact the small portion of shoulder meat connecting to the chicken wing. The meat had a better bite than the last piece, apparently because the muscle was more frequently exercised, while the chicken skin was crispy. It got a richer taste as well, so the chef just used salt to season and grill.
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The third piece was にのうで Chicken Upper Drumette. The texture for this one was somewhat in between the last two pieces and was my favorite of the three cuts. The chef had added a green paste which provided additional flavors. A must-order in my opinion.
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The second sake served was くどき上手 出羽の里29 純米大吟醸.
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The last piece for this round was しいたけ Shiitake Mushroom. The large mushroom was skillfully grilled, keeping it moist but not watery. The original aromas and flavors of the mushroom were able to be amply highlighted too.
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Before starting the second part of the grill, the Baby Corn Pickle was served as transition. The pickled baby corn had a crunchy texture, while infused with the flavors of vinegar, giving a refreshing and palate cleansing effect.
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The second round began with 磯辺焼 Isobeyaki, with the chef putting some toasted Caciocavallo Cheese, from a dairy farm 吉野牧場 in Hokkaido, on a piece of nori from 三國屋, a famous producer from Hiroshima. Wrapped it up to eat, the cheese was creamy and rich in taste, and was a great match with the umami flavors of the nori sheet. However, I believe the nori sheet was not toasted again before use, so it was chewy on the bite. A bit disappointing as otherwise this would be another wonderful serving.
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Next came 手羽先 Chicken Mid Joint Wing. The chicken wing was beautifully grilled, with the meat fully cooked while still maintaining its juiciness and the skin very crispy. For this one the chef only seasoned with salt for us to taste the original flavors.
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The second skewer for this round was もも Chicken Thigh. A popular cut with the meaty thigh meat having a bit of fat, juicy and fragrant, while the skin was grilled nicely to crispness. Another delicious piece that I would like to encore.
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The third sake served was 作 岡山朝日 純米大吟釀.
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The third piece was New Interpretation ねぎま. The traditional one usually was made with chicken thighs and scallions, with the scallions helping to balance the fat of the chicken thigh. Here the chef had made a twist, replacing the scallion with Okinawa shallot, plus putting a special miso paste on top. The intense flavors of the miso paste worked well with the chicken and shallot, with every ingredient harmonized in taste. Another of my favorites in the course.
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Wrapping up for this round was ししとう Green Pepper. After grilling, the chef put some shaved bonito on the green peppers, to add a bit of umami taste. The peppers were not spicy, and in fact having a slight sweetness, with also a nice smoky flavor.  
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Then came the Deep-Fried Burdock. The sliced burdock was coated with a thin batter before deep-frying, and then served on a nanbanzuke sauce. The burdock had a nice bite, with the sour taste of the sauce helped to neutralize any heaviness from the deep-fry process.
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Next was Yamato Mini Burger. The cute bite-sized burger had a nicely pan-fried chicken fillet inside, marinated beautifully, and the bun was also soft and fluffy in texture. A pleasant surprise on how good it was, and it would be a perfect snack for all occasions.
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The fourth sake served was 勝山 献 純米吟釀.
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Coming to the last round of the skewers. ハラミ Skirt Steak is the diaphragm of chicken. A wonderful cut with a bit of fat and great bite, the chef had dipped it into the special secret sauce to give even more flavors to the chicken. Another of my favorites in the evening.
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A yakitori meal would not be complete without つくね Chicken Meatball dipped with egg yolk. The minced chicken had a nice bite, apparently added some soft bones to enhance the texture. The rich flavors from the secret sauce the chef dipped the skewer into before serving, and together with the runny egg yolk, was another treat of delight. A must-order.
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Thinking that we could still eat more, we ordered some additions not on the set ($100 each). First was やげん軟骨. The large Soft Bone was from the chest of the chicken, with a fantastic bite.
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ソリレス Soriresu is the inner and upper part of the thigh, a nice meaty cut. The chef had used black pepper to season, and for someone who wants big , meaty and juicy piece this would be the perfect choice.
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The final sake served was 冩樂 純愛仕込 純米吟釀.
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The third addition was せぎも and while on the menu it is written as Kidney, in fact it should be better referred as back liver. A prized cut of the chicken, it had nice fat, rich in umami, fluffy on texture and we also liked the blueberry sauce the chef had used to complement, with the slight sweetness creating the same amazing effect the way foie gras was paired with similar sauce. Another must-try.
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The last addition we ordered was 腰皮 Waist Skin. Recommended by the staff, the skin was fatty but during the grilling all the fatty oil was dripped off, leaving behind a crispy, fragrant, and flavorful skin. Highly enjoyable and eating this would not make you feel guilty.
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Transitioning we were then served the Sugar-Coated Tomato. The cherry tomato was coated with a crunchy sugar surface, with a piece of mint on top. The balance of the sourness and sweetness from the tomato and the coating was spot on, and the mint giving a cleansing effect on the palate.
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Instead of the Chicken and Egg with Rice, we opted for Shark Fin Ramen ($180 additional). The shark’s fin was soft, and the chef added some shredded chili as condiment, with the texture of the noodles also very good. While the broth might look oily, drinking it did not feel that way and I almost finished all the soup in the end.
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The dessert was some Fresh Fruit with Vanilla Ice-cream. A simple yet good way to complete a wonderful meal.
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Service was very good, though because the chef had to stand behind the screen doing the grilling there was no interaction with us. The staff did provide good explanation though, in particular the different parts of the chicken, to help us appreciate. The bill was $5,748 and while it was not cheap, I would say it was worth the visit, to experience a really nice yakitori dinner with some good sake.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$2850 (晚餐)