港鐵中環站 D2 出口, 步行約3分鐘
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
13:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
13:00 - 20:00
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食評 (96)
等級4 2023-12-29
1044 瀏覽
Finally had dinner gathering with my sec sku teacher and classmates. .For appetizer, we got Tako Wasabi, Ikanago, Potato Salad and Barachirashi. The tako was stimulating becoz of the wasabi, which elevated one's appetite. The onsen egg on top of the Potato Salad had a runny egg yolk. The Barachirashi was refreshing and had an abundant amount of diced sashimi. For main dish, we ordered Shio Sashimi Platter, Sweet Ebi Sushi, Sake Steamed Clams and Japanese Fried Vegetables. The Shio Sashimi Platter included salmon, yellow tail, scallop, ebi and red tuna. The sashimi was fresh and thickly sliced. Their sweetness enhanced their savoury.Topped with bonito flakes, the Japanese Fried Vegetables came with a generous amount. The vegetables was well-fried. It would be nicer if it could be hotter. For skewer, we got Grilled Chicken with Salt, Japanese Pork Belly and Zucchini. The grilled chicken looked attractive with the crispy orangish skin. The hotly-served pork belly had a balanced portion of fat and meat..We got a separate area, where we could sit and chat comfortably for the whole night. The wooden decoration and poster created a traditional Japanese atmosphere. Quite an enjoyable dining experience. 繼續閱讀
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價錢相宜既中高檔日本菜 食咁多嘢都係300。超級抵玩 環境又好日本風 好舒服 好適合同朋友黎傾計、食嘢,平時lunch 都會過黎食,佢呢度既嘢食真係整得好有質素。得知舖頭11月尾就會結業覺得好驚訝同埋老闆好堅持 即使鋪面唔顯眼 都唔會整d誇張既poster去博取眼球,食物上面唔做誇張既名,例如雞白湯,佢呢個名聽落完全唔吸引,其實佢係熬煮超過8個鐘既雞湯,飲落去完全唔油膩口渴,正到咁既嘢竟然唔再做真係好可惜,比著我應該會幫佢改名做8小時特濃精華人手熬煮純雞湯汁😂。結業原因係因為輻射水,客量減少左,業主又追得還緊 真係好慘😭私心希望可以撐落去,呢d良心小店真係買少見少🥹🥹🥹希望大家有時間可以多d幫襯啦😊 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
又係一間近期去過好高質嘅居酒屋😚超值得推介!位置上嚟講路痴的我們搵咗一陣🤣店內嘅裝修好喜歡🎎成個環境勁似瞬間帶你身處日本居酒屋嘅感覺-✨味醂魚乾 | 牛舌芯 | 鹽燒雞腿扒 | 帆立貝刺身 | 威士忌黑糖菠蘿 | 牛油果蟹肉沙律 ✨基本上所叫嘅嘢食都非常高質素😚以上呢幾樣印象都好深刻✨味醂魚乾係我近期食過最好食!!調味好出又剛好!好難得魚乾質感做得剛剛好 唔會過硬過乾 甚至乎帶一點濕潤 一口接一口好快清晒😍菠蘿超多汁超香甜 同埋真係有好淡淡的威士忌味道🥃居酒屋有得食菠蘿好多 但whisky配搭好特別 好少見~沙律份量勁慷慨 完全冇諗過咁大兜🤣每一啖都好多餡料 好滿足🥗牛舌心切得偏肥厚 燒得剛剛好唔會靭 好食!雞腿扒啖啖肉🐣雞肉肉質嫩滑 只係簡單薄鹽調味都已經好好食 不過如果更加大嚿嘅話我會覺得更加滿足🤫🤣🤣除咗燒物外 刺身一樣幾出色!帆立貝刺身好厚切(我最愛!)食落好鮮甜 好新鮮🤤好喜歡加配三文魚籽 一齊食會增添一點魚油鹹香🥳整體嚟講非常值得一試 係我會想再去嘅居酒屋🍻但佢highball麻麻哋🤣都係飲返生啤好啲🤣 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2023-03-10
1524 瀏覽
Dinner with friend, all of us haven’t heard from staffs it’s compulsory to have 1 drink per 1 people. Ordered lots of food, it’s closed to last order, one of waiters is like remind us for this “rule”. We are forced to order. Food is okay. But it’s talking customer’s experience. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-03-07
1172 瀏覽
約朋友食個lunch 又要有位真係唔易。shio 係另一個都係附近搵食既朋友介紹既,黎左都幾次,間餐廳愈來愈多人,要等下位。。。。叫左個tonkatsu 吉列北海道黑豚定食($178), 包左一個,芥辣八爪魚,一碗麵豉湯,同埋一個茶碗蒸。不得不讚佢既麵鼓湯都幾惹味。而茶碗蒸都好香滑,熱辣辣上檯。抵讚!我既炸豬扒比朋友嘅壽司定食要等得耐啲,應該真係即叫即炸。嘩,我係香港真係未食過咁厚既炸豬扒,而且仲嫩滑多汁,加埋一大堆超慷慨嘅椰菜沙律。不得了!!塊吉列黑豚放入口脆到自己都聽到,佢厚但嫰呢下真係值回票價。值5粒星!!!不過shio既敗筆之處,仍然係碗濕到痴埋哂既飯。一間日本餐廳/居酒屋要煮日本米且粒粒分明係基本,幾次d飯都係咁,都幾失望。個食評比“ok” 係希望下次黎有碗正常既日本米食。 繼續閱讀
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