港鐵中環站 C 出口, 步行約2分鐘
Grand Majestic Sichuan裝潢奢華瑰麗,特意營造前所未見的華麗格局,意在向 60年代盛極一時的北角麗宮酒樓夜總會致敬。食物方面,主廚重新演繹多款四川經典菜餚,為講究精湛技藝的傳統川菜注入新生命,讓客人品嚐層次豐富、細膩無比的川菜。
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:45
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
最近追睇緊Netflix 嘅《黑白大廚》,收到消息竟然廚藝大賽入面嘅「中華料理女神」朴恩影嚟咗香港,仲要喺Grand Majestic Sichuan到做副總廚😍小fans即刻訂位去朝聖🥰Grand Majestic Sichuan 裝修好似一間Night Club,以紫紅色系🩷💜為主調,非常sophisticated。午市可以叫套餐「瑰麗川味午餐」(兩位用,$688/人+10%)或者散叫。既然我第一次去,當然係乜都想試吓🤩set入面有埋餐廳出名嘅「擔擔麵」啱晒我😋🩷頭盤* 紅油抄手 - 抄手皮厚薄適中,餡料鮮美。甜豉油同辣椒油所混合嘅醬汁香辣中帶有甜味,好有特色又開胃。* 棒棒雞 - 雞肉質地細嫩,麻醬嘅味道醇厚,灑滿芝麻,份量頗多,滋味滿溢。🩷海鮮* 酸菜魚 - 魚片新鮮滑嫩而且彈牙,切得薄厚適中。酸菜嘅味道濃郁,湯底奶白色,鮮甜得嚟又唔會太辣,仲有少少膠質感。🩷肉類* 10 年陳皮安格斯牛肉 - 牛肉塊質地腍滑多汁,陳皮同調味為牛肉增添了一種特殊嘅香氣,連本身唔係太鍾意陳皮嘅我都覺得好好味,好有特色。🩷豆腐* 麻婆豆腐 - 豆腐豆味香濃又軟嫩,手切安格斯牛肉碎令呢道菜更加有肉香,比平時食開用豬肉味道更加豐富。麻嘅味道比辣重,花椒香濃。🩷麵食* 擔擔麵 - 服務員將所有材料放喺客人面前,之後會喺旁邊逐一加入拌勻。手切黑毛豬肉混入於香辣麻醬中,肉香同醬香完美融合,每一根麵條都沾滿醬汁。麵條口感有勁道,煮得恰到好處,真係色香味俱全。🩷甜品* 雜果桂花果凍 - 果凍QQ,晶瑩剔透,帶有淡淡桂花芬芳,配上士多啤梨同藍莓,酸酸甜甜,用嚟解川菜嘅辣同膩非常Match!💖品嘗完女神嘅廚藝,當然希望可以見𠹺真人🤭好開心佢真係願意出嚟同我影相🥰佢真人好靚好斯文,魅力同實力都💯
Grand Majestic Sichuan elevates classical Sichuan cuisine to a modern yet ever-lasting dining experience. While many are convinced that Sichuan cuisine implies intense wave of heat, Grand Majestic Sichuan manage to present a more comprehensive taste profile of authentic Sichuan dishes with an elegant twist. The spot is a hit since their sous chef hot debut at 黑白大廚 and this time I am lucky enough to try out their black series exclusively dinner set——————————————————✨Starters✨棒棒雞、涼拌海蜇、紅油雲吞、拍青瓜Loves the Bang Bang Chicken🐔 the sesame & slightly tangy flavour is addictive; Crunchy jellyfish ➕sliced cucumber pairs so well; Smacked cucumber displays the team’s precise attention to texture, still I wish the wonton to be wrap in traditional 金魚尾instead of 元寶Style to slurp that aromatic dressing ✨Veggies✨乾煸四季豆(non-spicy)No excess oil yet too bland for me, beans are very tender tho✨Meat✨乾煸牛肉絲、宮保腰果蝦仁、辣子雞Not a fan of the stir fried beef silvers, the Kung Pao Shrimp is definitely the star here, Succulent and flavourfulthe firecracker chicken will be better if they have used bigger chicken chunks now is a bit miserable to pick those tiny bits among the 🌶️ ocean ✨Ma Po Tofu✨麻婆豆腐Add on $128, super tender, personally would love more sichuan peppers but it is so fun to feel that heat slowly growing on and numb your tongue 😆a must have item for me eating at Sichuan cuisine ✨Dessert✨桂花冰粉The dinner is wrapped perfectly with a bowl of soothing osmanthus ice jelly, the juicy berries are refreshing ——————————————————Grand Majestic Sichuan@Alexandra HouseRevisit: ✅Food : 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗Service : 🌕🌕🌕🌕Environment : 🌕🌕🌕🌗Value : 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗💸 pp: >$500𝓕𝓲𝓷.Service are above par as one can expect from the renowned Black Sheep Group. Overall, as a HKer with 三小辣tolerance, I would definitely recommend this lovely spot to newbies who used to prohibit themselves from trying Sichuan cuisine for chilli phobia.
因為睇左黑白大廚,所以想試,不過草根開嘅我們去到有點不自在,首先川菜是中菜,但全店服務員都係外國人,落單用英文但明明係中菜,我明白嘅,中環位置,定位較高級食府,有dress code,裝修環境優雅,平日lunch set$688加一,中環金融才俊幫襯佢就等於我們幫襯茶記,講咁多只係想表達餐廳氣氛同我們平時出開街食飯嘅食店唔一樣,至於食物方面係好食嘅精緻嘅款式多嘅,性價比高嘅,特別撞啱優惠活動每位$488加一任點任食前菜+菜類及主食,主菜每人選一款,主菜揀左酸菜魚,十年陳皮牛肉都相當好食,酸菜魚用石班魚塊又厚又滑,陳皮牛肉係驚喜之作,從未食過嘅菜式厚而不韌,調味酸酸甜甜配搭陳皮味嘅餘韻,相當開胃,肉質似係用牛造嘅叉燒食落幾特別,各式前菜,菜類主食都任點任食,睇落簡單食落就食得出廚師嘅用心同調味嘅細節,總之盡情試就是啦,總結Grand Majestic Sichuan試一次絕對不會令你後悔。
The food is totally not worth the price ok it’s creative and innovativeThe hallway have champagne and whisky is fun but can we focus on the food ? the quality and the price is not matching so normal dishes and the way of cooking is so mid….the eggplant is so oily…its taste ok but not worth such pricing , the service is so mid everything so sucks i mean for real if you are looking for Sichuan dishes pls go to Mong Kong those….
香港都可以食到黑白大廚既出品!中華料理女神黎左香港中環川菜餐廳做副總廚☺️ 不但可以食到好好食嘅川菜 仲有機會同女神合照📸.今次我哋中午時間嚟到 食呢到既MAJESTIC LUNCH 瑰麗川味午餐🍽️.午餐套餐係兩位用 包括6款菜式 非常豐富😙 而且估唔到份量好多 2個人都食唔哂😳.|手撕屏東長茄子 & 红油抄手一般食到嘅川式涼菜通常都比較油同埋辣 尤其茄子比較吸油同抄手都會好多油但今日食到既都唔會油膩!好有驚喜~ 茄子帶啲酸味 好開胃🍆 紅油抄手既醬汁都算輕盈 微辣 入面有肉汁🥟.|酸菜魚酸菜魚湯底酸味好輕手 香味比較重🤭 魚係石斑片 肉質厚實 新鮮濃味😙我地唔食得辣 問店員可唔可以揀野食既辣度 佢話呢到既辣度都係minimal🤣 酸菜魚就大概係BB辣如果野食想加辣 亦都可以加餐廳自家製辣椒同XO醬.|陳皮牛肉 // 十年陳皮煮安格斯牛牛肉肉質嫩滑 唔韌🐮 醬汁就冇咩陳皮味 所以食牛肉嗰陣記得將連埋醬汁入面嘅陳皮切條一齊食 咁樣就香好多💕.|麻婆豆腐肉碎係手切安格斯牛😋 麻婆豆腐醬同其他菜式一樣 唔會油膩或太重口味 反而係好香 食落有微微既麻係口腔蔓延😳.|擔擔麵 // 辣麻醬拌麵配手切黑毛豬呢道菜式最特別係店員會即場拌麵🤤 拌好之後 記得趁熱食~ 因為辣麻醬凍左就會黏住