港鐵上環站 E2 出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
Whey 由來自新加坡的年輕主廚Barry Quek掌舵,他遊走世界廚房後回歸家鄉味道,以香港本地食材結合新加坡美食元素,活用北歐料理手法及醃漬發酵技術,為現代歐陸菜注入新生命力。Barry憑藉其細膩樸實的烹飪風格,重新詮釋熱情奔放的獅城味道 ─ 為饕客創造難忘的味覺回憶。 繼續閱讀
米芝蓮一星餐廳 (2022-24)
18:00 - 23:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
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食評 (82)
等級4 2024-09-01
1568 瀏覽
中環「Whey 」時尚歐陸菜混合新加坡菜式,來自新加坡的主廚Barry Quek採用本地時令食材和有機農作物,將家鄉特色融入當代歐陸菜式之中。餐廳裝潢柔和簡潔能夠睇到出菜時主廚有心機同好有heart 地為客人準備菜式。品嘗菜單滿載新加坡風味,每一道菜式都有好有心思擺設,無論前菜都相當美味,我最喜愛招牌法式麵包配黑果醬令人回味,銀鯧魚放在炸蘿蔔、參巴 hijau 以及花生和白芝麻泥上食落口好嫩滑。新界豬肋骨和白胡椒做的肉骨茶香濃鬆化入口即溶,沙薑雞將雞胸及雞髀肉製成肉卷淡淡香滑雞肉,煙燻龍蝦椰漿飯加上新加坡傳統喇沙醬真係食唔停口,粟米雪糕味道恰當不太甜,還有斑斕甜品真是完美的句號。整體來說是一餐很豐富美味的晚餐,性價比高,值得推薦的米芝蓮一星餐廳。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
I recently had the pleasure of experiencing a seven-course tasting menu at a Michelin starred Singaporean fine dining restaurant, featuring innovative dishes crafted by Chef Barry Quek.1. Kueh Serabai and Kueh Loyang: Two delightful amuse-bouche selections were presented, with the first one capturing my preference for its exquisite flavor combination.2. Striped Jack with Spring Peas and Rasam: A refreshing and pleasant start to the meal, this dish featured fresh striped jack accompanied by spring peas and a tangy rasam sauce.3. Whey's Mi-Pau: The standout bread course showcased a black nut (buah keluak)-infused bread with a crispy exterior and soft interior, perfectly complemented by a rich black nut spread.4. Grilled Lobster and Clams in Laksa Broth: This flavorful dish featured succulent lobster and clams in a fragrant and comforting laksa broth, making for a satisfying seafood experience.5. New Territories Pork Bak Kut Teh (supp $268): Chef Barry Quek's innovative take on the classic Bak Kut Teh dish featured pork coated in a delicious Bak Kut Teh sauce, resulting in a delightful surprise for the palate.6. Nasi Ulam with Smoked Grilled Threadfin: A true taste of Singaporean cuisine, this dish featured perfectly smoked grilled threadfin served alongside aromatic jasmine rice and homemade chili sauce, making it a favorite course of the evening.7. Buttermilk Sorbet with Bergamot and Almonds: This refreshing palate cleanser showcased a tangy buttermilk sorbet paired with fragrant bergamot and crunchy almonds.8. Maoshan Wang Durian Ice Cream: A durian lover's dream, this dessert featured a potent Maoshan Wang durian ice cream that left a lasting impression. The inclusion of fresh durian flesh would have elevated the dish even further.9. Petit Fours: The meal concluded with a delightful assortment of petit fours, including kueh lapis, spiced millefeuille, and pandan canele.Throughout the evening, the staff were incredibly friendly and attentive, ensuring a wonderful dining experience. As a special touch, Chef Barry specially presented a small pandan cheesecake to celebrate my recent career milestone. Overall, this fine dining experience was a true culinary journey through Singapore, showcasing Chef Barry Quek's innovative and delectable creations. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-04-16
2746 瀏覽
—🫔 Chicken Liver Mousse🐟 Keuh Loyang with Potato Crisp🐟 Yellowtail with Finger Lime and Caviar❤️🍞 Whey’s Brioche❤️🦞 Laksa Broth with Grilled Lobster and Clams❤️🐮 Holstein Beef Striploin🐟🍚 Nasi Ulam with Threadfin and Sambal❤️🐔 Cereal Fried Chicken (+)🍧 White Peach Sorbet with Jolly Shandy Jelly🧁 Taro Orh Nee❤️🍬 Petit FourSalted Egg Pie Tee • Masala Financier • Milo Hazelnut—🤩 O M G 🤩Whey’s Brioche is soooo good! 是黑果味(buah keluak)的Brioche!😻😻😻香香甜甜又軟軟的 很特別! 吃光光! 超 好 味 ! 成餐都充滿新加坡菜的風味特別是喇沙湯汁配烤龍蝦和貝 仲有竹笙沾汁好味道!😋煙薰馬友拌飯 仲有個自家製的辣椒醬都好惹味!以香港的Fine dining來說的確有驚喜👍 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-01-13
2620 瀏覽
好耐無食過新加坡菜式😋今次同屋企人試吓whey,新加坡主廚以香港本地食材結合新加坡元素,帶黎創新而旦精緻嘅菜式,米芝蓮一星餐廳。新加坡菜fine dining款式嶄新特別,環境好舒適☺️每樣食物好精緻,好好味,到現在還回味無窮,係有驚喜嘅新加坡菜式🇸🇬Whey📍中環威靈頓街198號The Wellington UC樓🚇港鐵上環站E2出口,步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-01-04
2005 瀏覽
同朋友慶祝生日又遇上聖誕節間間米芝蓮餐廳都係聖誕Menu搵到呢間boxing day 已經唔係用聖誕menu所以價錢上冇咁貴成個Menu都好豐富最有驚喜係個魚同埋牛龍蝦飯既龍蝦亦非常彈牙配埋自家製既辣椒醬加少少調味D24榴槤雪糕配件魚子醬亦都好特別D24 既味道不是太濃所以無搶走魚子醬既味道上甜品前亦都會問你要唔要咖啡或茶點了fresh mint tea我好奇揭開個蓋裏面全部都係新鮮薄荷葉估唔到星加坡菜都可以咁好味走嘅時候仲有Chef出嚟 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)