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食評 (91)
等級3 2011-12-28
491 瀏覽
每年都要食一次,雪糕細細粒但係加埋朱古力醬之後,溶溶地放入口,朱古力唔太甜,令到雪糕既味仍然唔會俾搶走,不過食得內D乾冰就挨唔住,D雪糕有少少溶既情況。不過其實都幾抵,因為甜品食少少已經好夠。297蚊REGULAR SET三個女仔食唔晒。下年再試! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2011-10-20
206 瀏覽
放工約了太太在尖咀, 豈料我能準時下班, 一早便到了尖沙咀. 不過, 我無暇行街, 無暇行街有什麼可做呢, 最好不過當然是啤一啤佢, 不過感冒未清, 喝啤酒也許不太好. 再想一想, 一杯熱咖啡, 可以幫忙relax一下.不過, 我身在樂道, 附近可供齋飲既地方只有酒吧. 幸好給我發現了Häagen-Dazs, 終於有地方可以坐同飲飲野. 別以為Häagen-Dazs 只是一間雪糕店, 認真來說, 這是一間同Starbucks差不多的咖啡店, 有cake, 有咖啡, 但多了的, 就是雪糕. 不過我感冒未好, 雪糕就免了. 我坐低, 嘆一杯咖啡, 邊飲咖啡, 邊等人, 而且店子人流不多, 感覺非常之relax.Häagen-Dazs 賣的是美式既意大利咖啡. 不過我要的Latte, 就用了一個法文的名字, cafe au late. 不過沖出來, 不就是拿鐵咖啡麼....而且是美國style的, 泡沫同奶都較多較厚, 雖然是好飲, 咖啡味濃, 但飲落有點飽肚. 整體感覺是relax的, 咖啡又夠濃同香. Häagen-Dazs, 除了雪糕好食, 咖啡也是一個值得加許的一個產品.. 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2011-07-17
129 瀏覽
食完飯想食下甜品,咁就來左呢到LA..想去上面坐.....等左10MIN....唸住睇定有乜野食上去即刻叫...點知上到去......原來除左要+1之外,有D只係做TAKE AWAY既OFFERO...咁算LA...照叫MENU D甜品,樣樣都好靚樣樣都好想食....不過我都係LIKE STRAWBEERY CHESSE CAKE多D....所以...都係叫番2個球..$56元包2個TOPPINGS......幾好味...可惜好快溶食慢D都唔得.....坐左一陣就走LU~ 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2011-05-21
93 瀏覽
I have not write any reviews for a week because I am addicted to some drama series.This review is not about eating there but some HD products bought in 711 after exam.I feel like I am indulged with HD ice-cream for a period of time.This is a really good one coz the outer layer is extremely crispy and super crunchy almond boost the texture!!The caramel is appropriately sweet and will not feel very heavy even I ate the whole stick.Then I tried Cookies and cream sandwich.The outer layer is really crispy,the most crispy ever!After a few days I my family bought 2 family size HD with one crispy sandwich for free!I chose white chocolate and raspberry(even ice-cream has limited edition) and also rum raisin.The white chocolate and raspberry flavour is unexpectedly great!At first I thought it would be too sweet and creamy,but it turned out delicious coz the sourness of raspberry perfectly balanced the creaminess of the ice-cream and sweetness of white chocolate.The rum raisin was chosen coz someone recommend it to me before.I don't drink alcohol but this flavour is worth to try.The rum flavour is fully immersed in the ice-cream and the ice-cream were smooth!One thing was that the raisin were a little bit hard.HD has become one of my favourite dessert brand now.I will go to HD shop to try its tea set for sure.But too poor I had just missed the ice-cream fondue!!! 繼續閱讀
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(For the birthday dinner at Hugo's -->http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/sr2.htm?shopid=35452)...our table was then cleaned, all breadcrumbs and mess from the food wiped off by a briskly waiter, and there came the dessert menu. We read through and suddenly came the ice-cream cake we bought from Haagen Dazs, and my dad appeared STUNNED. (we asked if he had been expecting a cake or something and he said no.) The singer came for a song and we had some enjoyable time playing with the candle and the cake, which was still frozen and hard like a stone, therefore impossible to be cut into Thanks to the crew at Hugo's for helping me with the stupid little trick about the coming of the cake. And of course for helping with cutting the cake as its always a hard task opening an ice-cream cake-much work has to be taken including the warming of the knife and stuff-and i was more than happy to not having do the job myself. Theres no question on the tastiness of the cake as we all know how nice HG's ice cream is. Cookies and cream was the favour we picked and it was sooooooo good. The cake had a thin layer of cream on the crust and it added a little sweetness to the ice cream. All in all, it was delicious. Happy birthday, daddy, and i do hope you have enjoyed the cake-you know how mah-fan you are with sweet things you know 繼續閱讀
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