2011-05-21 92 瀏覽
I have not write any reviews for a week because I am addicted to some drama series.This review is not about eating there but some HD products bought in 711 after exam.I feel like I am indulged with HD ice-cream for a period of time.This is a really good one coz the outer layer is extremely crispy and super crunchy almond boost the texture!!The caramel is appropriately sweet and will not feel very heavy even I ate the whole stick.Then I tried Cookies and cream sandwich.The outer layer is really c
I have not write any reviews for a week because I am addicted to some drama series.This review is not about eating there but some HD products bought in 711 after exam.I feel like I am indulged with HD ice-cream for a period of time.
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Double Caramel & almond
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This is a really good one coz the outer layer is extremely crispy and super crunchy almond boost the texture!!The caramel is appropriately sweet and will not feel very heavy even I ate the whole stick.
Cookies and Cream crispy sandwich
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Then I tried Cookies and cream sandwich.The outer layer is really crispy,the most crispy ever!
white chocolte and raspberry(family size)
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rum raisin(family size)
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After a few days I my family bought 2 family size HD with one crispy sandwich for free!I chose white chocolate and raspberry(even ice-cream has limited edition) and also rum raisin.
The white chocolate and raspberry flavour is unexpectedly great!At first I thought it would be too sweet and creamy,but it turned out delicious coz the sourness of raspberry perfectly balanced the creaminess of the ice-cream and sweetness of white chocolate.
The rum raisin was chosen coz someone recommend it to me before.I don't drink alcohol but this flavour is worth to try.The rum flavour is fully immersed in the ice-cream and the ice-cream were smooth!One thing was that the raisin were a little bit hard.
HD has become one of my favourite dessert brand now.I will go to HD shop to try its tea set for sure.But too poor I had just missed the ice-cream fondue!!!
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Double Caramel & almond
white chocolte and raspberry(family size)
rum raisin(family size)
Cookies and Cream crispy sandwich