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食評 (12)
尖東數月前新開了一間西班牙菜餐廳pico,離噴水池不太遠處。餐廳氣氛輕鬆自在,同時亦設有戶外座位可以在下午曬曬太陽或不太冷的晚上吹吹清風,相信都會幾舒服。我早前一個晚上就與數位食友到過pico品嚐多款飲品與食物,在此要再次謝過食友和公關小姐的邀請。這晚先後試了數款雞尾酒,包括ginger mojito ($88),red sangria ($78) 和blue margarita ($88) 。當中我最喜歡是ginger mojito,在平日飲的薄荷雞尾酒內加添了不少姜粒,清新。而red sangria的果香和酒香都頗豐富,又不會太甜,亦值得推介一喝。至於blue margarita就不是我杯'茶'啦。餐前小食是賣相有點像蝦條,食起來脆脆的麵包條,伴酒不錯。這夜我們嘗試了多款菜式,當中我較喜愛的有Gambas al ajillo ($98)。蝦肉蘸著充滿蒜香的微辣橄欖油,好惹味,用來點麵包亦相當好吃。而Brochetas de vieiras con jamon serrano ($128),鹹香火腿片包著煎香的甜嫩帶子用鐵板上,吸引。Huevos rotos ($118),鐵板上有炸薯條,香辣肉腸片和2隻煎太陽蛋,食之前把蛋弄碎,好讓薯條和肉腸都蘸到蛋黃汁,簡單又美味。2款Croquette都做得香脆不油膩。波波狀的Croquetas de cangrejo y gambas picantes ($88),雖說有蝦肉及蟹肉,但味道過淡。而那長條狀的Croquetas de jamon iberico bellota y trufu ($128),火腿和黑松露香都頗突出,加上炸得脆卜卜,好吃!不過我覺得那48 months jamon de iberico ($318/80grams)就太厚切,影響了食感。至於以下2款就相對較為一般。Patatas bravas ($78)的醬汁帶點微微香辣本來都頗討好,不過薯仔質感做得過軟。Ensalada de pulpo a la gallega ($98),薯仔沙律味道微酸頗清新,但八爪魚肉質偏韌。主食方面我們分別吃了牛和豬2款肉類。US beef tenderloin with sauteed onions, roasted garlic and cabrales cheese ($238 / 10oz),牛肉燒得頗香。而黑毛豬Solomillo de cerdo iberico ($278),肉質香軟,比剛才那牛更出色,推介!此外,我們亦嘗試了飯和麵各一款。Arroz Pico($208)西班牙海鮮飯,味道偏淡,較一般。反而Fideua Spanish style pasta ($318)with king prawn有點驚喜。大蝦肉質爽甜,而意粉伴著番茄、香草和大蝦鮮甜醬汁,味道不錯!甜品是這夜較弱的一環。在吃了的3款中相對較喜歡是Lemon & lime sorbet,酸味特出,幾清新。近年西班牙菜餐廳在香港真是越開越多,雖然這裡暫時還未能打入我心中頭幾甲心水,不過整體印象不錯,餐飲的定價亦合理。如果身在附近又想找個氣氛不錯的餐廳喝喝酒聊天、輕輕鬆鬆吃餐西班牙菜,pico確是值得考慮的。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2014-01-21
1256 瀏覽
自從去西班牙食過正宗既西班牙餐之後, 就鐘意左食西班牙美食啦, 呵呵!估唔到係香港都可以食到咁正宗既美食, 可以比我回味一下西班牙手指餅配PAMA HAM係好普遍既STARTER, PICO 既PAMA HAM 煙煙UN UN, 食得特別過引^0^之後食左個墨魚沙律, 個沙律汁加上墨魚片, 令到我食唔停口, 可能我鐘意煙煙UN UN既食物啦, 呵呵~至於MAIN DISH, 同出面差不多, 所以唔提太多啦!甜品係本小姐既最愛, 一次過點了四款, 好滿足呀! 而不可不吃的有以下兩款: 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-12-17
132 瀏覽
(Tasting Event) PICO is opened by the Shore Group,  which also operates Shore Steak House and The Salted Pig,  as well as East Side Tavern just next door to here.   Pico is named after Picos de Pan,  a bread stick which is localized to Southern Spain in the Andalusian region.  .Picos -Sure enough,  the crispy Picos sticks are served here as they are named,  almost like a shorter version of Grissini!.Sangria -I don't drink Sangria with Spanish food usually,  it's a principle thingy...  If you know about Spanish food culture enough,  most foods are paired with Wines,  Sherries and Beers only.   Sangrias are confined to student parties and using lesser quality wines.   But as a food reviewer I was happy to try this version out and it was good actually -  more about Apples than a Citrusy version and with balanced amounts of wines and other spirit.   ~  7/10.48 Months Jamon de Iberico - $318 for 80gHand sliced but perhaps a bit too thick.  You can say it's generous in portion but I prefer the thinner,  melt-in-your-mouth experience.   I think this could do with either more oilier or else more meat intensity flavour.   ~  6/10 .Gambas Al Ajillo - $98Served sizzling hot on the plate,  this is so far the 2nd version in HK which is correctly bubbly (the other one is at OLE).   I even have a video of this to prove it!   The prawns were huge and crunchy,  but somehow despite the amount of garlic,  I thought it could do with more burnt garlic chips flavour and herbs.  Pretty good version locally nonetheless.   ~  8.5/10 .Brochetas de Vieiras con Jamon Serrano - $138Huge Hokkaido scallops are wrapped in Serrano ham then grilled.  Surprisingly this was one of our favourites for the night,  the scallops were so sweet.   And a deviation from the typical Bacon wrap but with a lighter Jamon coating which worked even better..  ~ 9/10.Croquetas de Jamon Iberico Bellota y Trufa - $128Croquetas with Jamon and Truffle.   I really liked the presentation of this but mine pieces could do with more jamon input and truffle essence.   The texture was rightfully gooey with bechamel sauce however.   If they could make this stronger,  it will be much more awesome and like the ones I ate in Spain.  *One diner said her piece was better though,  so may be I received a dud croqueta      ~  6.5/10.Huevos Rostos - $118Fried Eggs to be 'broken' onto the grilled Chorizo sausage and Fries below,  this was so lovely and won everyone's heart.   A typical Spanish dish and the version here was really enjoyable and well worth a return on it's own.   ~  8.5/10.Patatas Bravas with Paprika and Alioli Sauce - $78*We returned the 1st dish as it was fried too oily and soft.  The 2nd dish arrived being better but to me still not crunchy enough,  it really could do with more Molecular Science approach to rid the potato of it's water and amylopectin starch,  which makes it waxy and wet.   #Fail..   ~  4/10.U.S Beef Tenderloin with Sauteed Onions, Roasted Garlic and Cabrales Cheese - $238This was cooked decently although I prefer tenderloin to be served rarer by default.   The end piece was actually the best tasting one.  Overall this was generous in portion but somehow I expected more and the cheese sauce wasn't too apparent either.  ~  6.9/10.Solomillo de Cerdo Iberico - $278The Spanish Chef raved that this Pork is his secret weapon, which is Grilled Iberico Pork with Romesco sauce and better received than his Suckling Pig.  This was certainly true -  it had a good Iberico Pork Taste and I really liked this dish with a crispy edge too.  Definitely better than the Beef above.   ~  8.5/10    .Fideua with King Prawn,  Mussels,  Calamari and Saffron - $318This dish was love and hate for me.  For me this isn't true 'fideua',  which is much more thinner and chopped up.  This was sliced up Spaghetti strands.   On the other hand the seafood bisque base was stronger than the Paella version,  the prawns had more taste.  The Chef explained that this version might be more acceptable by the locals Hong Kongers who might not appreciate the true tiny Fideua version.   To me improvising or adapting might be a good thing,  but only if it works better.   In this version I thought it simply didn't work for me...   It reminds me of Katong Laksa but much worse.   ~  6/10.Lemon and Lime Sorbet with Dehydrated Lemon - A palate cleanser.  This was really sour and refreshing,  it was obvious that it had 2 types of citrus inputs within.  Don't miss eating the dried lemon slice as it was another highlight and I was surprised nobody really touched it....  I just love this stuff!   ~  9/10 **************************We had a few more other dishes,  and some were easily better than others.  I will say half the food hit the right spot but half were quite thoughtfully presentable in their look but the taste needed some following up to...    Desserts for example was a definite weakness here -  the Fried Churros whilst tasty were a bit dense and oily,  and  not helped by the fact that the Chocolate dip is the pre-bought syrupy type version.   No respectable shop in Spain will serve this syrupy chocolate,  I don't care if you think customers will want it or that,  call me arrogant but I know what I love putting into my stomach.    It really isn't right.   But that Lemon and Lime Sorbet wa so legit and good,  so why not fix the rest of the minor higgles?      繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-11-30
113 瀏覽
相信大家都知道很愛西班牙菜,每次有人問我今晚吃甚麼時,我便笑著說西班牙菜,對方便會說又說: 「又食西班牙野?」對的,當我喜歡一件事情/食物,便會不斷的重複又重複,直到生厭為止。有時我覺得自己這個性格有點問題,但我就是這樣的。這天又吃西班牙菜,走到來位於尖東的Pico;說實話,真的有點遠,從地鐵一路走來,穿完一個又一個的商場,最後終於來到了。這天除了有main menu的選擇外,另外還有一Chef's Special/ Pasta Special Menu;選擇也不算少。一坐下,先吃pico手指餅,鹹鹹脆脆的,我頗喜歡吃這種食物,夠熱氣又沒薯片的肥。Ginger Mojito ($88)充滿了濃烈的giner味,我相信不是人人都喜歡,但我覺得不錯,頗喜歡這ginger的味道。Jamon Iberico de Bellota ($318)48months, 80g對於iberico ham,總是百吃不厭的;而這份的切割手法似乎未夠成熟,比較厚身,我則比較喜歡吃薄身的,因為厚身,難免口感比較肥膩;而鹹香度頗高,總括來說都算不錯。Queso Manchego 100% Cow ($98)Queso Manchego 100% Sheep ($98)這晚共吃兩款manchego cheese,分別是100%牛和100%羊;兩者比較之下,個人比較喜歡100%牛,口感比較軟稔帶creamy感,屬硬中帶軟,與旁邊的堅果包十分相配;而羊味那款則比較乾和硬,芝士味的濃度亦不會太強烈,沒甚麼羶味。Gambas al ajillo ($98)garlic and chili prawns當中的微微的辣椒令到整份菜式更開胃惹味,蒜片份量亦很足;而蝦亦算新鮮,還不錯吧。Brochetas de vieiras con jamon serrano ($128)scallops wrapped with serrano ham個人很喜歡這份帶子,帶子熟度剛好,軟稔中帶點彈牙,滑溜感十足;而外層被一片serrano ham包圍著,火腿的鹹香能帶出帶子的鮮味,而且那火腿煎得脆脆的,很有口感;吃時滴上數滴青檸汁,更加的清新宜人。Croquetas de jamon iberico bellota y trufa ($128)iberico ham and black truffle croquettes很喜歡這個脆脆,炸得剛好不過火,非常脆身;刺穿外層,黑松露已經急不及待要告訴我她真的很香,我也不能再等待了;而potato亦很幼滑,膩感不高;而當中的黑毛豬火腿碎粒亦增強了其口感。Croquetas de cangrejo y gambas picantes ($88)crab and shrimp croquettes兩款炸物之中,我比較喜歡truffle那款;因為這款crab and shrimp的沒甚麼海鮮的鮮味;但炸得不錯,熱辣辣的十分可口。Huevos rotos ($118)grilled chorizo with fries and broken eggs當我這個時,已經凍冰冰了,所以薯條也不脆了;不過同枱的食友則說不錯。Ensalada de pulpo a la gallega ($98)warm-grilled octopus with paprika, herbs, potato salad and fruity olive oil個人很喜歡這個沙律汁,酸酸甜甜的醋,還有點honey味道,非常清新開胃,而當中的蔬菜亦很新鮮;不過八爪魚的味道則一般,鮮味是有的,但質感比較膠,咀嚼有難度。Pimientos de piquillo rellenos de Bacalao ($88)Piquillo peppers stuffed with codfish and cheese gratin上次吃過類似的,那次是凍食,這次來個熱食,差不多的外貌,差不多的材料,不一樣的味道。熱食的,沒那樣的清新;當中的codfish則比較乾身,幸好紅椒還帶些椒汁,以致不會乾巴巴。Solomillo de cerdo Iberico ($278)pan-roasted iberico port medallion with grilled baby leeks and vine cherry tomato, romesco sauce這天分別試了牛和豬的主食,兩者比較之下,又再一次覺得豬是比較出色的。黑毛豬的脂肪均勻又不會過多,肉質亦軟稔,肉味亦濃郁;而旁邊的烤蒜頭更得我心,蒜頭烤至帶焦糖香,吃完一粒又一粒。10oz chargrilled ($238)U.S beef tenderloin with sauteed onions, roasted garlic and cabrales cheese因為我不是吃最粉紅的部位,所以對此牛的說法可能不夠中肯吧。這牛相對上味道沒那樣的濃郁,而肉質則不夠軟,但中間那些是粉紅色的,應該都不會太差??Arroz pico ($208)our signautre paella-style dish for two with chicken, prawns, mussels and vegetables slow-cooked in sofrito and saffron這paella的油份和濕潤度剛好,但小妹比較喜歡吃硬身的米,這對於不太接受"生米"的朋友來說應該都不錯的,而softito的味道則剛好;雖然沒甚麼驚喜,但這個價錢來說也算不俗。Fideua Spanish Style pasta ($318)與paella相比之下,這份pasta的味道更好,al dente的粉;清新的蕃茄味;當中的魷魚亦爽口彈牙,算是不錯吧。吃完main course後,便來些甜的。這個檸檬sorbet酸酸甜甜,十分清新;而質感亦很幼滑細緻,我很喜歡。每間西班牙餐廳都有Churros吃,但不是每間都做得好吃;而pico的churros做得不錯,外層炸得脆脆的,而內脆則很軟,口感不錯,所以我也忍不住吃了數條。這是香蕉蛋糕,蛋糕軟稔,蕉味濃郁;配上冰凍的雪糕十分清新。這裡的食物算不錯,味道雖不是非常突出,但做法還帶有西班牙的風味;來尖東,喝喝酒,吹吹海風,吃吃Tapas,還是不錯的。謝謝食友和公關的安排,我又試多一間西班牙餐廳了。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-11-26
107 瀏覽
今年開飯網的聖誕派對,當晚碰著有另一個約會,所以,又一次缺席,對某些人來說,可能是鬆一口氣吧。不過,今年聖誕派對地點,尖東的西班牙餐廳,Pico,剛在上周某個晚上來試菜,純屬巧合。記得以前的位置是一間意大利餐廳,現今由Shore group旗下的Pico頂替,同系還有L Place商廈內兩間餐廳,Shore與The Salted Pig,前者我只試過午餐,未見真章,後者則在上年尾,曾經與一大班朋友來晚飯,水準不錯。連同隔離的美式酒吧,都是該集團旗下,平日晚上的尖東,遊人不多,餐廳內亦只有兩,三檯客人,或者時間尚早的關係吧。餐牌上的選擇,主要以Tapas為主,至於主菜則只有數款,路線清晰。越來越多地方吃到西班牙風乾火腿,在這裡吃也不會意外吧,48-month Jamón Ibérico鹹香油脂香兼備,帶有嚼勁,另外伴碟的麵包條,你喜歡用火腿卷著來吃也可,你喜歡一口火腿,一口麵包條,亦無不可。Octopus salad,八爪魚肉鮮甜爽口,沙律菜亦新鮮,醬汁調教得宜,酸酸甜甜,是一道稱職的開胃菜。上Tapas Bar總不能少得蒜片蝦的一份,新鮮熱辣才是正經事,偶然也會遇上溫溫吞吞的欠水準貨色,Gambas al ajillo的蝦肉還是連著殼,上桌時仍然沙沙作響,蒜片香氣逼人,與鮮甜的蝦肉,惹味得連剩下的橄欖油也不放過,沾麵包吃一流。其貌不揚的Grilled chorizo with fries and broken eggs,太陽蛋蓋著連平底鑊上的炸薯條與腸肉,吃法是將蛋黃與薯條伴勻來吃,那種甘香甜味,連帶鹹香的腸肉,再加上熱辣辣的薯條,邪惡到呢。。。Scallops wrapped in Serrano ham,在同系的The Salted Pig,也有一道類似的菜式,這類以Serrano ham,包著帶子來燒,熱力把火腿的鹹香,逼進肥美帶子裡面,最難得的是,帶子質感還是那麼嫩滑。數款Croquetas之中,最特別莫過於Ibérico火腿,與黑松露的組合,原來Croqueta也可以這樣玩法。主菜有Solomillo al cabrales,牛扒的生熟程度恰好,肉質軟淋兼帶有燒烤香,最吸引我還是伴碟的原隻燒蒜頭。屬於西班牙人民大鑊飯的Arroz Pico,吸收了海鮮精華的飯粒,煙韌有咬口,其他海鮮亦表現不錯,只是覺得欠了那陣番紅花的香味?最後欲罷不能,由米飯換成意粉,換湯不換藥,效果是出奇地好,眾人吃到差不多到位,面對著這道意粉,鼓餘其勇回氣再上。甜品為Churros con chocolate,不懂的朋友,更笑說這是鬼佬油條,實際上,當你喝酒過量,來一口沾上朱古力醬的Churros ,有解醉之妙。不過這個朱古力醬,未免太過甜,沒有朱古力的那種甘苦,我想是走老少咸宜的路線?我不知道開飯聖誕派對當晚,會吃甚麼菜式,不過收費只是三百多元一個人,簡直是半賣半送。究竟,人在Pico,應該喝甚麼才恰當?當然是Sangria,還要喝Lemon Tea? 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)