港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 D2 出口, 步行約1分鐘 繼續閱讀
Steik World Meats從美國,蘇格蘭、澳洲、日本及阿根廷帶頂級牛排並由澳洲總廚烹調。 繼續閱讀
*午餐: 12:00–15:00; 下午茶: 15:00–17:00; 晚餐: 18:00–22:30; 歡樂時光: 16:00–22:00
12:00 - 23:30
Visa Master 現金 AE 銀聯
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
切餅費 詳細介紹
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泊車 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
牛扒小拼盤 綠咖哩牛油烤帶子
食評 (101)
等級4 2016-05-28
5601 瀏覽
It's been a while since the name "Steik World Meats" popped up except for a recent Restaurant Week promotion. The last time I recalled checking this place out, they had a private event going on that evening so that was the end of it.But when the gang asked me to name a place for lunch this afternoon, this fine dining sister of the legendary Jimmy's Kitchen suddenly came to mind.We decided to order a few lunch sets to share among the five of us. Classic Caesar salad with candied parma ham, croutons, parmesan cheese and anchovy dressing was obviously one of the more popular choices as everyone was fighting for something green to start things off. Not bad (Grade: 3.5/5).I thought it will be a huge mistake not to order this 63 degree slow-cooked egg with grilled asparagus and toasted almond dressing when asparagus is in season. As expected, the asparagus was nice and buttery and of course, working well with the egg yolk (Grade: 3.5/5).Out of the five starters, house smoked salmon was probably my favorite starter, but mainly because of the very refreshing apple jelly.As for the main courses go, we pretty much took the same approach and have everybody share bit and piece of each dish. Broccoli and cherry tomato orecchiette ($158) was barely touched so judging from the responses, it's a very average one from the bunch (Grade: 2/5).Well, it was tough to share the classic beer-battered fish and chips with garden salad and house made tartar sauce ($178) among us because there was no way we could cut this into 5 pieces. But based on the little portion that I got, it was pretty decent. The beer batter was really nice but the fish was just OK in my opinion (Grade: 3/5).Now I am starting question whoever responsible for ordering here. Another fish course? Like the previous fish and chips just ahead of it, it was a decent dish. The texture of the slow cooked salmon fillet ($188) was slightly soft but that's what sous vide does, right? I didn't like the bed of cauliflower purée though as the texture was more like a porridge to me (Grade: 3/5).I thought the star of the afternoon belonged to this pan seared US prime tenderloin steak diane ($298) with potato purée, mushrooms, broccoli and beans. The tenderloin was tender and pretty juicy. I guess one can't go wrong ordering steak at a steakhouse, right (Grade: 4/5)?Passion fruit pavlova, chantilly cream and passion fruit coulis was light with a good balance of acidity (Grade: 3/5).Tiramisu with mascarpone, ladyfinger biscuit and expresso wasn't very good. I was expecting something much more airy and creamy but that's just my personal preference (Grade: 2/5).I remembered this is some kind of parfait (I think). Looks more like one of those Italian desserts from Sicily to me though....(Grade: 3/5)I like the starter portion of this meal a bit more than the main course and dessert part. But for the price we were paying (around $200 per head), I wasn't complaining too much (coz service and ambiance were both very good and oh yes, someone else was settling the bill!). 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2015-11-11
6589 瀏覽
這是第一次到訪。這裏環境氣氛很好!我們一行四人點了四個set dinner。前菜是一口吞拿魚多士,味道一流,好吃。頭盤有鵝肝,毫不猶疑選鵝肝,外表香煎而且一點也不油膩,入口即化,吃完很有罪惡感。 主菜牛扒沒有期望的特別,有點失望! 最後因時間關係,美味士多啤梨cake只是吃了一口就走! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2015-10-26
5719 瀏覽
要搵一間環境好、食物好再加上價錢合理的餐廳慶祝唔容易。經過無數次的K11真係都唔知有間咁好既餐廳,可能因為咁所以我地好似包場咁,地方大,裝修靚坐得好舒服。揀左一個set dinner 加兩個前菜。一開始會有麵包籃,跟住小食有牛油果蟹肉。跟住set dinner 前菜叫左鵝肝,好味入口即溶。之後兩個另外點的前菜有青口同煙三文水。青口好多,細細仔好嫩好味,送埋好好食既薯條。煙三文魚就正正常常,有唔太特別。食到呢度已經好飽,因為個薯條好多食到停唔到口。跟住黎左龍蝦湯,好濃郁既龍蝦味,飲完個口都仲留住陣陣鮮味,不太稀不太杰,口感岩岩好。跟住主菜揀左美國西冷,medium 熟,好期待,因為呢度出名食扒。但食晒落比較普通,牛味不太重,有筋,食左一半太飽食唔晒打包。到甜品,望落似蛋糕,只係糖霜做的,甜甜地。仲有一碟送既甜品,朱古力雪糕,macaron。最後dinner set 包一杯普通餐飲。食物味道都okay, 但服務一流,個個侍應都好有禮貌好有笑容,加上浪漫環境,所以第一次寫食評推介呢度。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2015-08-02
5237 瀏覽
Hightea set $298 for two 跟門口的相片差別非常大,有些沒有得吃,有些份量變得很小,味度亦令人失望,甜品太甜, scone 冇味. 最後我忍唔住問咗餐廳點解跟相片分別那樣大,除相外又沒有menu供客人參考,令客人被相誤導,職員說相片下是寫著"只供參考'...font 細到我無話可說,真的沒有可能留意到...其實款式味度沒驚喜也沒有所謂,只是今次我確有㸃被騙感覺,所以想share  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2015-03-18
8332 瀏覽
這天有人提議吃牛,很隨便地找到這間,我們入座的時候才下午6點,剛剛開始晚市,馬上先拍幾張沒有其他路人的照片。這裡的裝潢及環境氣氛很好,燭光晚餐格調,像酒店的餐廳扒房,座位非常寬闊,我們坐的卡位就算坐6個人都不成問題。餐廳最矚目的應該是這個Dry Age櫃,一些食客特意上前拍照。懶惰之故我們點了每人一份Set Dinner Menu($638@),首先是免費的麵包籃和牛油,未點餐前便已經送上,麵包沒有暖度,真可惜,幸好本身外脆內軟好吃。前菜是一口吞拿魚多士,穩陣的味道,好吃。頭盤有鵝肝,毫不猶疑選鵝肝,外表香煎而且一點也不油膩,平日酒店Buffet的煎鵝肝其實相當油膩,吃完很有罪惡感。入口即化。小龍蝦沙律杯,相對上面的鵝肝...呀...應該兩份都點鵝肝嘛!!這個龍蝦湯不得了,極為香濃,味道上就好像有很多龍蝦膏,亦不太覺得有味精那種鹹味,真材實料的味道!! 主菜之一Char-grilled Marinated Iberico Pork Loin,這部位肉質沒有想像中的粗糙,頗腍。本日第一主角Char-grilled Dry-aged Corn fed USDA Sirloin 10oz出場。沒有多太無謂脂肪,當然肉質味道上是不及Rib Eye啦,不過經Dry-age處理加上基本上只有外表熟了,裡面"生"的佔多,味道不錯不覺得粗糙,牛肉本身亦無需什麼醃料,原本的牛味已覺足夠,只需輕輕地點一點醬料就很不錯。是日甜品是每人一客雜莓焗蛋白!! 好喜歡這甜品!! 吃得好高興!!這個是免費的,味道普普通通吧。最後是比較沒誠意的咖啡,真的是很一般... 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)