港鐵銅鑼灣站 A 出口, 步行約8分鐘 繼續閱讀
樓上法式小餐館,走寧靜家居風。食材、用料新鮮,但擺碟有別於一般的法式餐廳,奉行簡約主義。推介煙燻鵝肝。 繼續閱讀
18:30 - 22:00
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食評 (30)
等級2 2024-02-17
1408 瀏覽
呢度總結左兩次用餐體驗。煙燻鵝肝凍係我最喜愛嘅菜式之一。煙燻味與鵝肝凍融為一體,有別於一般「餐桌煙燻表演」那一閃即逝的煙燻味道。鵝肝凍既絲滑感覺現在腦海中,我會為左佢再嚟。龍蝦湯拍得住Lawry’s Prime Rib既龍蝦湯味道,只係Lawry’s 多左舊龍蝦肉。煎鴨肝外香脆內嫩滑,最緊要係冇渣,亦冇肥膩油益嘅感覺。主菜我個人特別喜愛佢既煎魚。食西餐通常煎魚都唔會特別出色,因為都係急凍魚塊嚟。但係呢度用咗本地新鮮魚,熟成一日,而且煎既火喉剛好,配上炸得香脆嘅櫻花蝦,帶出咗整碟嘅鮮味。牛扒嘅重點係佢既sauce做得好,而且做到我心目中既medium rare。Homemade 油漬鴨腿唔會死咸,個皮係煎到香酥鬆化,配埋個sauce係非常對味。大廚既煎功確係好好,在我看來亦代表係用心去處理每一道菜。好清嘅一碟清燉牛臉頰牛舌蔬菜,好係法式家庭小菜既感覺,我食開重口味,所以冇揀,而注重運動健康嘅朋友仔就覺得呢碟好啱佢。今次嘅前菜係沙律,當然唔係求其沙律吧嘅沙律菜,材料新鮮完全係清新嘅感覺。上一次嘅前菜Roast raclette cheese pot with seafood,用上新鮮墨魚汁嘅海鮮薯蓉再加焗溶咗嘅raclette cheese ,非常之喜愛咁邪惡嘅食物。希望下次再去個Menu有呢一款前菜。一致認同個鳥結冰膏係好好味又唔會太甜, 而且餐廳話我知出面係無得食架,特別矜貴。Crème brûlée 蛋奶味平衡,帶有新鮮雲呢拿香味。最正係佢冇收開瓶費! 佢嘅裝修好cosy, 同三五知己或者一大班朋友舒舒服服食嘢傾偈,係一個好嘅選擇。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-01-07
1284 瀏覽
喺呢間餐廳,我開咗個味蕾嘅旅行!☄️ 首先,自製煙熏鵝肝佢啲煙韌味真係入咗我心窿窿,搭配本地有機無花果,酸甜滋味把煙熏嘅層次帶起嚟,滋味夠貼心。😍 煎鵝肝更加係軟滑得黎帶有彈性,外皮焦香得嚟唔會太膩,真係神準!一啖咬落去,覺得自己都優雅咗。👑肉類方面,美國肉眼扒啱晒牛肉控,16安士豪邁得黎肉質多汁,火侯拿捏得好準,就算我唔係專業食評家,都食得出佢嘅功架。另一啲蔬菜燉牛肉,食落去唔單止溶化喺口,連心都溶咗,呢個必試冇得輸!飯後甜品,鳥結雪糕呢個選擇,清新又唔會太甜,啱啱好咁收尾,過癮!整體嚟講,餐廳嘅服務同食物都係,我愛咗呢一腳,打算開個粉絲團算啦!💃💯🎉 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2023-10-03
1542 瀏覽
進入餐廳已經有優雅的氣氛,浪漫燈光配上古典音樂.呢次係慶祝生日,叫左4個sets,盡量試多啲菜式。先上麵包及法國牛油,剛焗熱,外脆內軟.前菜開胃,龍蝦湯非常濃好味. 麵包太好吃,各添多一個廚師非常好,知道我哋share,會幫我地分埋,逐碟上。煎鴨肝及煙分鵝肝凍非常好食。青口係法國超甜的款.主菜有牛扒,牛面珠,鴿,全部都好高質。全晚服務一流,好有私房菜感覺,㕑師有交流及迎接我們離開。會再encore的餐廳 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-10-01
1267 瀏覽
.早前經朋友介紹嚟到灣仔嘅 - 法國鵝肝專門店 (Le Monde d’Ulysse) 老實講聽個中文名講得有啲老土🤭😹, 原來都已經係香港開左廿年多,早前係中環,2016 起搬左嚟現址至今..餐廳唔算大, 但俾人一種好懷舊家嘅感覺, 懷舊洋式傢俬裝潢俾人一種好舒適但又高雅嘅感覺.Dinner Five Course Menu ($600), 另外某菜式要再top up, 講下當中食過幾有印象嘅菜式:.Starter 有香橙火箭菜沙律配 凍蝦同raspberry source, 幾簡單嘅配搭refreshing..Soup : Chilled Cream of Avocado 🥑 牛油果凍湯😹 幾搞野會係法國餐飲到呢一道, 係好creamy 入口好滑, 唔會好溜不過如果飲唔慣凍湯第一野可能會覺得有啲怪🤭.🌟 到主角終於出場😍, 大廚將煙熏味道完全融入鵝肝醬當中,食時可以配上胡椒鹽豐富其味道層次,入口口感非常幼滑, 🌟 兩面都煎香過而入口非常嫩滑好似入口即溶咁,如果嫌太膩嘅話可以配上無花果一齊食..🍷而食鵝肝配酒經典配搭當然要襯法國Sauternes 甜白酒🍯 呢個經典嘅配搭係傳統法國人食foie gras(法文其實係指‘肥美的肝’, 包括鴨肝,鵝肝 )時都必會用到嘅配搭. 鵝醬味咸,口味濃郁, 而Sauternes 酒味甜但帶有一定酸度, 兩者看似對立但夾埋一齊卻係非常之夾, 酒除左化解肥膩之外更豐富了肝醬嘅味道, 互相昇華🙌🏻2001 年波爾多紅酒雖然唔算係好好年但卻係Sauternes酒其中一個偉大年份!呢加好多都已經適飲而且入口嘅甜度酸度都相當平衡, 附以像蜜桃紅茶般嘅餘韻🤤.雞入口嫩滑而我更欣賞係佢嘅焗飯😹吸受哂雞汁嘅精華非常香🤤.甜品-Nougat Glace, 幾得意嘅一道甜品, 將鳥結糖口味整成雪葩,加果仁等,幾得意..總括嚟講都可以不妨一試嘅餐廳,係度搵到一種家庭洋式西餐嘅感覺, 而當中肝醬和鴨肝質素的確對辦, 重點係免開瓶費🤭🤪 當日就同朋友帶主題為Champagne🍾或Bordeaux 🇫🇷嘅酒🤪🙌🏻.p.s. 餐廳只收現金啊💰 繼續閱讀
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I have frequented Mr Ha's place for 30 years when he first started his business at d'Aguilar Street and I still vividly remember that I had complained about the insufficent air conditioning, definitely not the food!! I have eaten at his place numerous times at different locations in Central and eventually currently in Wanchai.  Whenever I would want to have a decent, hearty French meal in HK, this is the first choice I would think of immediately and not worry a bit about the food quality since never has the food disappointed me once! Service in general is very good but can be sketchy depending on the waiters as it's hard to maintain the good staff. But  food comes first and every single time, I left the place with so much satisfaction which is really rare for a restaurant to maintain such steady and stellar performance.Decor is tastefully designed yet simplistic, Mr Ha  studied photography in France and since we share same interest, we have a lot to talk about, perhaps I talk a bit more than him, LOL! His restuarant furniture is  so tastefully arranged with black wood chairs and benches, side tables nicely placed . Modern Chandeliers , photo prints of his own display on the walls. Low key yet with taste! Food cost, this is one topic I would like to discuss. The norm on the industry is about 15 to 25% where 25% is considered with conscience. So if a restaurant spend 35 to 40% on food cost, it's a steal and food connoisseurs will defintiely raise their eyebrows and eager to find out. Mr. Ha spare no effort in sourcing best ingredients from all over the world with top quality and best price for his customers! Goode liver from Lafitte, France (higher grade than Rougie), not any of the east Europe substitiute; French lamb, Spain aged Gallega beef ( stopped becasue unsteady quality sadly), French eel, Local farm raise chicken, Turbot fish steak, altlantic shrimps, freshest line caught small fish for making soup,  Duckleg confit from France, sea garoupa for main course, french butter to accompany the best mini baguette locally baked, succulent French baby mussels, Freshest White Pearl which he started serving it more than 20 years ago when we seldom even know what Belon or Gillardeau is!) While a lot of trendy or popular Speakeasy restaurants charging similar prices, but the quality of food is nowhere near Mr Ha's and I went to many of these places while food is not bad at all, but it's just lacking the essence of ultimate culinary touch, to satisfy our mouth and tummmy with best food! Mr Ha never promotes himself as he believes his food will speak louder than fancy words and photos. However, many customers who become friends with him will help promote for him such as or food blogger KC Gourmand and Budming etc. His plate decoration never busy but ample enough to displace a simple elegance which fits his low profile style and decor of the restaurant and his food.What about the food quality? It will be meaninless If what has mentioned does not translate in the final product served on the dish! The food in fact is immaculate, well prepared thoughtful , unpretensious , solid and delicious in every sense!Last night, we startedl with a shrimp ceviche which is sweet with blood orange place beneath some shaved d fennel, honest, I have not tasted often such intense green flavour of fennel, lovely!The fish and spinach soup is perfectly prepared, freshly line caught small sea fish and grinded spinach is not a bit heavy but the fish flavour mixed nicely with the greeness of spinach, gulp after gulp of la mer! Sumptuous Lobster bisque is served in many top restaurant and his is among the best. His bisque takes a lot of time  for preparation and has a very very Intense lobster flavour which is a must but must not to a point which become too heavy ! The balance is well judged here.The baby French mussels are tiny but the explosive sweet flavour with the soft and succulent texture pair with white wine sauce is superb despite the sauce is a tad too salty, but I still drink a lot from the shell~Smoked Foie Gras with dried fig - his smoked is bar none, the intense, packed FG  flavour with the added smokiness is such matching with the dried fig that it is such sublime experience!Fried Foie Gras with fresh fig to take away the oiliness never disappopints us, lightly fried , crunchy on the outside, never watery in the inside nor over cooked, puddy texture with exposive flavour vitalised by the light fry. I may slightly prefer the smoked but fried FG is also so so great, so I ordered both needless to say.Main DishDuckleg confit is a mandatory order, soak in its own oil and sea salt overnight and fried to perfection with crusty skin but did not crumpled wth the knife slicing through , taste of duck flavour is intense but it's chinese ham taste makes it interesting and complete.Suckling pig has crunchy skin and tender meat and is every bit as tastyOven cooked French leg of lamb being roasted covered by its own fat, served medium , very soft and tender with the nice oiliness and sufficent yet not over the top lamb taste , it's defintiely his specialty, like the peas and potatos on the side as well, peas so crunchy fresh and potatos so sweet.DessertNougat Glace is the dessert that I would order everytime, with crunch nuts in the middle of the ice cream slice sprinkles with rose bits. my personal favorite!Mango passionfruit sorbet - with eye cringing sourness and  piering acidity cut through the palate that gurantees wake up any student who has prepared for his final eam and stayed overnight. So refreshing with fresh fruit , sourness and iciness , perfect ending for a top and satisfying meal with a nice coffee.Seldom does a restaurant can produce dishes that commands your attention from start to finsih. The whole experience took 3 hours as only Mr Ha manning the kitchen with his wife helping out, but the time spent is worth every minute of it!One thing though, the menu doesn't change often but understanbly so as it's a family run restaurant and it will be too much of an effort if he changes the menu too frequently. However, he does changes one or two dishes from time to time. The meal costs around $800 which screams value for  the exemplary culinary experience in return. Money is not the issue anymore~ Highly recommended for all food lovers with no reservation who cherish solid culinary experience rather than flashy showmanship, bell and whistles and gimmicks!I urge everyone to come and try it out as  it would gurantee an amazing experience for those on who appreciates how hard is to find such great French food experience in HK at a realistic price. Who knows if Mr Ha will retire one day and he has already been talking about running a BnB in French Countryside, and his lease is due in next March........ will defintely be a huge blow to me and my friends if he did not carry on....... 繼續閱讀
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