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❍ 和風白玉 $45豆乳加上軟滑既布丁同煙韌既芋圓都算唔錯🤪 白玉既口感都唔差👌🏻 不過紅豆食落偏甜有啲膩🫘 可惜呢碗既芋圓同白玉既份量偏少 反而有好多紅豆 令到成個味道好一般🫠Toro ball was quite chewy and went well with the smooth pudding🍮 Dango was quite nice🤞🏻while the red bean was too sweet and the whole portion was tiny🥹 It’s not a must try item🫣評分: 7/10🌟❍ 蕨餅丸子 $45由仙草、蕨餅、芋圓同小丸子組成既蕨餅丸子份量明顯比和風白玉多好多😳 幾鐘意好似啫喱口感既仙草同埋好煙韌既三寶🤤 整體黎講唔會太甜仲要勁飽肚 值得一試🥰Toro ball with gross jelly, warabi mochi & mini rice ball had a huge portion size compared to the other one🙈 Loved the jelly-liked texture a
豆乳加上軟滑既布丁同煙韌既芋圓都算唔錯🤪 白玉既口感都唔差👌🏻 不過紅豆食落偏甜有啲膩🫘 可惜呢碗既芋圓同白玉既份量偏少 反而有好多紅豆 令到成個味道好一般🫠
Toro ball was quite chewy and went well with the smooth pudding🍮 Dango was quite nice🤞🏻while the red bean was too sweet and the whole portion was tiny🥹 It’s not a must try item🫣
評分: 7/10🌟
❍ 蕨餅丸子 $45
由仙草、蕨餅、芋圓同小丸子組成既蕨餅丸子份量明顯比和風白玉多好多😳 幾鐘意好似啫喱口感既仙草同埋好煙韌既三寶🤤 整體黎講唔會太甜仲要勁飽肚 值得一試🥰
Toro ball with gross jelly, warabi mochi & mini rice ball had a huge portion size compared to the other one🙈 Loved the jelly-liked texture and the chewy ingredients🍡 It’s not too sweet and super filling, nice😋
評分: 8/10🌟
SOYmart by 豆乳狂人 (荃灣)
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