685 瀏覽
𓎪 ⡱烤五花肉飯 $96烤五花肉飯食落好軟淋肉味濃但唔油膩🤤 五花肉配埋豆板醬就更加香口🐷 一啖肉一啖飯好快就清哂成碗飯keke🙈Grilled pork belly was soft, meaty and delicious but not heavy yet🐖 Doenjang soybean paste definitely enriched the whole flavour😋 Just finished the whole bowl of rice easily🍚 (with this appetising pork belly😆)評分: 9/10🌟𓎪 ⡱卡邦尼炒年糕 $68小食既卡邦尼炒年糕比想像中飽肚🙀因為卡邦尼醬好濃郁同埋重芝士味🧀 加上年糕本身都膩👀 所以最好都同朋友一齊分享 小食多滋味喇💫Carbonara Stir-fried rice cake was super filling!!🥸 Tteogbokki with the creamy, cheesy carbonara sauce was rich but slightly heavy🫣 Better to
烤五花肉飯食落好軟淋肉味濃但唔油膩🤤 五花肉配埋豆板醬就更加香口🐷 一啖肉一啖飯好快就清哂成碗飯keke🙈
Grilled pork belly was soft, meaty and delicious but not heavy yet🐖 Doenjang soybean paste definitely enriched the whole flavour😋 Just finished the whole bowl of rice easily🍚 (with this appetising pork belly😆)
評分: 9/10🌟
𓎪 ⡱卡邦尼炒年糕 $68
小食既卡邦尼炒年糕比想像中飽肚🙀因為卡邦尼醬好濃郁同埋重芝士味🧀 加上年糕本身都膩👀 所以最好都同朋友一齊分享 小食多滋味喇💫
Carbonara Stir-fried rice cake was super filling!!🥸 Tteogbokki with the creamy, cheesy carbonara sauce was rich but slightly heavy🫣 Better to share it with your friends although it’s a snack only🤪
評分: 7/10🌟
𓎪 ⡱韓式人蔘雞湯飯 $102
韓式人蔘雞湯飲落都幾重人蔘味同有少少甘苦 未必人人接受得到🧐 不過對身體都幾有益架🤞🏻而且雞肉都夠嫩滑🍗 整體黎講都算係一個唔錯既選擇🥰
Ginseng & chicken soup with rice was slightly bitter while the soup was super healthy😎 Chicken was smooth and tender🐥 And the soup was aromatic, quite good🤎
評分: 8/10🌟
𓎪 ⡱草莓生米酒 $78
草莓生米酒第一啖覺得幾香甜同有士多啤梨味😌 但第二啖就飲到好強烈既米酒味🍶 而且兩者加埋有啲似咳藥水💊 可能得酒鬼先會鐘意飲😶
Strawberry Makgeolli Cocktail was sweet and fruity🍓 while it paired with the makgeolli was like having drugs😵💫 Maybe it’s suitable for alcoholic only🫢
評分: 5/10🌟
𓎪 ⡱藍柑荔枝乳酪沙冰 + $18
藍柑荔枝乳酪沙冰飲落好香乳酪味🥛 而且沙冰好清爽同甜甜地🤣 賣相亦都幾適合打卡 值得一試🤍
Blue Curacao Lychee Yogurt Smoothies was super milky, fresh, and sweet😍 The presentation was quite ig-able too✨ Worth a try😚
評分: 8/10🌟
梨泰院 (愉景新城) (荃灣)
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