963 瀏覽
先要說這些包點要從餐廳外賣到家中, 能夠保持原有的水準並不容易, 所以建議在店家買完後在附近吃完, 最能反映到食物的質素. 做得比較好的, 就是清真牛肉館的牛肉包, 外賣回到家中依然保持外皮酥香, 內裏牛肉餡爆汁的水準. 這家滬菜餐廳和不少太安樓食肆一樣, 都是沒有堂食的, 拿到外賣之後有不少食客就在附近馬路進食, 最出名的是聲稱日銷5000個的生煎包, 件頭偏小, 有點像在台北師大夜市吃的那一種, 底部夠香脆但略嫌外皮太厚, 而且肉餡偏小, 湯汁在即場吃的時候也不太太多, 如果是外賣到家的湯汁應該會被包皮吸收得一乾二淨.小籠包同樣是出現過於厚皮的問題, 這樣方便保存, 但是吃起來就真的像是吃普通包點一樣, 吃不出廚師的摺功, 更大問題的是湯汁的表達, 對我而言出色的小籠包, 是應該從外表就觀察到湯汁的澎湃, 用筷子夾起頂部, 湯汁會聚在底部. 酸辣湯表現正常, 夠酸帶微辣, 也夠濃稠, 但總括而言, 有點失望!In summary, ordering takeout from this restaurant is not an easy task as it is difficult
小籠包同樣是出現過於厚皮的問題, 這樣方便保存, 但是吃起來就真的像是吃普通包點一樣, 吃不出廚師的摺功, 更大問題的是湯汁的表達, 對我而言出色的小籠包, 是應該從外表就觀察到湯汁的澎湃, 用筷子夾起頂部, 湯汁會聚在底部. 酸辣湯表現正常, 夠酸帶微辣, 也夠濃稠, 但總括而言, 有點失望!
In summary, ordering takeout from this restaurant is not an easy task as it is difficult to maintain the same level of quality. It is recommended to eat the food nearby after purchasing it for the best experience. The beef buns from the halal beef restaurant are a standout dish as they retain their crispy exterior and juicy filling even after being taken home. Similar to many street food stalls in Tai On Building, this Shanghainese restaurant does not offer dine-in options. Their most popular dish is the pan-fried bun, but it is slightly disappointing due to its small size, thick skin, and lack of soup. The xiaolongbao also suffers from the problem of having a thick skin for preservation, which affects its taste and the expression of the soup. The hot and sour soup, although decent, was still a bit disappointing overall.