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如果一日三餐的豉油雞例牌拼白飯的套餐, 你也吃不飽, 又或者吃得不夠喉, 可以怎樣辦? 那當然是點半隻豉油雞, 再加一碗白飯就成, 一個人吃半隻雞一點也不誇張呢! (笑)一日三餐的豉油雞用上的是本土悅和醬園的豉油烹調而成, 醬汁鹹香柔和, 帶天然甜味, 沒有其他添加劑, 除了支持本土外, 也支持天然的食材. 雞皮爽彈, 脂肪較少, 肉質不如秋意般嫩滑, 但又不會死實鞋口, 雞的鮮味不算濃妝烈, 反而醬汁深深滲入雞肉之中, 換來的是層次更複雜的味道, 鹹魚青菜各有所愛, 但肯定的是份量沒有揸流攤, 更沒有出現骨多過肉的情況, 物有所值就是.The Three Meals Restauarnt is famous for her soy sauce chicken which is prepared with the soy sauce from Yuet Wo, made in HK and no artificial ingredients are added. The taste is very natural, fresh and a little bit caramel swee
一日三餐的豉油雞用上的是本土悅和醬園的豉油烹調而成, 醬汁鹹香柔和, 帶天然甜味, 沒有其他添加劑, 除了支持本土外, 也支持天然的食材. 雞皮爽彈, 脂肪較少, 肉質不如秋意般嫩滑, 但又不會死實鞋口, 雞的鮮味不算濃妝烈, 反而醬汁深深滲入雞肉之中, 換來的是層次更複雜的味道, 鹹魚青菜各有所愛, 但肯定的是份量沒有揸流攤, 更沒有出現骨多過肉的情況, 物有所值就是.
The Three Meals Restauarnt is famous for her soy sauce chicken which is prepared with the soy sauce from Yuet Wo, made in HK and no artificial ingredients are added. The taste is very natural, fresh and a little bit caramel sweet taste. The chicken meat is big in portion and you will be full after having it. Texture is firm and the soy sauce is completed immersed into the meat. You will not be disappointed with it.