330 瀏覽
耀東號以豬扒大王自居, 但其豬扒水準比起我心目中的豬扒大王——新景園, 相差了十萬九千里, 先不說它處理豬扒的手法, 單從其偏薄的厚面皮度, 以及件頭甚細已見到不少差異. 炸豬扒雖然炸得乾脆, 但肉質死實而缺乏脂感, 肉汁也偏以, 我覺得和一般茶餐廳和小食店的炸豬扒分別不大, 餐廳這樣的稱呼實在有點Overrated了.撈出前一丁麵的口感夠爽, 做得不錯, 但份量很少, 只有一包麵的份量, 不知是否通貨膨脹的問題, 令到這間店的豬扒和麵份量也有點強差人意. 撈丁麵的汁醬是豉油汁, 味道甜中帶甘, 味道特別, 但和豬扒味道有點格格不入.Yiu Tong Restaurant is famous for her pork chop but the thickness and taste are not as good as my expectation. The portion is quite small and cannot fulfill my tummy. The pork chop is crispy but dry inside. Without any meat juice,
撈出前一丁麵的口感夠爽, 做得不錯, 但份量很少, 只有一包麵的份量, 不知是否通貨膨脹的問題, 令到這間店的豬扒和麵份量也有點強差人意. 撈丁麵的汁醬是豉油汁, 味道甜中帶甘, 味道特別, 但和豬扒味道有點格格不入.
Yiu Tong Restaurant is famous for her pork chop but the thickness and taste are not as good as my expectation. The portion is quite small and cannot fulfill my tummy. The pork chop is crispy but dry inside. Without any meat juice, I cannot feel much of its fresh taste.