31 瀏覽
九龍城有以中藥館返裝修嘅咖啡店。除咗正咖啡之外,仲有正嘢食。係時候嘆番杯。大和堂聯盛李輝記漢堡包 -麵包柔軟新鮮。牛油烘底。 牛肉新鮮而且均勻熟透。肉汁多,手打過的牛肉的確係Q彈爽口。具有濃郁的牛肉味。薯條吃起來有薯仔的香味,油炸均勻。單杯短笛咖啡+單杯特濃咖啡(堅果混合咖啡豆*)- 堅果味濃郁,香氣撲鼻。咖啡本身的奶泡與咖啡的比例恰到好處,將咖啡豆的香氣烘托得淋灕盡致。咖啡絕對是他們的強賣點之一。*可以加 5 元 升級有Fruity SOE 哥斯達黎加天然咖啡豆。結論:他們店裡的顧客絡繹不絕。店裡的人都很放鬆好Chill,服務員也不趕客。食物和飲料都非常棒。非常美味而且愉快的體驗。Tai Wo Tang X Lee Fai Kee Smashed Angus Beef Burger /w Fried Egg -Brioche bread is soft and fresh. Toasted with butter. Beef patty is fresh and consistently cooked through out. Lean and juicy with strong
大和堂聯盛李輝記漢堡包 -
麵包柔軟新鮮。牛油烘底。 牛肉新鮮而且均勻熟透。肉汁多,手打過的牛肉的確係Q彈爽口。具有濃郁的牛肉味。
單杯短笛咖啡+單杯特濃咖啡(堅果混合咖啡豆*)- 堅果味濃郁,香氣撲鼻。咖啡本身的奶泡與咖啡的比例恰到好處,將咖啡豆的香氣烘托得淋灕盡致。咖啡絕對是他們的強賣點之一。
*可以加 5 元 升級有Fruity SOE 哥斯達黎加天然咖啡豆。
Tai Wo Tang X Lee Fai Kee Smashed Angus Beef Burger /w Fried Egg -Brioche bread is soft and fresh. Toasted with butter. Beef patty is fresh and consistently cooked through out. Lean and juicy with strong American beef flavor. Fries are the yellow fries that taste potatoe-ie and consistently fried throughout.
Single shot Piccolo+Single Espresso(Nutty House Blend beans)- very nutty and aromatic. The coffee itself had a good milk foam to coffee portion hence bringing out the coffee beans aroma of the choice. Coffee is definitely one of their strong selling points. They also have the option to +$5 for Fruity SOE Costa Rica natural beans.
Conclusion: their store has a constant flow of walk-in customers. People are very chill lax inside and the servers are not pushy at all. Food and drinks are amazing. Very delightful experience.