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Eat Easy今年八月喺大角嘴開業,雖然店鋪細細間唔太顯眼,但質素真係唔錯架🤩 佢地主打西餐,但亦都有唔少嘅創新fusion菜💓 依家佢地做緊12月優惠,當月壽星可以享有堂食8折優惠,而任何人在消費滿$400都可以有八折‼️依家仲有聖誕海鮮套餐,星期一至日,午市晚市都有供應架😎Eat Easy opened in August this year, and they specialise in Western and fusion dishes. They are also having promotional offers all through December, including a 20% off discount for dine ins over $400. 西班牙酥炸羊肋骨 $158Spanish Spare of LambCajun Dressing, wasabi mayo西班牙伊比利亞羊扒炸至七成熟,羊騷味特別濃郁🐑 外面包住一層薄薄嘅麵包糠,咬落外脆內軟😋 上面淋左啲肯瓊醬,香料嘅味道令鮮味更特出👍🏼 隔離有芥末蛋黃醬,鹹中帶點辣,有助解膩Iberia Lamb
Eat Easy opened in August this year, and they specialise in Western and fusion dishes. They are also having promotional offers all through December, including a 20% off discount for dine ins over $400.
西班牙酥炸羊肋骨 $158
Spanish Spare of Lamb
Cajun Dressing, wasabi mayo
西班牙伊比利亞羊扒炸至七成熟,羊騷味特別濃郁🐑 外面包住一層薄薄嘅麵包糠,咬落外脆內軟😋 上面淋左啲肯瓊醬,香料嘅味道令鮮味更特出👍🏼 隔離有芥末蛋黃醬,鹹中帶點辣,有助解膩
Iberia Lamb was fried till medium well, so it was able to maintain the gamy taste and juiciness. The exterior was coated with a thin layer of crispy breadcrumbs. The Cajun dressing and wasabi mayo was flavourful and went well with the lamb.
12安士美國頂級榖飼肉眼 $348
US Grain-Fed Prime Rib Eye Steak
呢隻係典型安格斯品種嘅極佳級,由美國農業部USDA評定🇺🇸 佢嘅肉質同脂肪分佈平均,含有香醇嘅牛香味🐮 我地叫左5成熟,肉質軟嫩多汁,唯獨係略嫌鹹左少少🤏🏼 但係加埋芥末醬就啱啱好啦😌
US Prime is one of the highest headings of beef in the US, known for their perfect fat to meat ratio and their aromatic beefy taste. We ordered it in medium, and the texture was tender. It was a little too salty, but it was balanced out by the English mustard sauce on side.
義大利椰子雪葩 $68
Italian Coconut Sorbet
用左椰子殼盛載嘅椰子雪葩好特別🥥 裡面加左牛奶同新鮮椰子汁,每啖都食到濃香嘅椰奶味🥛 裡面仲加左唔少椰絲,令口感更豐富😙
This sorbet in a coconut shell is a combination of fresh coconut juice and milk, as well as coconut shreds, which made the texture and flavour similar to an actual coconut.