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厚福街一向都係尖沙咀嘅食街,最近喺附近食完飯就發現開咗一間新嘅甜品鋪。舖面裝潢行無印風格,以木色做主調加上燈火光猛,所以喺眾多店鋪中都幾突出當晚七八點嘅時候經過冇咩人,見到有開心果露就已經覺得幾吸引😍 但係九點十點時候想買嘅時候發現出面已經堆滿長長人龍⚆_⚆ 我哋人太多都決定外賣自取返附近食,而且當時開心果糊就淨返兩碗.... 所以建議早啲去💡🥢開心果露 ($48)口感好濃郁幼滑,食到濃濃嘅開心果味之餘仲唔會太甜/太稠;而且仲充滿香味,如果加埋湯圓應該更加正。就咁睇價錢可能覺得偏貴,但食落份量都多,因為買剩2碗所以被逼4個人share,但最後發現咁樣食份量啱啱好👍🏻 因為係外賣仲自己私伙加多幾粒開心果一齊食😂--------------Pistachios lovers here? GRINDIE might be a great spot for you! It was surprisingly popular by seeing their long long queue outside the shop after dinner time.🥢Pistachios Sweet So
當晚七八點嘅時候經過冇咩人,見到有開心果露就已經覺得幾吸引😍 但係九點十點時候想買嘅時候發現出面已經堆滿長長人龍⚆_⚆ 我哋人太多都決定外賣自取返附近食,而且當時開心果糊就淨返兩碗.... 所以建議早啲去💡
🥢開心果露 ($48)
口感好濃郁幼滑,食到濃濃嘅開心果味之餘仲唔會太甜/太稠;而且仲充滿香味,如果加埋湯圓應該更加正。就咁睇價錢可能覺得偏貴,但食落份量都多,因為買剩2碗所以被逼4個人share,但最後發現咁樣食份量啱啱好👍🏻 因為係外賣仲自己私伙加多幾粒開心果一齊食😂
Pistachios lovers here? GRINDIE might be a great spot for you! It was surprisingly popular by seeing their long long queue outside the shop after dinner time.
🥢Pistachios Sweet Soup ($48)
When heard of Chinese sweet dessert soups, you may think of lots of sugar and sweetness. But for me a good sweet soup should be naturally flavourful by selection of quality ingredients and mastery of cooking skills.
And sweet soup made with pistachios is not only special as it is, its gentle, soothing silkiness is truly one of the great joys in the freezing cold weather. The tanginess of this dessert fully tantalized our tastebuds.
💡It’s going to be a long wait during supper hour, recommend to go early if eye for a Pistachios Sweet Soup (I think it’s their most popular item)