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特意和朋友到Espuma試吓佢哋餐廳周嘅午餐。我哋訂咗1:00 PM 五位,去到餐廳嘅時候好詫異因為全場滿座,完全睇唔到有留到一張五人枱俾我哋。到咗之後完全冇人理會我們,直至到我追問先有人上前跟進。問起嘅時候佢叫我哋等一陣,我問要幾耐因為我們是有訂座的,餐廳職員回覆所有人都有訂的,你等吓啦。聽到呢個回應我有啲錯愕佢嘅態度竟然可以咁差及冇禮貌。最終我哋等咗10分鐘,但係完全睇唔到有跡象會有位坐。期間職員亦都從來冇理會過我哋,我哋五個人就一直企喺餐廳非常之狹窄嘅門口度等。最後我再問餐廳職員要等幾耐,佢完全俾唔到一個實際時間我,只係叫我繼續等,話可能有一兩枱就嚟食完,但係我目測根本所有人都應該啱啱坐低。最終我哋選擇放棄,好彩樓上有間西班牙餐廳Quiero Mas 有五人枱,而且非常好食,但可惜嘅係因為Espuma mess up 咗我嘅訂座,搞到我冇book到Quiero Mas餐廳周。咁嘅服務質素以後都唔會嚟,加上五個人喺中環食lunch訂左位忽然之間冇位令到我好狼狽,而且連道歉都冇,態度仲非常之惡劣。好彩今次係同朋友去,如果唔係會非常尷尬。Really bad experience. W
Really bad experience. We went to our reservation on time to only find the restaurant fully booked and did not reserve a table for us despite having made a booking with confirmation. The server was unapologetic and when approached, simply brushed me off and told me to wait and said that everyone else made a reservation too. She then proceeded to ignore us (5 of us) and we crammed ourselves at this tiny entrance waiting for a table. We waited for 10 mins and there was no sign of hope and when asked how much longer we have to wait, we were simply told to continue to wait with no estimated time frame. Absolute disgrace, I would never return. On the other hand, out of desperation we just rocked up to Quiero Mas upstairs of Espuma and had a beautiful lunch although I was forced to miss out on the Restaurant Week deal since Espuma messed up my booking. Be warned for a bad experience if you choose to dine here.