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日式疏乎厘班戟的熱潮, 似乎在香港已經來到一個尾聲. 幸福班戟只剩下銅鑼灣本店, Gram也是死守在尖沙咀, 要生存下去,唯有以其他和式西餐作輔助, J.S. Foodies一開始的定位就是這樣, 有着Flipper’s的疏乎厘班戟, 也有漢堡包及意粉等, 再加上I.T. 的店面分擔營運成本, 所以還算是可以. 當然我最愛的依然是幸福班戟的版本, 這裏的厚度和蛋香比全盛時期的幸福班戟真的有差, 在價錢差不多情況下, 只能說是較方便的Alternative.芒果和熱情果結合的沙冰, 再在上層加上忌廉, 基本上沒有很大問題, 沙冰口感也算順滑, 沒有大塊的碎冰, 最敗筆的其實是紙製飲筒, 不但吸力不佳, 浸了一斷時間後糊化起來, 在觀感和味道上也大打折扣.The trend of Japanese-style souffle pancakes is ending in Hong Kong, with only two shops remaining. To stay afloat, they are offering other types of Japanese cuisine. J.S
芒果和熱情果結合的沙冰, 再在上層加上忌廉, 基本上沒有很大問題, 沙冰口感也算順滑, 沒有大塊的碎冰, 最敗筆的其實是紙製飲筒, 不但吸力不佳, 浸了一斷時間後糊化起來, 在觀感和味道上也大打折扣.
The trend of Japanese-style souffle pancakes is ending in Hong Kong, with only two shops remaining. To stay afloat, they are offering other types of Japanese cuisine. J.S. Foodies is one of these shops, serving souffle pancakes, burgers, and pasta with the support of I.T. However, the original shop‘s version is still the best, despite a slight decrease in thickness and eggy flavor. The mango and passion fruit shaved ice with cream is decent, but the paper straw is a letdown, as it affects the overall experience and taste.