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今次要介紹嘅係位於鰂魚涌嘅治癒菓子,成間店鋪嘅唯一產品就係脆皮泡芙,而且數量係好有限。佢哋當日五點半開門,然後五點四十五分左右已經售罄,如果想食嘅朋友真係要留意佢哋喺 Instagram 更新嘅開門時間以及當日嘅泡芙款式。Healing Bakery is located in Quarry Bay, specializes in providing its only product, crumble skin puffs. From our experience, they sold out all puffs within fifteen minutes, so you better stay tune of its opening hour from the Instagram page, they will provide updates of today's item.特濃焙茶香烤麻糬 (Hojicha Mochi) $25所有泡芙皆用上日本麵粉,脆皮質素有所保證。麻糬輕輕咁烤過,質感較抹茶款式更豐富,而且焙茶味道好突出,同香烤麻糬味道好夾,兩者同時突顯出烘焙感。依款係三款之
Healing Bakery is located in Quarry Bay, specializes in providing its only product, crumble skin puffs. From our experience, they sold out all puffs within fifteen minutes, so you better stay tune of its opening hour from the Instagram page, they will provide updates of today's item.
特濃焙茶香烤麻糬 (Hojicha Mochi) $25
All puffs were baked with Japanese flour, that gives the quality to its crispness. Grilled mochi gives a thinker layer than Matcha mochi without the loss in chewiness. The flavour of hojicha is outstanding and matches well with mochi. This is the most recommended puff out of the three.
焦糖海鹽咖啡 (Coffee with Sea Salt Caramel) $25
The taste of coffee is richer and bitter than usual. Sea salt caramel will not cover the taste of coffee, and bring a bit of sweetness deep inside the bitterness of coffee. We love the combination of this puff.
丸久小山園抹茶麻糬 (Marcha Mochi) $25
Matcha was added into both mochi and cream, but the flavour is not rich enough for a match lover. Mochi is chewy, but it is less appealing than the above two in terms of flavour.